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United Kingdom V: Son of a beach

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    I honestly don't get the bog roll thing either. I think it just comes down to people being generally thick. I bought a big pack last week because it was on the list and we needed some, so right now we've got 30 rolls. As a family of (now) 5, we go through a roll every, what, 3 days? So 90 days of bog roll we have now without going mental- that's just how we buy it. People lose their mind and buy a million rolls and completely overestimate how much they actually ****.


      Plus, for the wee man, we just use water anyway, as we did with the other two. And I wouldn't have any issue just doing that myself if need be. My wife's always on at me to get a bidet, because she's a filthy European and they just have them over there.


        Originally posted by shinobi7000 View Post
        A month a roll Jazz, unless you only go at work (get paid to go), I dunno how it can be done.

        If you believe the impossible is possible...

        ...then the impossible is possible.

        But seriously, I only go like once a day, usually. Strategic wiping, as well. I NEVER get brownfinger (always buy a good roll).

        Also don't need it much when I'm on tabs for my bad back. Constipation. They're like rabbit or owl droppings but scaled up to human size.

        But, anyway. Sponge n' a sink. Don't need to buy ANY roll!


          I have been struggling to understand the toilet roll thing too and what I think it might come down to, as maybe misguided and misdirected as it is, is a need to feel in control of something. Like, at least if things go all 28 Days Later, I’ll have toilet roll. I can’t really explain why it’s toilet roll but I think the need for any security is a very human thing and even the security of having something as regular as toilet roll means those people have one less thing to worry about and, maybe more importantly, they feel like they have taken action. People hate uncertainty. Doing something, even something stupid, seems to make people feel better than doing nothing. But yeah... why toilet roll specifically? No idea.


            I can smash through a toilet roll in a day. Using it for chods, wangles and scrapings.


              "Because THEY're getting it and not ME".


                Well that’s another part of it. It only takes a single story of toilet roll panic buying for a million other people to say: well, if there is a risk I can’t get toilet roll due to these morons buying it all up then I, an intelligent person, will stock up on 7698 rolls if I can get them. It would only have taken one story of a slightly low stocked shelf in some Aldi in the back end of nowhere to kick all this off.

                Edit: Just saw a video of an Irish police chief basically saying don’t do crimes during all this. I don’t know why I found it funny but I did.

                Another edit: good news - turns out I had another pack of the crinkle cut salt and vinegar.
                Last edited by Dogg Thang; 14-03-2020, 20:27.


                  With Europe facing lockdown, pressure to avoid disastrous ‘game of chicken’ talks grows• Coronavirus – latest updates• See all our coronavirus coverage

                  Experts push for the trade talks for Brexit to be extended due to the virus but once again Johnson exposes his true intent by refusing to consider it. Perfectly timed because...

                  And it will cost more here because of the UK pulling out of the European Medicines Agency on 30 December• Three experts explain why Brexit leaves the UK less able to respond to pandemic• Coronavirus – latest updates• See all our coronavirus coverage

                  When a vaccine appears the UK will have to pay more and will get it later than other countries.


                    Just seen religious leaders stating with a straight face that God would not want us to put ourselves in danger so church services will not be held for the public. If you believe in a God you must surely conclude that it doesn't give a **** about humans.


                      God flooded the earth and killed all humans apart from Noah and his wife. The diety loves a masacre.


                        Trump is attempting to buy exclusivity for the vaccine


                          Presumably because some explained what herd immunity actually is, Matt Hancock now says it is not part of the UK’s plan:

                          That’s going well then.


                            Gov response is pissing me off. Chances are it won't be their family members dying off.

                            I've got an immunocompromised gran undergoing cancer treatment and a sister with severe breathing issues. Both will get taken out by this.


                              Well done to our terrific Conservative party for the decade of underfunding. Beds, equittent, staffage. Nice one! Well worth it.


                                Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                                Presumably because some explained what herd immunity actually is, Matt Hancock now says it is not part of the UK’s plan:

                                That’s going well then.
                                And yet it was on Friday - they're walking back the messaging, but not the current processes. The inaction hasn't been changed therefore neither has the underlying policy, just the messaging.

                                As I posted in the other thread, Hancock claimed the infection rate in the UK was much lower than other countries due to the steps UK gov has taken. That was an outright lie (ignore the actual numbers - the rate is the shape of the curve).

                                Based on the current growth rate, today we shloud see 1,628 cases and 2328 tomorrow and breakthough 10,000 by next weekend if inaction and rate remains consistent.

                                Numbers have been release today with a smaller increase of 232 bringing it to 1,372 with 35 deaths (2.55%) that makes a revised number tomorrow based on current rate to 1,651 (rate today was 1.2).

                                That said, there's a caveat here, less people tested last 24 hours

                                2533 tested
                                232 positive


                                4975 tested
                                342 positive
                                Last edited by MartyG; 16-03-2020, 07:04.

