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America III: Going Deutsche

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    Apparently around 150,000 lead in PA for Trump and very much on course to lose that decider state


      Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
      Rumbles it's just another of Trump's many weakly argued lawsuits over counting
      his plan is apparently to argue that 10,000 people who no longer live in that state have cast votes via mail in ballots. i don't know how he knows this more than likely its just another way for him to spread false rumors, disrupt proceedings and spread dissent.

      This really is a circus.


        Surely voting is tied to a local register? Otherwise every state including the ones he's won would have that issue


          Trump = 18000 in front
          60000 remaining to count


            Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
            Trump = 18000 in front
            60000 remaining to count
            If this is just postal votes to count and hes on track with 80% off the postal vote like he is elsewhere 48000 would be roughly what he would get where as trump would get 12000 putting bidden in front


              It's crazy to think Biden has nearly 3.5 MILLION more votes than Trump and he's still not won!


                Georgia judge dismissed Trump's case there already

                Originally posted by TheGuardianLiveFeed
                A Georgia judge has dismissed the Trump campaign’s lawsuit over absentee ballots in the state.

                The president’s reelection campaign tried to argue election officials were attempting to count invalid ballots in Georgia.

                When pressed for evidence of that claim, the Trump campaign could not produce any.


                  Originally posted by wakka View Post
                  Yeah, even if Biden wins, Trump still got more votes than he did in 2016. There's no repudiation here.
                  This is what puzzles me, the BBC and Cameron started early with their hatred or dislike of Trump (I'm very fair, I think all politicians are scum) and since he got in, looking at the media reporting and even comments here you would think in America he probably comes a close second to Hitler in the least popularity stakes.
                  That being the case how the hell have the Americans voted for him in more numbers than last time, I believe he's done some decent work with the economy but still.

                  Looks like Biden will get in, he certainly has a lot to do trying to rebuild an America with such a polarised population.
                  Last edited by Anpanman; 05-11-2020, 16:21.


                    Originally posted by Anpanman View Post
                    This is what puzzles me, the BBC and Cameron started early with their hatred or dislike of Trump (I'm very fair, I think all politicians are scum) and since he got in, looking at the media reporting and even comments here you would think in America he probably comes a close second to Hitler in the least popularity stakes.
                    That being the case how the hell have the Americans voted for him in more numbers than last time, I believe he's done some decent work with the economy but still.

                    Looks like Biden will get in, he certainly has a lot to do trying to rebuild an America with such a polarised population.
                    Looking form the outside in you get more of a unique perspective your not being bombarded with media pushing agendas and narratives that effect your daily lives.

                    take how these sort of narratives are pushed in the UK labour is always pushed as irresponsible financially, and its a wildly held belief among conservative supporters. But id say we have evidence of this on both sides. Id be the first to say socialist policy's like free wifi for all come across as irresponsible when we've been told for years that we have to tighten our belts and push ourselves out of debt. But then not an eyelid is batted by the same people when we then squander billions on quangos and back handers.


                      Trump's also had his lawsuit to stop the Michigan count thrown out

                      Originally posted by Sky News
                      Trump campaign loses lawsuit to halt vote counting in Michigan

                      Michigan Court of Claims Judge Cynthia Stephens made the ruling during a hearing, saying she plans to issue a written ruling tomorrow.


                        Think this sums it all up;
                        A man who died of coronavirus in October has been elected to the North Dakota state legislature.

                        This isn't the story about it, the quote is near the bottom.
                        The fight for the presidency is down to a few crucial states, so what are we still waiting for?


                          Trump supporters are chanting "stop the count" in states where he is ahead and "count the votes" in states where he is behind. You couldn't write better satire.


                            LET US CHEAT!
                            LET US CHEAT!


                              Can you all please only count Trump's votes!? We demand a banana Republic!!


                                Weighing in on one side earlier today, the president tweeted 'STOP THE COUNT' – a statement that has no effect on the counting of votes and its completion

                                Here's the video. Sorry, forgot the sauce.

