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United Kingdom V: Son of a beach

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    Originally posted by Cepp View Post
    The US was just the spark that set this all off, we have plenty of issues of our own. Not small things that can be brushed off; damaging, long term issues that affect generations of people. I mean ****ing hell, Windrush wasn't that long ago.

    That violence didn't come from nowhere, there's a reason people are angry.

    I'm all for the lockdown and I am worried about spikes in a few weeks. I'm not going to tell people they can't protest though, this is too important.
    Bottling and stoning the police and hurling bikes at their horses is out of order and I expect some of these people are anarchists out to commit violence. I'm not white and have argued against racists on many other comments sections and all this does especially at this particular time is breed discontent and undermine the argument. I can't see any good coming out of this.
    BLMUK themselves have questioned the protest.


      Totally agree on the violence against the police. However, tearing down that statue was justified as the council should have had it removed it years ago and installed in a permanent display about slavery in a museum in Bristol.
      There should be no place for a memorial to a slave trader whose company branded human beings and sold them into slavery.


        It seems PizzaGate is back?! I thought that had been put to rest when that lunatic walked into the pizza place with an assault rifle.


          Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
          I've honestly seen takes of "but what about all the good slave traders did?".
          Im sorry, what?


            It's a shame that it's all timed with the pandemic as I expect that in the long run the protests impact will be limited by the powers that be using the viruses effects to stall for time till things calm down again. Having things slip into such a stationary state gives them the perfect out to say they're listening in the short term but to not actually do much. Had the virus been in the rear view mirror then they'd be more reactive in an effort to calm things down but by late summer they'll likely be introducing full lockdown again and bam, there goes the protests. A bit like the environmental push from last year, massive protests and crowds but that movement is effectively dead now because of Coronavirus and any progress it made has been more than washed away. The BLM marches will definitely spark up again post-virus, it's not an issue that politicians can wish away but sadly there will likely be more victims before the embers respark and real change happens thanks to us living in a world of Trump, Boris, Mogg etc.

            The big plans to reopen Primary Schools in the UK are collapsing and the government is expected to later today announce they've abandoned them. There are also reports emerging that Secondary Schools may not reopen in September.


              Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
              Im sorry, what?
              I've seen this too. It's a can of worm of a discussion. Essentially saying without slavery would we have progressed as a society and had sugar and blah blah blah. It's like saying WW2 gave us computers and the atomic age. Sure it did, but was it worth the cost of all those millions?? Would we have got there in the end anyway?? Crazy.

              (disclaimer: I don't prescribe to this nonsense)


                Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
                Im sorry, what?
                Yep. It's PC gone mad! You can't even say the N-word without getting grief now!


                  I have to admit when I see images of the protest, I feel like shouting COOOOVIIIIIID!!! But it is what it is. It’s a particularly bad time for it. There’s never a good time but it’s a necessary thing that has been coming for a long, long time and it just happened to hit now. Well I say it just happened but, if we were to do it over, would have been worth having a word with US police and ask them not to kill George Floyd during a global pandemic.

                  As for the good slave traders, apparently this guy was quite the philanthropist.
                  Last edited by Dogg Thang; 09-06-2020, 08:32.


                    Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                    I have to admit when I see images of the protest, I feel like shouting COOOOVIIIIIID!!! But it is what it is. It’s a particularly bad time for it. There’s never a good time but it’s a necessary thing that has been coming for a long, long time and it just happened to hit now. Well I say it just happened but, if we were to do it over, would have been worth having a word with US police and ask them not to kill George Floyd during a global pandemic.
                    I mean if people want a UK-specific thing, I only recently found out that the bulk of the "facts" reported about the murder of Jean Charles de Menezes were lies.

                    Like most reasonable people, I was saddened by his death but believed that as he fled from police, vaulted a turnstile and ran onto a tube train, then tried to resist arrest - in the aftermath of an incident where individuals blew up buses and such, I felt that while the police had clearly made a mistake, I had some sympathy for the officers involved.

                    Except it turns out that he didn't run from police (they followed him entirely in secret) and that he calmly paid for the tube with an oyster card, and even picked up a copy of the Metro. He only ran when the train could be heard to be arriving in the distance and he would've otherwise missed it. He also didn't really resist arrest any more than anyone would if a bunch of plain-clothes people suddenly pulled a gun on you and shouted at you. Then they dragged him from the train and shot him.


                      A petition is growing against the Manchester statue of Robert Tamworth was a two term Prime Minister and one of the founders of the Metropolitan Police Service which, following the damage caused to a Churchill statue, is starting to build the expected disagreements in split camps over which statues are now being targeted.


                        And highlighting how poor the reliability of the daily UK death count from the Government has become in monitoring the virus and the additional deaths caused by its effect, the Office of National Statistics has updated their 50,000 figure to a new number of 64,000 for excess deaths representing a huge gulf between the two sets of figures. The trend is still downward but 20% above where it would normally be.


                          You know it then gets real when someone wants to pull down and rename everything related to Washington and Jefferson in the US (as they both bought and sold slaves to work on their lands, Washington owned over a hundred by the time he died) but hey, I bet it won't happen... Colston was a much easier target because I bet a lot of people outside Bristol hadn't heard of him before the statue dunking action occurred.
                          Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                            Washington in sunderland will be in real trouble then!


                              The NHS has warned that the waiting list might increase from 4.2m to 10m by Christmas

                              Whilst Boris will warn the EU on Friday that he will be skipping the option of a Brexit Extension due to Coronavirus as the march towards an unmandated No Deal outcome continues.


                                The former Chief Inspector of Schools has said that the Governments approach to school reopenings has been an 'absolute tragedy'

                                A campaign has started pushing for one final Clap for the NHS on Sunday 05 July in celebration of the services 72nd Birthday

                                Zoopla has claimed that property sales have returned to pre-lockdown levels across England with just London lagging. Feels a little premature though as surely a bulk of that will be sales that were about to start or part way completed pre-lockdown finally being able to move forward now that restrictions have been lifted, maintaining that as unemployment sky rockets will be much harder.

                                And we must denounce all racists! Unless they're Prince Phillip in which case we'll not mention his many public instances and just celebrate that he's 99 and not dead yet!

