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    MPs question government’s two-metre rule; UK official death toll rises by 38; Priti Patel condemns ‘far-right thugs’ at London march at weekend

    Outcome of the review of the 2 metre rule is expected fairly soon. Gee, I wonder what they'll decide...


      Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
      Outcome of the review of the 2 metre rule is expected fairly soon. Gee, I wonder what they'll decide...
      To be fair before all this started honestly how close did you get to anybody in the street?
      I mean apart from when I was in a supermarket/Primark Queueing or whatever I was rarely any closer then 1-2 metres to anybody that wasn't my family & even now if you do an Aldi/Sainsburys/Tesco shop as soon as you are in the shop it's free for all anyway, people only adhere to that rule when queuing to go in (And some people need educating on 2 metres as well...I swear if it was strict 2 metres the queues would be much shorter...some people seem to leave like 3 or 4 car lengths between them & the people in front) once inside no one gives a toss

      It's going to come's bound too



        Yeah, it's just a matter of deciding what is a most plausible amount of time to do nothing while pretending to 'CONSULT THE SCIENCE' on the matter. Better ask Dominic.


          The two metre rule has been a joke from the start when it comes to supermarket shopping during the lockdown. You queue in a very civilized fashion to get in but once there even with one way systems and floor markings its impossible to maintain a 2m distance.

          My own feeling is that if you have to wait for another shopper to browse beyond the 2m mark for more than 30 seconds you're better off ignoring the rule. Simple reasoning you're in an enclosed space and the longer you're there the more chance there is of crossing paths with a carrier ergo the faster you can shop and get out the better.

          Do not get me onto what people do when they leave the store - so many times I've seen people just walking past the queue with their shopping barely keeping 1m apart and that's despite there being at least 5m of car park road space they could be using instead. The variety of transgressions like that over the weeks have been almost comical. I've seen a cyclist load up his bags right next to the entrance, get on the bike and then weave in and out of the queue grinning like a prick.

          But there's another thing I've been wanting to bring up about our 'wonderful UK supermarkets' that have been kept open and well stocked by a whole chain of workers over the last three months or however long its been. How many of them have actually changed the store layout?

          My main supermarket is one of the biggest in NW London but it has not changed at all. Its layout is exactly the same which means it is maintaining its marketing centred design, planned to create maximum sales by encouraging shoppers to stay as long as possible. They do this at its simplest level by putting key essential products in all four corners so you pass as many shelves as possible during your visit.

          In effect that also makes you cross paths with as many other people as are in the store too which is, of course, now completely at odds with the maintenance of public health. The irony of this contradiction is one of the dark delights of these farcical times.


            Sadly, before the virus hit I'd say the frequency peopel in the street came within less than 2m of me was... all the time. It's always been a bugbear that most people have an absolutely awful sense of personal space invasion. If anything the biggest issue with the 2m is the absolute con the Tories are trying to pull when then they shoudl simply say that they're going to drop it because they feel the economic risks outweight the viral ones. Pretending that being 2m away from someone coughing in your face isn't safer than being 1m or less is daft. Doesn't matter though, the public can muse on it in their new Primark suit in October when they're attending their socially distanced funeral of a loved one.


              It is impossible to distance in my local tesco express. Staff gave up on day 1. Theres always 2 stocking shelves. None of them have had coronovirus. For 3 months, i have been expecting at least one of them to and pass it on to the elderly population who come in every day for their daily mail.

              But yes, good point FA. Eggs, bread and milk and spread throughout the store.


                It's a hard one as you're never sure where the virus has exactly been picked up from. I know of one guy who works at Asda who briefly had to self-isolate but wasn't heavily hit by it, his Dad's dead from it now though but not sure if there's a link or it was picked up apart.


                  Double dismay day.

                  Dismay after UK fails to join EU-led scheme to revive tourism
                  Hospitality sector calls on No 10 to rethink absence from travel information app and website

                  Dismay as No 10 adviser is chosen to set up UK race inequality commission
                  Munira Mirza has doubted existence of institutional racism and criticised ‘culture of grievance’


                    We're completely going to see a multi-year Trump style descent into the very worst the Tories can accomplish over the next 4+ years. People talk about how badly the Tories could end up getting battered at the next GE as a result but I honestly think Johnson has zero plans to be PM next time around, he's accomplished his goal and he'll duck out of the aftermath to get back into the areas where he can pocket the sums of cash he was before, chipping from the sidelines.


                      Johnson doesn't want to be Prime Minister, he wants to have been Prime Minister.


                        100% Torys get voted in again. We have reached a point were people are willing to accept large fatalities and horrendous policies as long as they are OK.


                          Originally posted by Cassius_Smoke View Post
                          100% Torys get voted in again. We have reached a point were people are willing to accept large fatalities and horrendous policies as long as they are OK.
                          I'm sure this is true. I was out for a walk in the park on the weekend and a couple of Tory dowagers were speaking in the loud plummy way they do in order that their voices carry, that "Boris might have made some mistakes, yes, but they're mistakes anyone could have made, and I for one am not changing my loyalties!"


                            Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
                            Johnson doesn't want to be Prime Minister, he wants to have been Prime Minister.
                            Correct. He's just collecting material for the lucrative after-dinner speech circuit.


                              Originally posted by Golgo View Post
                              I'm sure this is true. I was out for a walk in the park on the weekend and a couple of Tory dowagers were speaking in the loud plummy way they do in order that their voices carry, that "Boris might have made some mistakes, yes, but they're mistakes anyone could have made, and I for one am not changing my loyalties!"


                                Two weeks after lifting lockdown Turkey is seeing a sharp rise in the number of new infections

                                After weeks of being the shining jewel of wiping out the virus New Zealand has confirmed two new cases. Both were imported from... the UK! and then allowed to travel 650km

                                And the ONS now says the excess deaths figures has passed 64,500 in the UK

