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United Kingdom VI: Summer Lovin'

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    Bad affecting and killing, mostly, the same groups of people, susceptible to 'flu/pneumonia. I wonder why that is?


      Originally posted by fallenangle View Post
      Bad affecting and killing, mostly, the same groups of people, susceptible to 'flu/pneumonia. I wonder why that is?
      Are you asking why a respiratory illness tends to kill people who are more susceptible to respiratory illnesses?


        Rhetorical question, obviously, but I was hoping some people might join the dots and start thinking about a possible connection.

        After having people pile onto the articulation of any off-message views I've decided now not to elaborate on observations or theories that might be perceived to be controversial.


          Controversial opinions are fine! Your particular one, in this specific case, isn’t Shared by anyone else here by the look of it. I bet there are plenty of people who agree with you, they just don’t hang around here it seems.


            We were really onto a good thing with the graph jokes, no need to bring actual discussion of the virus into this thread.


              Lighten up...with porn, booze and chocs...

              The researchers surveyed 115 British participants on their post-pandemic habits including 46 men and 69 women.

              (Apologies for the source haha!)

              " turn to pornography and women reach for chocolates – it’s not just stereotyping, it’s scientific fact, according to Israeli researchers.

              But curiously, in the wave of stress due to the coronavirus men are turning to chocolates (while still indulging in alcohol and porn).
              Women, likewise are turning to pornography and alcohol (while still eating sweets), according to a paper submitted for publication by Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) and Yeshiva University researchers.
              The researchers surveyed 115 British participants on their post-coronavirus habits including 46 men and 69 women.


                “69 women”


                  Originally posted by Brad View Post
                  Controversial opinions are fine! Your particular one, in this specific case, isn’t Shared by anyone else here by the look of it. I bet there are plenty of people who agree with you, they just don’t hang around here it seems.
                  Social media echo chambers have a lot to answer for, seeing your views agreed with and having your viewpoint confirmed and shared gives you that confidence to go out into the world and share your idiocy with others.


                    Opinions are fine when based on facts.


                      Originally posted by Asura View Post
                      Are you asking why a respiratory illness tends to kill people who are more susceptible to respiratory illnesses?
                      Wait, hold on, I know the answer to this one...



                        Originally posted by Brad View Post
                        Controversial opinions are fine! Your particular one, in this specific case, isn’t Shared by anyone else here by the look of it..
                        Nor is it shared by the World Health Organisation, the Department of Health, Public Health England and the CDC.

                        Number of infections climbs again today, now at a little under 4000 (1.8% of tested - before this spike it was hovering around 0.5%).
                        Last edited by MartyG; 16-09-2020, 16:38.


                          Originally posted by MartyG View Post
                          Nor is it shared by the World Health Organisation, the Department of Health, Public Health England and the CDC.

                          Number of infections climbs again today, now at a little under 4000 (1.8% of tested - before this spike it was hovering around 0.5%).
                          Crazy thing is it doesnt matter which reputable and mutiple sources this info come from some people just dont wont accept it, its so frustrating its beyond belief. These people just stick their fingers in theit ears and dont want to know. Many of these folks go down the line of "its all a conspiracy, the goverment just want to control the population", "its not much worse than flu", "only the older folks and vulnerable people that are worst affected" etc. Im so sick to death of these bloody morrons,

                          Im sorry but these people are just beyond thick and dont give a damn. They just go about my daily life, choose not wear a mask, dont social distance, cough and sneeze all over the place and just dont give a toss about anyone but themselves, so many people i have seen cant even wash there bloody hands after going to the toilet for Christ sake. I used to think people with this mind set were in the minority, but over the past few months i starting to think that it seems to be the reverse. We are a country, it appears, full of complete idiots who get all there news from news outlets such as This Morning, Z-List celebrities or arguably even worse, social media etc and will not listen to any genuine science, will not read peer reviewed journals. Why? Because they just cant be arsed.
                          Last edited by gambit6613; 16-09-2020, 17:26.


                            Originally posted by fallenangle View Post
                            I've said all along my views are speculative but they've been expressed with entirely good intentions in mind.
                            Originally posted by fallenangle View Post
                            After having people pile onto the articulation of any off-message views I've decided now not to elaborate on observations or theories that might be perceived to be controversial.
                            Firstly, I'm sorry that you feel piled on, but you say that your views are speculative.

                            You've said things like the response to Coronovirus is hysteria, there's no evidence that masks work, the Government changed the message from masks save yourself to masks save others because people are gullible, the experts don't know what they're talking about, the reason why there are more cases is because they are doing more tests, people under 50 should carry on as normal, and flu is a bigger killer than Coronavirus.

                            However, when someone challenges you on any of those speculations, you never seem to relent or change your mind, no matter how many people disagree or present evidence to you.

                            Can I ask, what would it take to change your mind on any of these?

                            I ask the question because I'm getting increasingly frustrated by current politics. In particular, how bad the current Government are, but some people are really supportive of them, no matter what, despite the constant daily updates of their incompetence and corruption.

                            What would make you start thinking that Coronavirus is as deadly as being reported, rather than over-exaggerated?


                              Just think, its close to 4,000... with almost none of the top 50 worst hit areas accounted for because of test unavailability. Really, it's March all over again


                                Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
                                Firstly, I'm sorry that you feel piled on, but you say that your views are speculative.

                                You've said things like the response to Coronovirus is hysteria, there's no evidence that masks work, the Government changed the message from masks save yourself to masks save others because people are gullible, the experts don't know what they're talking about, the reason why there are more cases is because they are doing more tests, people under 50 should carry on as normal, and flu is a bigger killer than Coronavirus.

                                However, when someone challenges you on any of those speculations, you never seem to relent or change your mind, no matter how many people disagree or present evidence to you.

                                Can I ask, what would it take to change your mind on any of these?

                                I ask the question because I'm getting increasingly frustrated by current politics. In particular, how bad the current Government are, but some people are really supportive of them, no matter what, despite the constant daily updates of their incompetence and corruption.

                                What would make you start thinking that Coronavirus is as deadly as being reported, rather than over-exaggerated?
                                When the hell did I say anything like that? This is exactly what I was talking about earlier: views, suggestion and speculation that are off-message are being reinterpreted through what can only be call the blinkered, self-righteousness of a few people contributing to this thread.

                                If somebody is off-message they're automatically damned as a Covid-Idiot, in Trump-like denial and you can therefore ascribe anything to them you want. In this case coming up with a warped, fantasy character depiction that allows the bully that is, apparently, in so many people online, free reign.

                                All I've been trying to do is to get people here to think for themselves, not blindly accept what you're told and entrench yourself in a position based on possible misinformation, manipulation or even down right lies.

                                I accept that I do not know what the truth is, the possibility I'm being manipulated or not, because planting a seed of doubt about that can itself be manipulative. I also acknowledge the possibility I'm just wrong. I wish a few others here had within them some similar degree of introspection too.

