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United Kingdom VI: Summer Lovin'

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    Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
    I think there'll be a lot of disappointed people reading about the vaccines and thinking January-Feb will be when things snap back though.
    I'm more worried about ***** pressuring Weatherspoons to open because "there's a cure now"


      Today in Tories Being Tories news, having leant on the back of public service staff to get through the pandemic Sunak is to ensure they'll be the first in line to be screwed over in the new year by having a pay freeze because the private sector made less money this year.

      And the investigation into Priti Patel bullying has found evidence she broke ministerial code as well as compelling evidence of bullying. If found guilty Patel is likely to suffer the indignity of retaining her job and the guilt of knowing she will continue her work without punishment.


        Hancock says plans are that families will be able to meet over Xmas but not hug

        Experts say each day of loosened restrictions will need at least five more of full restrictions to counter its effects.
        Police have said that they won't be looking to enforce any household rules in place.


          Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post

          And the investigation into Priti Patel bullying has found evidence she broke ministerial code as well as compelling evidence of bullying. If found guilty Patel is likely to suffer the indignity of retaining her job and the guilt of knowing she will continue her work without punishment.
          This is the thing, isn't it?
          Johnson has surrounded himself by yes men and women, who agree with whatever he says.
          Two issues arise from this is that he's lost a lot of experienced staff because they've walked/been axed, he now can't afford to lose his inner circle, despite and criticisms.


            ^ so, exactly the same as Trump during his presidency, then.


              Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
              This is the thing, isn't it?
              Johnson has surrounded himself by yes men and women, who agree with whatever he says.
              Two issues arise from this is that he's lost a lot of experienced staff because they've walked/been axed, he now can't afford to lose his inner circle, despite and criticisms.
              Yeah, he'll protect this vicious, unprincipled opportunist of a woman (rewarded with the Home Office job for selling out other Asian women by publicly defending Johnson's racism) for precisely the reasons you say he has to. And just as he did with Cummings. And then it'll blow up more catastrophically in his fat doughy face a few months down the line. Looking forward to it.


                Boris should work for Volvo his movements are so reliable. Backs Priti, costs him a staffer though


                  With the window of a self-interest achieving No Deal now neutered due to Cummings and Trump being gone it seems a Brexit Deal is actually gaining traction. Oh the coincidence.


                    Enquiry head leaves;
                    The home secretary apologises for any upset - but says she was "not being supported" by her department.

                    It doesn't paint a pretty picture for Patel or Boris.

                    Or even a priti one.


                      A deal was always going to be made eventually. It will be done, no shadow of a doubt. This constant sniping otherwise, at best, shows naivety / too much Grauniad reading.

                      There always needs to be bluster, chest puffing on both sides, threats, BS, maneuvres etc. That's just political pandering. And this is big time for all involved. (Secretly, I bet all the main players are loving it!)

                      Blojob may be a tool, and / or all the other insults that are thrown his way here, but he's also pretty damn canny and smart. 'No Deal' is beyond political suicide. Do the maths for once, look at his career, his...opportunism...instead of continually pandering to your / the bias of others.

                      Or, I am way off and you can pillory me in 6 weeks or so to your heart's content.

                      Anyway, change of topic.

                      Had Labour won the last election, which would be hurting them more now in power, Covid, their make believe fiscal and financial policies, or anti-semiticism?


                      (Yup, that's right, both main political parties here are a joke in so many ways!)

                      Edit - Priti can naff off though, awful awful awful.
                      Last edited by wheelaa; 20-11-2020, 13:57.



                          Words I never thought I'd utter...but what's a 'wet willy'. (The warm water pee yourself thing?) I won't be googling those two words haha!


                            Originally posted by wheelaa View Post
                            what's a 'wet willy'?
                            Wet willy

                            Usually performed on a sleeping or otherwise unsuspecting person, the perpetrator of a wet willy wets his or her finger with saliva and inserts it into the ear of the victim.


                              Hah! That's new to me. Sicario!


                                The Torys, having won with the biggest victory since thatcher, are more then happy to **** as many people in this country as possible, because the country asked for this. They'll feel perfectly justifyed.

