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United Kingdom VI: Summer Lovin'

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    Originally posted by fallenangle View Post
    Job done, people just accept what they're told be 'experts'
    You say experts in inverted commas like they're not experts at Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), University of California San Francisco, Oxford University, PubMed Central, European Centre for Disease Prevention, The Lancet, The US Surgeon General, The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) part of the University of Washington, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS), The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, The World Health Organisation and The British Medical Association (BMA).


      'So-called experts' actually experts, research has shown:


        The next one down

        "no more sniggering as I tell him Thomas The Wank Engine’s on"


          Overall summary of the respiratory viruses in circulation within the UK

          Congratulations to the Tories, we all knew they were capable of it by george they've done it

          We've broken the 3,000 cases glass ceiling

          3,539 new cases today.

          Wait, they are trying to get the highest case levels right?


            We're going vertical

            I noticed they've stop plotting the "Tests completed" graphs after it stopped increasing to make it look like the number of tests is increasing with the positive cases (they aren't the positive % is increasing) the line in the chart should be showing that it's currently flat


              Is there a reason other than fiddling the chart that the peak of the most recent end of the daily cases caps out at 2,500 rather than the 3,500 reported?


                Looking at the page source the graphs are done with plotly, so the headline daily figure that's shown is not in the dataset used for the charts, so I'd guess there are different bits of the website that need updating.

                Edit - ah - the chart is the 7 day rolling average

                Here we go

                Last edited by MartyG; 11-09-2020, 16:17.


                  Let's all form a conga line and happily skip off the Dover cliffs.


                    Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
                    Wear a mask. There is international research into the effectiveness of them.

                    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

                    University of California San Francisco
                    We talked to UCSF epidemiologist George Rutherford, MD, and infectious disease specialist Peter Chin-Hong, MD, about the CDC’s reversal on mask-wearing, the current science on how masks work, and what to consider when choosing a mask.

                    Oxford University
                    Cloth face coverings, even homemade masks made of the correct material, are effective in reducing the spread of COVID-19 - for the wearer and those around them - according to a new study from Oxford’s Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science.

                    PubMed Central

                    European Centre for Disease Prevention
                    This document provides an update to and complements the ECDC technical report on “Using face masks in the community: first update - Effectiveness in reducing transmission of COVID-19” published on 15 February 2021.

                    The Lancet (top scientific journal in the world)

                    The US Surgeon General

                    The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) part of the University of Washington
                    In its first projections comparing different actions to control COVID-19 transmission, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington is forecasting nearly 180,000 in the United States will die by October 1. 

                    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS)

                    The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine

                    The World Health Organisation

                    The British Medical Association (BMA)
                    Had to pin all that on Twitter. Or as it seemed today, Twat-ier.


                      More testing, more cases detected; who would have thought it.

                      As for the comments about my comments on the experts getting it wrong: just by happen-chance I got a newspaper for the first time in 5 months yesterday on my weekly visit to the supermarket.

                      In it was an article about how those experts can't agree what criteria are used to determine the magic "R" figure. This was later on confirmed in a BBC2 NewsNight item where the methods of C-19 testing and differences just in the decision making regarding what is and what is not a positive result and whether the testing used is even accurate vary from country to country.

                      They can not even agree on common criteria for determining if somebody died as a direct result of C-19 or pneumonia. That makes a difference to what is on the death certificate which, in turn, directly affects the statistics which governments are using to justify the measures they're taking.

                      There's simply no agreed criteria yet governments around the world, not just the UK, are forming policies based on this information even though the experts are warning that its unreliable because of those inconsistencies. The experts are effectively telling us themselves they don't know which figures or testing techniques are reliable and consequently what action will be most effective or if it is necessary.

                      Most radical but rational thing I've heard on TV in months about the C-19 pandemic was, and you're going to laugh, on Gogglebox. I don't watch it at all normally but I caught a bit with one mixed age family, all sitting down together and watching the same thing, just like nobody else does except at Xmas. Not this Xmas of course - that's already likely ruined.

                      Anyway......student age son expresses the opinion that it is absurd to to expect the whole population to put their lives on hold for months when its only a small percentage that are most at risk. Mother, I assume, agrees and adds that those in the more at risk groups should of course have the choice whether to self-isolate or not too.

                      Daring stuff for these times and I bet it has generated a social media **** storm directed at them.
                      Last edited by fallenangle; 12-09-2020, 15:31. Reason: typos


                        Originally posted by fallenangle View Post
                        Anyway......student age son expresses the opinion that it is absurd to to expect the whole population to put their lives on hold for months when its only a small percentage that are most at risk. Mother, I assume, agrees and adds that those in the more at risk groups should of course have the choice whether to self-isolate or not too.
                        If that "student son" finds out he's in that tiny percentage and didn't know it, I'm sure he'll take much solace in how everyone else can freely get on with their lives while he's coughing to death on a hospital bed. I find that shockingly lacking in empathy.

                        Your entire argument is based on "the experts aren't certain, so we should go on as normal". I think "the experts aren't certain, so we should take extra precautions".


                          Aside from all the other total nonsense being spouted here that, honestly, I’m embarrassed for you every time you post, the one thing really coming through is that, I’m spite of so many deaths, in spite of so many seriously ill, with many more older people at risk, people with health conditions at serious risk (including people on this very forum) and knowing that people can get ill or die even if not with these risk factors, you don’t care a damn because you feel you are above the risk. You haven’t got the slightest concern for others, no hint of empathy for those living at risk or now barely living at all due to this virus and that lack of basic humanity is what extends that risk, increases the chances that others will get it and means that anyone with risk factors can’t participate in many areas of society right now. It’s a failure of the most fundamental ability to empathise and care for others. It says a huge amount of where you’re at as a human being and, honestly, it’s not saying good things. I’ve done and said a lot of poor things over my lifetime and, for so many reasons, I’m very much in a glass house throwing stones but, even acknowledging that, I can’t possibly understand how someone in 2020 could think so selfishly. I genuinely don’t get it.


                            You also say the experts can't agree on how to record the R number or the deaths... But you forget that that actually means there is a ****ing R number and deaths. Are you really suggesting that it's not as big a deal as they say? Because 900,000 families worldwide would like word.


                              Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                              Aside from all the other total nonsense being spouted here that, honestly, I’m embarrassed for you every time you post........ It says a huge amount of where you’re at as a human being and, honestly, it’s not saying good things. I’ve done and said a lot of poor things over my lifetime and, for so many reasons, I’m very much in a glass house throwing stones but, even acknowledging that, I can’t possibly understand how someone in 2020 could think so selfishly. I genuinely don’t get it.
                              That is just so condescending and unfortunately typical of the know I'm right attitude of those who've bought all the BS that has occurred over the last 5 or 6 months. Its like that little patronising smile you get from panelists and pundits on news and magazine programmes whenever a view off-message is expressed.

                              As for the last part, its just damned insulting and I can't be bothered even to address that ignorant accusation.

                              You also say the experts can't agree on how to record the R number or the deaths... But you forget that that actually means there is a ****ing R number and deaths. Are you really suggesting that it's not as big a deal as they say? Because 900,000 families worldwide would like word.
                              Of course not but get those deaths into perspective, historical perspective in particular.
                              Last edited by fallenangle; 12-09-2020, 16:32.


                                If you believe it’s not true, and I would much rather think it isn’t, or that I’ve done you a terrible disservice, maybe take some time at some point to consider how I might have picked you up so wrong based on nothing but your words in this thread. I would far rather see the best in people and I’ve never had reason to believe that you’re anything other than a really good guy until we found ourself in a crisis. I actively want to be wrong here.

