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United Kingdom VI: Summer Lovin'

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    Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
    The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority is set to announce it recommends MPs should receive a 4.1% pay rise. Johnson is said to oppose a pay rise this year due to concern the public will turn sour on the news.
    How perceptive of him.


      Originally posted by MartyG View Post
      How perceptive of him.
      In reality they'll freeze public sector pay... Then wait 6 months for people to forget and award the pay rise.
      Is it me or does it feel like we are living in Russia now?


        Originally posted by Cassius_Smoke View Post
        In reality they'll freeze public sector pay... Then wait 6 months for people to forget and award the pay rise.
        Is it me or does it feel like we are living in Russia now?
        Yeah, will probably push it through on the afternoon before they go into the summer recess. In the meantime, NHS workers in the UK will each get a special commemorative medal to keep forever and show their grandchildren.


          Originally posted by Golgo View Post
          Yeah, will probably push it through on the afternoon before they go into the summer recess. In the meantime, NHS workers in the UK will each get a special commemorative medal to keep forever and show their grandchildren.
          Even that's pushing it.
          Apparently only 1% of staff have had those "CARE" badges Matt Hancock promised.


            The last teachers pay freeze lasted 6 years. This year we had our first pay rise then back to being frozen. Great.

            How about the private sector pays taxes instead?


              Originally posted by cutmymilk View Post
              The last teachers pay freeze lasted 6 years. This year we had our first pay rise then back to being frozen. Great.

              How about the private sector pays taxes instead?
              My wife's a teacher, so I know all about this.
              They're constantly moving the goals about retirement age and pay freezes and so on.

              Then some smart arse, who went to school 40 years ago, pipes up, "You get 6 weeks off in the summer!"

              Plus, if you have the audacity to strike, people complain that it inconvenieces them.
              That's the whole bloody point!
              "Can you strike at the weekend when you wouldn't have the kids anyway?"


                Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
                The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority is set to announce it recommends MPs should receive a 4.1% pay rise. Johnson is said to oppose a pay rise this year due to concern the public will turn sour on the news.
                I guess even a broken clock is right twice a day.

                Originally posted by Protocol Penguin View Post
                The Nissan factory in Sunderland’s being shut. Guess the city voting for Brexit wasn’t a great move...

                I wonder if they're all still smiling:


                  Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
                  And the Bishop of Blackburn has said he and numerous others would lead an exodus of the Church of England if it changed its stance on sexuality and identity.
                  Let them walk. Ideally off a cliff into the sea. Nutcase zealots.


                    Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
                    Even that's pushing it.
                    Apparently only 1% of staff have had those "CARE" badges Matt Hancock promised.
                    Be fair, Chimp, that's the government doing them a favour! The scarcity of these treasures will make them hugely valuable so lucky recipients will be able to sell them off over winter and put the proceeds into their central heating.


                      Originally posted by cutmymilk View Post
                      The last teachers pay freeze lasted 6 years. This year we had our first pay rise then back to being frozen. Great.

                      How about the private sector pays taxes instead?
                      There hasn't been much in the way of pay rises in the private sector either, my monthly bills have risen more - it's well below where it should be inflation wise, so my salary today is worth less than it was 10 years ago.

                      We'll all be paying more tax in 2022, so don't worrty about that.


                        Same, no pay rise and no bonus this year.


                          Austerity doesn't work and never has, we need to stop pretending that we can't enforce proper taxes and crack down on havens protecting the super-rich because it'll scare away "talent". If it means a few parasites go elsewhere because their 10 billion in the bank becomes 9 billion, we were better without them.


                            Yep. Every time I see a 'where will the money come from?' argument, the answer always seem simple - make corporations and rich people pay their taxes like everyone else. It's not some huge mystery.


                              We treat the super-rich as if they're some kind of untouchable force like the weather or the ocean.


                                Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                                Yep. Every time I see a 'where will the money come from?' argument, the answer always seem simple - make corporations and rich people pay their taxes like everyone else. It's not some huge mystery.
                                Yeah; it also shows a certain laziness. A lack of graft. These conservatives who say this crap are so fond of the "bootstraps" narrative; well, if Amazon don't want to pay tax and **** off somewhere else, that just means some enterprising young person in the UK can become the next Jeff Bezos, because they're not competing with a broken system.

