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United Kingdom VI: Summer Lovin'

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    Isn't it 90% effective when you have a half dose first and then a full dose a few weeks after?

    They found that out by accident?!


      Originally posted by teddymeow View Post
      Isn't it 90% effective when you have a half dose first and then a full dose a few weeks after?

      They found that out by accident?!
      Half doses have not been approved by the regulator so it’s two full doses.


        Originally posted by Hirst View Post
        I suspect it is more by coincidence than design, but it is not surprising that the Austerity Britain vaccine is both the cheapest and by far the least effective of any available offering
        The UK has the option of buying the more effective vaccine, it's not coincidence the UK is buying the less effective one, but what's the saying, buy cheap, buy twice.


          So we're pretty much all Tier 4 from tomorrow then. I guess it was only a matter of time, but the idea of spending more time locked in my house alone is just... unpleasant.


            Overall summary of the respiratory viruses in circulation within the UK

            50,000 new cases today and nearly 1,000 deaths. The cases count seems steady but the number of tests conducted fell of a cliff from 500,000 down to 350,000 meaning realisrically today was another climb in cases.

            I don't even get the waffle about them considering a Tier 5 anymore. Tier 4 is pretty much Lockdown 02 level so any talk of there not being a thurd lockdown is pointless because we're blatantly now in one. The only tightening possible now is to shutter schools etc as well and recreate Lockdown 01 which given the tidal increase in cases and the impending surge school reopenings will cause looks to be where we are headed next.


              I'm still in Tier 3. Maybe we could set up some kind of Zoom meeting where you can make me go do stuff that can't be done in Tier 4 - go to Shoe Zone, etc.


                Our cases are exploding here, shooting up over the last few days. I can't find a per capita chart anywhere but I'm guessing Ireland has to be pretty high up there. It's not good. Not good at all. And yet still, even with that and even only having something like a third of the population of the Republic, NI's figures are higher yet again. But they all spill over. None of it is good.


                  Cases per capita is currently 18,158 per 1M for Ireland, which puts it 76 in the world, the UK by comparison is 35,745 per 1M at 31st and the US is 60,254 per 1M making it 6th.

                  Leading is Andorra at 103,237 per 1M, their population is a lot smaller though at a total of 76,177, so any per capita for them is a bit skewed.


                  It is an interesting website, also listing 848,531,062 as the current number of undernourished people in the world.
                  Last edited by MartyG; 30-12-2020, 17:02.


                    Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                    Our cases are exploding here, shooting up over the last few days. I can't find a per capita chart anywhere but I'm guessing Ireland has to be pretty high up there. It's not good. Not good at all. And yet still, even with that and even only having something like a third of the population of the Republic, NI's figures are higher yet again. But they all spill over. None of it is good.
                    Driving me crazy I work in a petrol station just south of the border, and local factories are really not doing anywhere near enough and tbh the amount of people not wearing masks is just driving me crazy along with people travelling south


                      Thanks for that site, Marty. It’s a bad sign that it feels like we’re losing control here and yet still only 76th in the world. Feels like we’re going to have a serious amount more people infected and dying or getting permanent damage before vaccines do their job.

                      Learned today of a friend of a friend who lost their daughter to it. In her 20s, no underlying conditions. She had even been clear of covid when she died but the damage to her lungs was so extensive that her only hope was a lung transplant and she couldn’t get one in time.


                        And of course the UK goverment has found a way to screw up the vaccination programme due to their inability to follow the advice of experts: or the regimes used in the trials from which the results came.

                        Pfizer/BioNTech said that their vaccine was not designed to be used in two shots 12 weeks apart. In a statement, the firms said there was no evidence the first shot continued to work beyond three weeks.
                        Last edited by MartyG; 02-01-2021, 14:30.


                          It says a lot as well that after four and a half years of front line attention the EU Trade deal gets passed through parliament and signed off as finally done and it's just a footnote in the news cycles because of how bad the next crisis the Tories are handling has become.


                            English-Variant Covid-19 showing up in most Canadian provinces now.


                              The Cockney Contagion is getting everywhere.


                                Overall summary of the respiratory viruses in circulation within the UK

                                55,800 new cases. Boris would say this new UK variant is world beating!

