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United Kingdom V: Son of a beach

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    Unpoliceable vague nonsense and there is absolutely, no way, no possible chancr that I'm letting the Tories use my 4 year old son as a guinea pig for school reopening. They can f--- right off with that come June.


      Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
      Unpoliceable vague nonsense and there is absolutely, no way, no possible chancr that I'm letting the Tories use my 4 year old son as a guinea pig for school reopening. They can f--- right off with that come June.


        It’s typical Spaffer.

        A load of slogans and soundbites with no rigour in the thought behind them. It’s like they put a load of ideas into a hat and randomly pulled them out.

        What to do, if you’re a shop worker on June 1, with no car, and kids in years 1 and 4.
        Take one kid to school? Not the other?
        Stay off work? Take the other kid to work?
        Use a bus? Don’t use a bus?

        Just for once, you wish these morons would look at the experience of other countries, think logically, and make decisions that actually make a sliver of sense. They had time and precedent to sort all this. They had the 2016 study. The 2019 report. The other countries ahead of Britain served as case studies about what to do and what not to do. They had the chance to get more PPE, quicker. They’ve screwed it up. Every step, they’ve screwed up. And now they put out this confused mish-mash of twaddle for the country to have to point out its faults.

        Leadership is needed. This lazy arsehole and his kin have handled every little thing pisspoorly.


          I don't really get actively encouraging people to return to work if they can't work from home either. If you're in that bracket you're probably furloughed till the end of June with the Tories picking up the tab. Why would businesses drag such staff in, take on the costs and the unmanageable social distancing constrictions and risk deeper losses when the economy remains closed?

          Also, they're still pursuing a 2 week quarantine on people flying into the UK... unless via France... because... well, who knows at this point


            I'm back in working every day from this week, only half days for me though. Got double the amount of dentists allowed to work.
            Must have a new shipment or slacking rules on the stricter PPE as we were running out of the big visors.



                This is the Tories attempt to re-open the economy but putting the onus on employers to figure out how to do it safely. Considering how the tabloids reported the announcement of today’s announcement I imagine there will be a lot of confusion around all of this tomorrow.


                  They don't care if you die, you just have to do it at a rate that won't overwhelm the NHS. If hospitals start turning people away and folks are dropping dead like flies at home, there will be civil unrest. And that, friends, is what they don't want.

                  Opening the airports again? How exactly are you going to enforce that visitors (whom you don't have a final destination address for) will self-isolate? How many tourists or business trippers will be able to come to the UK and then sit around indoors to a week or two, before conducting their trip? Here, in Denmark, lockdown (which started really early), is easing next week but borders are staying shut until at least 1st June.

                  All because the airlines are whining about the nosedive in profits... classic Tory short-termism and focus on keeping the coffers of private-business (their mates) full.

                  Ordinary folks are just there to feed the economy and pay taxes - cannon fodder in wartime, sacrificial lambs to the economy in a pandemic.
                  Last edited by gunrock; 11-05-2020, 05:41.


                    Raab says you can now meet up with family outdoors. Pretty much the nail in the coffin... literally.


                      I think it's fairly obvious what's going to happen. The more people available to feed the virus without extensive tracing and testing, infection rates will go up - that's just a fairly basic fundamental of how virus transmission works. A small percentage of a large number is still a large number.

                      The very idea you can have social distancing in the majority of working environments is a nonsense. The office building I work in with other companies is the ideal breeding ground with the shared public spaces like the kitchens and toilets and common areas and alarm panels / door buttons etc, all it'd take to infect the entire building would be a couple of asymptomatic spreaders.


                        Our office is coping okay but it's very much on the basis of what's in place. If the furloughed staff had to return then there'd likely be two scenarios to maintain social distancing:

                        01 - Increase Working From Home for those already doing to to being WFH full time every week
                        02 - Lay off the furloughed staff

                        Scientists have found some evidence that certain strains of COVID-19 may be adapting to humans. The adaptations remain rare but are a key concern.

                        Schools have responded poorly to the idea of partial reopening on 01 June. The teacher at ours has said that it's beyond impossible to even attempt such is the swing and a miss of a concept it is.

                        Official death toll rises by 210; government publishes 50-page blueprint; Keir Starmer says Johnson’s strategy has caused ‘considerable confusion’

                        Raab has said that the encouragement of staff to return to work will be effective from Wednesday.... he confirms at 08:30am on Monday morning which was way too late for this infection hotspot


                          Let’s see how the changes announced by BoJo affect things in England compared to Scotland over the next couple of weeks so we can see who has taken the right approach.
                          I hope we’re just being pessimistic about this easing of restrictions making transmission more likely in England.

                          Maybe the virus is past its peak at least in some regions of the countries. There’s been no new reported cases this weekend in my area. We changed shift pattern at work to provide extra cover anticipating an increased absence rate but it came to nothing. None of my family or friends or indeed their families have been diagnosed with covid-19. And that’s covering a lot of different parts of the U.K. from the north of Scotland, the central belt, down into to Wales and even London. I know that’s anecdotal evidence but hopefully it’s a similar experience for a lot of people.


                            It's all on course for the expected timeline. Being a cold virus the summer months will cause a downturn which will lead to a false expectation that it's been beaten or is under control. Until we see the news story 'Vaccine being distributed' then the worst is still yet to come.


                              I'm intrigued (and more than a little anxious) about my job.

                              Field based with minimal ability to work from home - I can't audit a site sat in my kitchen.


                                Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
                                It's all on course for the expected timeline. Being a cold virus the summer months will cause a downturn which will lead to a false expectation that it's been beaten or is under control. Until we see the news story 'Vaccine being distributed' then the worst is still yet to come.
                                I’m curious about this summer downturn idea. I’ve seen it said a few times but I haven’t found out why this would be or if scientists actually think this. What’s the idea behind it?

