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United Kingdom VI: Summer Lovin'

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    Too funny. Another bugdet job from a bodgeit gov.


      Originally posted by Cassius_Smoke View Post
      How can they **** up this badly? They couldn't have written two? And they edited the trump one so **** they left the original text visible??
      Wouldn’t be surprised if the UK government is still hoping that Trump can get a second term somehow. It’s all so creepy and alt-rightish.


        Vaccine taskforce chief may benefit from £49m UK investment
        "Kate Bingham, chair of the government’s vaccine taskforce, is facing questions over whether she will benefit from a $65m (£49m) UK taxpayer-backed investment into a fund run by her private equity firm.

        Bingham, a venture capitalist married to Treasury minister Jesse Norman, has already come under fire over allegations she revealed sensitive information to a private investors’ conference and insisted on hiring costly PR advisers."


          That's not related to Pfizer


            They are all hording cash like Smaug. When did money grabbing corruption become an open and accepted practice?


              This is also fascinating:

              Director of firm paid £670,000 to advise task force is business associate of Humphry Wakefield

              "Kate Bingham, a director of the public relations firm paid £670,000 to advise the head of the UK government’s coronavirus vaccine task force is a longstanding business associate of Dominic Cummings’ father-in-law.

              On Sunday it was reported that Bingham, chair of the task force, billed taxpayers £670,000 for a team of boutique public relations consultants called Admiral Public Relations."

              It's not just that people are filling in the dotted lines to see the cronyism at play, (Bingham is a venture capitalist, no health experience) it's that the Tories are coming out to defend Bingham, including her husband, Jesse Norman (Conservative Financial Secretary to the Treasury and MP for Hereford and South Herefordshire). Bingham went to school with Rachel Johnson (Boris Johnson's sister), is said to have "insisted" on hiring the team.

              Then 'kin Gove starts poking his nose in, so you know Carole Cadwalladr is onto something, with Gove having the audacity to say any criticism of Kate Bingham is "sexist sniping" and she has"given up months of her life to deliver vaccines that will save lives", with no mention of her links to friends and family, the handsome wage she's getting and the potential bonus mentioned in the first link:

              If you're struggling to follow all this:
              Kate Bingham appointed to vaccine task force.
              Married to Tory MP Jesse Norman.
              Went to school with Boris Johnson's sister.
              Bingham's vaccine task force paid £670,000 to Admiral Public Relations
              Admiral Public Relations has two directors: Georgina Collingwood Cameron and her husband Angus Collingwood Cameron
              Angus Collingwood Cameron is also park manager for Chillingham Castle Wild Cattle Association.
              Collingwood Cameron has since 2004 been a director of the association along with Humphry Wakefield, who also owns the castle. Sir Humphry is the father-in-law of Dominic Cummings.

              It's like 7 degrees of Kevin Bacon, but it's a link to who is getting backhanders because they're friends and families of the Tories.

              If that's still too complex, here's a visual representation of the spiderweb of Cronyism at play:
              My Little Crony


                It's bizarre that Labour still remain so silent about such blatant corruption, what is the point of an opposing party if it can never be bothered to oppose


                  All this will go nowhere. Even an independent investigation will uncover nothing and it'll all be forgotten.


                    Starmer is trying to bring this to light. And Boris is responding with his usual bull****.


                      Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
                      It's bizarre that Labour still remain so silent about such blatant corruption, what is the point of an opposing party if it can never be bothered to oppose
                      They never really opposed Brexit, they barely opposed the worst excesses/incompetences of the Tory pandemic response, they’re still in the same mode as they’ve been in the last ten and and a half years of being a really weak opposition.


                        From the Guardian

                        A vaccine that potentially does not work as well as the Pfizer/BioNTech candidate is still likely to be given to people in the UK in the interests of saving lives at speed, government scientific advisers have said.

                        The UK has invested heavily in the Oxford/AstraZeneca potential vaccine, which is likely to reveal its first efficacy data this month.
                        They already know it's not very good, otherwise why say this?


                          Originally posted by MartyG View Post
                          From the Guardian

                          They already know it's not very good, otherwise why say this?
                          Yay, second-rate vaccines for us!


                            The Pfizer vaccine has only been tested on 43k people, not a large a sample as truly needed. You need 200k+ at least at phase 3 to have confidence but these are pressing times.
                            Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                              Same as always, they're sewing the seeds for more issues not sticking an ETA on a vaccine at around Summer 2021. It's going to be slow to arrive and distribute.

                              Fractures in the Johnson-Cummings group because Alien Craniums are useless at navigating pandemics


                                This would be hilarious, if it wasn't so indicative of how capitalist democracies have allowed the balance of corporate/fiscal power vs. socio-economic well-being of employees/public to become so out of wack:

                                I'm all for paying folks on minimum wage more, but I love how Investment Banks believe that the responsibility for that lies in the rest of the workforce and not those employers who pay only minimum wages!

                                Got to say, if there's a brass neck or brass balls award for tone-deaf crassness, the economists at Deutsche deserve it... plus an extra prize of 5-tonnes of cow dung poured onto their properties.

                                The sad thing is that I expect the comments section of the Daily Mail, Independent, etc., will be full of apologist-pleb defenders, extolling the righteousness and genius of the idea.
                                Last edited by gunrock; 12-11-2020, 09:55.

