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United Kingdom V: Son of a beach

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    ^ Worked wonders for Japan, that approach. They've tested less than half the UK have, and over a longer period. Results suggest it keep the levels nice and steady!

    Last edited by Golgo; 16-03-2020, 16:57.


      The panic buying started at the weekend where i am (Canvey, Essex) with the shelves of the local morrisons largely empty today.

      Sigh 😔


        Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
        The other thing going on here in Ireland now is that apparently they have massively widened out the testing. If you even have just normal cold or flu symptoms, you're to call your GP to see if they should test you. Up to now they have been sending people out to houses in full on hazmat suits to collect them for tests but I'm guessing that has to change because they couldn't keep that up if they are doing loads of tests.
        Driving up to hospital and they come out and test you in the car is a thing in sligo

        Also the massively widening testing also meant testing people who have symptoms, I cannot remember where i read it but seemed like they were only testing people who came back from abroad or linked with Confirmed cases

        I like that many shops have set up a time period where only elderly can shop, also there is help with finances as well if you have to stay home which is also good.

        But really they have been so slow, wife was sent home from sligo college but problem is the people from college and school I now see in shops as part of the panic buying
        Last edited by eastyy; 16-03-2020, 19:32.


          Ah okay. I have wondered how they can test without exposing a bunch of people so it makes sense to come to the car.


            Imagine if governments around the world had of enacted a Universal Basic Income policy years ago.

            Not looking like such a bad idea now - we have discussed the concept on here before and maybe the current situation should it go on for a while will be the push that makes it a reality.


              This is going to be a great leveller environmentally and ecomomically. Lots of people are already working from home. My commute to the school I work in was so quiet yesterday. Hopefully working from home becomes a new norm for a lot of people. And out of necessity it took only a couple of weeks for IT solutions for call centre staff in Admiral to be able to work from home. How amazing is that!

              I still have people who don't really believe it is true in my family and they would be the ones at risk. I have been trying to warn them for weeks and they still think I'm believing tabloid nonsense. It really is concerning.


                Just a thought...
                The PM and the Tory party as a whole will be receiveing scientific and socioeconomic advice; thing like the pros and cons of closing schools and the impact it can have on peoples lives etc... Will the tory party begin to understand how human beings actually live?


                  Originally posted by Cassius_Smoke View Post
                  Will the tory party begin to understand how human beings actually live?
                  Good one.

                  This is about keeping their voters alive


                    "Our Survey Says!...."

                    Remember the Foot and Mouth Cattle Burning? That's more the Tories approach to viral control.

                    The question of reinfection remains but at the moment it's being considered to be unlikely that most people will be able to catch Coronavirus twice

                    The 47-year-old star of The Wire has said he is feeling fine but urges followers to stay pragmatic and be careful

                    Idris Elba has the virus

                    Tom Hanks and his wife have been released from hospital

                    And in terms of global infections, the UK ranks 10th in the world for total infection numbers which when you factor in that we're the ones with the most relaxed measures and barely any testing paints a dark picture for where we're actually likely at. If the vague speculative talk of 15-20,000 unconfirmed cases is true it would boost us all the way up to 3rd in the world.


                      The numbers aren't accurate anyway, hence places like the BBC quoting estimates of 35k to 50k infected. The UK government isn't testing everyone or making test available even if the majority probably are isolating with the Cold/Flu.

                      Also other countries have been heavily criticised for their testing strategy (i.e. USA) or are extremely secretive regines (i.e Iran). So who knows where we are on the league table.


                        A twitter buddy was bringing his kid to school today where they have had confirmed cases in his kid’s class. They’re not allowed close apparently even if they want to and there were staff members in tears because they know all the connections to themselves and those kids who could be infected as a result, at-risk people. Which seems nuts.

                        Japan was quoted a page or so back due to a lack of testing but, after an initial explosion of cases, their death rate was quickly pulled under control and their hospital system does not seem to have been overwhelmed and I’d put that down to closing places, schools especially, and social distancing. Asking people to be sensible and not gather while sending kids to school is like trying to prevent fires while having everyone flamethrowers.


                          Idris Ebola


                            It really dose feel like the government is trying there hardest to halfarse everything. Boris is looking like a startled deer in his press briefings like he doesn't have a clue what to do. If the number of deaths start moving towards what Italy has He's going to be remembered not as the pm that delivered Brexit but the PM that chose Money over the health of the general public.

                            They have advised us to practice social distancing but are not going to offer any support to be able to do this! everything is business as usual. the advice to isolate and not go to pubs/clubs/events ect leaves all party's out of pocket. The Venue's loose revenue and have no way to claim back loss of earnings on their insurance as officially nothing has been shut down (you can still go along if you like). The public are out of pocket by not being able to get refunded for paid events travel ect if their sensible and choose not to go its just tough luck.
                            Last edited by Lebowski; 17-03-2020, 10:54.


                              Yep, that's a big point. I only really know my end of the working world but, if something gets asked to shut down by government, insurance will usually kick in. Without that official notification, it may not. So asking people not to go out but then not officially asking places to shut down could leave some establishments in a very precarious position, I'm guessing.


                                That's why yesterday was so carefully worded around not covering public events with public services (i.e. Police etc.) rather than cancelling events. It means insurance will not be liable.

                                Kids in school today, but personally think schools will be shut any day now.

