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United Kingdom VI: Summer Lovin'

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    All this Covid malarky going on and only allowed to meet up as a group of six people.

    Won't somebody think of S Club 7?!


      Originally posted by Cassius_Smoke View Post
      You said: 'Of course not but get those deaths into perspective, historical perspective in particular.' Suggesting that 900,000 isn't historically that many. When I asked (twice now) how many you think would be historically enough, you've failed to answer.
      I'll ask for a third time, How many do you think is historically enough?
      You're willfully misinterpreting what I meant. Any number of deaths are a tragedy.

      The typical number of daily/weekly/monthly/yearly deaths back in 1999 and forever before that was higher than it was at the worst time with C-19 ie. even with its excess death contribution. As I pointed out that means anyone over 20 years old has lived at time where more people were dying day in day out. Where was the concern and hair tearing then? There was none. Was everyone heartless and uncaring just because it was accepted as normal?

      Every year winter 'flu/pneumonia* killed tens of thousands, some years more some years less. They still do and as said earlier are killing more on a daily basis than C-19 has done for at least the last 5 weeks.

      The world did not go into the paroxysm of fear C-19 has provoked back in 2000. The question is why and what has caused that when, historically ie. just 20 years ago the numbers of deaths per year were worse?

      * in an earlier post I mentioned a regular 'flu deaths figure of around 60,000 that should have been 'flu/pneumonia deaths which are usually group together in the statistics. As I know only too well the latter is so often a consequence of the first or whatever other respiratory infections are present in any particular year.
      Last edited by fallenangle; 14-09-2020, 17:14.


        Were those deaths in 1999 from an infectious virus sweeping the world that wasn’t there the year before and, if left unchecked, could get a lot worse? If not, there’s your answer. You also don’t seem to take into account how much worse things would be right now had we not implemented measures to curb the spread. There’s a total deficiency of thought here, like if firefighters put out a fire in your house and you looked at it and said, look, there isn’t even a fire here so why call the fire department? The numbers are already terrible and that’s WITH all the measures that have been put in place. They are only as low as they are due to those measures.

        It’s really basic.

        Like, so simple.

        My kids get it. I don’t know why you’re struggling so badly here.


          Quoted from WHO: 'Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected'
          Covid19 has a higher kill rate then the flu.


            There no coronavirus tests available for people with symptoms in any of the top ten Covid-19 hotspots in England, an LBC investigation has revealed.

            In the countries top 10 worst hit current hot spots for COVID outbreaks.... you can't get tested.

            As spineless Tories allow Boris to march toward breaking international law.

            And even Ed Miliband utterly schooled Boris in debate today

            Jordan to shut schools and places of worship; Panama allows men and women out on same day; 14 refugees test positive after Lesbos fire. This blog is now closed

            And global new cases for 24hrs broke the record again


              Originally posted by Cassius_Smoke View Post
              Quoted from WHO: 'Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected'
              Covid19 has a higher kill rate then the flu.
              I can't believe data presented without a chart to back it up.
              I'll be mask less until you post one.


                Originally posted by kryss View Post
                I can't believe data presented without a chart to back it up.
                I'll be mask less until you post one.
                Here you go.


                  Originally posted by MartyG View Post
                  Here you go.

                  Steffi Graph with the ace right here.




                      Too corporate, mine has that friendly rustic charm people can relate to.


                        Last edited by Hirst; 15-09-2020, 13:52.


                          Originally posted by Hirst View Post


                            Originally posted by Hirst View Post
                            This is the high point of my week. Even taking a new calculator and Mario 3D All Stars into consideration.


                              [MENTION=7652]Hirst[/MENTION] I couldn't spot the Long Covid column in your chart though.


                                Just a flu, innit?

