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United Kingdom V: Son of a beach

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    On the radio they keep saying today Hancock will announce if the UK has finally met its PPE target

    ​It won't


      I suspect they will - they'll just adjust the metric.


        Originally posted by Nu-Eclipse View Post
        Absolute propaganda.
        The whole thing is propaganda.

        The initial spark of an idea might have had a some sincerity to it, but this weekly Thursday night phenomenon has morphed into a cynical distraction now.


          It feels like the 1984 daily hate in a way. It's a distraction and a way to galvanise the masses behind something, anything.


            Jesus christ the transparency of intent could blind you


              Worth 142m but he's going to crowd fund to keep the case going.

              Be a shame if he walked into one of his plane engines.


                Living in Monaco...which part of the UK is that again?


                  Its on Canvey on the seafront, wait, he's not living at that Monaco is he???


                    Less than a fifth of the UK public supports lifting the lockdown according to a new poll in a result that will wind up the Treasury no end


                      The first thing I saw on that Guardian story was that the pub in the picture was doing TAKE-AWAY ROASTS

                      Maidenhead is only 30 minutes from me too...hmm...


                        Thats one big bonus from all this. The extra home deliveries places are doing. There is a pie shop near me that is now not only doing hot pie and mash deliveries, but full English breakfasts too!


                          I know, it’s kind of incredible. I’m getting all sorts of random stuff delivered these days. Most of my food comes via subscription and I regularly get bits and pieces from Coop and other places via UberEats or Deliveroo.

                          The genius is that pre-lockdown this would’ve felt monstrously extravagant and lazy. Now I can convince myself it’s the moral thing to do!


                            Apparently they're aiming for kids to go back to school from 01 June. Good luck getting everyone to use their kids as guinea pigs


                              Originally posted by teddymeow View Post
                              The first thing I saw on that Guardian story was that the pub in the picture was doing TAKE-AWAY ROASTS

                              Maidenhead is only 30 minutes from me too...hmm...
                              A local boozer here is doing that on a Sunday and they're flying out by all accounts.


                                Originally posted by endo View Post
                                A local boozer here is doing that on a Sunday and they're flying out by all accounts.
                                We did a bit of Googling and there's a couple of pubs near us doing the same.

                                Our oven is still broken (element blown and can't get a replacement - Dodgy own brand oven) and we don't want to buy a new one without looking at it first.

                                I'm craving roast potatoes!!

