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CoronaWatch 2019 - 2023

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    8 significant strains of bird flu infecting humans since 1997. 3 of those originated in China, the others started in Thailand, two in Indonesia, one in Pakistan and one in The Netherlands. Blaming the Chinese for everything comes across as a bit racist. This current one (just like all the others) is difficult to transmit from birds to humans and even more unlikely to spread from human to human.


      Originally posted by kryss View Post
      Take them to task over what? An animal disease being passed to a human?
      Stir frying Pangolins or fruit bats or other stuff they shouldn't really be eating, or letting it out of a lab.

      Then basically denying it until it's too late, with the previous outbreaks and also ebola these were contained for the most part because there wasn't the amount of air travel taking place when this thing broke. If the Chinese government got a grip of things, stopped travel and asked for help from the wider world we probably wouldn't be in the mess we are now.


        Originally posted by Brad View Post
        8 significant strains of bird flu infecting humans since 1997. 3 of those originated in China, the others started in Thailand, two in Indonesia, one in Pakistan and one in The Netherlands. Blaming the Chinese for everything comes across as a bit racist. This current one (just like all the others) is difficult to transmit from birds to humans and even more unlikely to spread from human to human.
        It's not racist, it's telling it like it is - three out of eight, this one is down to the CCP.


          China do plenty of dumb **** to be annoyed about but they don’t have the monopoly on bird flu jumping to humans!


            Originally posted by Brad View Post
            China do plenty of dumb **** to be annoyed about but they don’t have the monopoly on bird flu jumping to humans!
            Agreed Brad to be fair they don't it's 37.5% of the total you quoted, but this current wave may have been prevented if the government had been more open and honest, there are bubbling's that Biden is now looking into the lab theory which for me is by far a worse situation than coming from a wet market.

            US intelligence is divided on whether the virus came from a Chinese lab or animal-to-human contact.


              I do like the thought that another government would have handled it better.
              If this pandemic has taught us anything, it's that they wouldn't have.

              My money would be on Russia releasing something. Or Jeff Bezos.


                Just had my second jab...Astrazeneca
                Arm sore but glad it's all done



                  Second shot next Friday, going for Pfizer this time. Expecting a crap weekend but walking to the vaccination centre at 850am an being out in under an hour will be much better than the 2 hours it took the first time.


                    Last edited by Cassius_Smoke; 13-06-2021, 09:01.


                      Originally posted by Cassius_Smoke View Post
                      Here is something I didn't know.
                      We are all being told that the virus naturally mutated and came in to being. And the first cases were in Wuhan.
                      Does anyone know what else happens to be in Wuhan?
                      The Wuhan Institute of Virology.
                      But, no no it DEFINITELY didn't come from there.
                      It is common knowledge it came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. So many things point to it from the hundreds of cover ups, connections to dicks in the industry, the total lock down on letting anyone examine the place and so on.
                      We just need the politics to grow some balls and point the finger and give a big ****ing **** you to the CCP.
                      Last edited by Yakumo; 12-06-2021, 16:07.


                        I don't know about cover ups but last year Trumper was pointing to evidence that it came from a lab but was poo pooed, I read an article on the BBC that quoted experts at the time saying that the virus was not engineered and did come from a natural source.

                        Now the thinking seems to be changing and as I said previously Old Biddy Biden is now looking into it as thoughts are moving towards a leak. Wouldn't really surprise me.


                          The lab in Wuhan existing was common knowledge, the virus didn't come from there until proven overwise.

                          Anything Trump said INSTANTLY turned into violence. His followers don't understand Chinese/Japanese/Korean/etc., they just see ASIAN.
                          Whether or not they eventually find the virus was from the lab, putting a foot down before the rednecks reached for their guns was the right thing to do.
                          Any results from the inquiry need to come out a few years down the road when tempers have cooled.


                            Originally posted by Cassius_Smoke View Post
                            Here is something I didn't know.
                            We are all being told that the virus naturally mutated and came in to being. And the first cases were in Wuhan.
                            Does anyone know what else happens to be in Wuhan?
                            The Wuhan Institute of Virology.
                            But, no no it DEFINITELY didn't come from there.

                            Wait till the real culprits of this come out.

                            Fauci et al will have a hell of a lot to answer to.

                            The whole thing is all about the vaccines.

                            We will look back on this in a few years in total disbelief.


                              Just to say; I thought it was pretty clear that it may have came from a lab? Scientists were saying that months ago.

                              This isn't "tinfoil hat"; they're not suggesting it's a leaked bio-weapon or anything like that, though.

                              For example, the US's pathology lab has loads of diseases "on file". Ebola, Smallpox, the works. They have them because they study them, to better understand the pathology of deadly diseases. The suggestion has been that it's not impossible that the virus (along with many others) was being studied, containment failed and that led to the present situation.
                              Last edited by Asura; 12-06-2021, 20:41.


                                Last edited by Cassius_Smoke; 13-06-2021, 09:02.

