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Call the winner - US 2020 Result Prediction thread

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    Call the winner - US 2020 Result Prediction thread

    We have the main US thread over here, but this is simply for predicting who you think is going to walk away with the keys to the White House and who is going to be dragged out by their orange face, clinging to their phone posting on twitter for want of an orchestra of tiny violins.

    There is a mass turn out of people in early voting who didn't vote in 2016 for a number of reasons, like Trump didn't have a chance of winning and the dislike of Clinton, even in democrat circles. After four years of unpresidential behaviour and hissy fits on Twitter, you have to hope that light has dawned on the US that isn't how you run a country.

    I predict Biden is going to win and with an EC majority of 334 to 204 with a popular vote majority of 7 million.

    I predict a riot in 6 States.
    Joe Biden
    Donalnd Trump
    Kanye West

    The poll is expired.

    I have chosen the orange buffoon, not out of any informed guess, but because 2020 has delighted in kicking us all in the face. And really, I'm hoping that if I predict he wins, 2020 will step in and go "NO! YOU'RE WRONG, YOU IDIOT!"

    I'll beat 2020 at its own game.


      I have a ten year losing streak when it comes to calling results but I chose Biden.


        Will this be one of these things where, if he loses, he'll be dragged out into the streets and beaten? Because I don't normally condone those things.


          "normally" should have been Italics.


            Trump will win and he'll win a dirty victory. He'll play every trick he can, declare himself the winner by midnight and do everything he can to shut down further vote counting.


              Biden - As long and painful as getting there may be

              I think, as easy as it is to be pessimistic after the last four years:

              -2016 saw Trump only manage to succeed by the tiniest of margins
              -A lot of 2016 rested less on Trump's appeal and more on hatred for Hillary
              -It's impossible to believe that Trump's appeal has grown over the last 4 years
              -The huge shift in galvanising new and dormant voters who contributed to letting him slip through last time via inaction is a help this time
              -Even on an EC basis he has to hold too many originally razor thin key states
              -He has failed, and I mean epically, to lay a finger on Biden all this time

              There's more too but without question the only route he has to power again is to steal the presidency which I don't discount as a possibility but the ball seems to be hugely in Biden's court.

              Without question though:

              -Supreme Court stacking
              -Electoral reform
              -COVID management
              -Rapid reversal of the most damaging changes implemented by Trump
              -Full and unreserved criminal investigation and sentencing on Trump and all proven linked associates

              The traditional respecting of Trump being a former President be damned, the man has held zero respect for the office, the nation or his duties in charge for four years straight and it would utterly unforgiveable for Biden and the Democrats if Trump and his previous and currently in post cronies to not be held to account for their actions thereby proving that even if the broken system protects you when in post it will expose you when your time is up.


                Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                Will this be one of these things where, if he loses, he'll be dragged out into the streets and beaten? Because I don't normally condone those things.

                Normally you say?


                  Well, you know, it's important that the people get to let off steam. That's part of the healing process.


                    I hope he loses and really digs his heals in, meaning the FBI have to go in and actually kick his ass out.
                    I wanna see masses descend on the whitehouse chanting how **** he is.


                      Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
                      The traditional respecting of Trump being a former President be damned
                      Plus, it's really confusing when you're watching 24 and both the former and current presidents both still have to be called "Mister President" by Jack Bauer.


                        I'm secretly hoping that 'Donalnd' is on the ballot sheet too, and republicans have been voting for a different guy who isn't a complete ring piece .


                          Who do I want to win...? Biden.

                          Who do I think will get the most votes...? Biden.

                          Who do I think will win...? Hard to tell but I really, really hope it's Biden.


                            Unfortunately you can't edit a poll once posted and I missed the typo due to lack of coffee.


                              Biden wins. Trump says **** y'all I'm doing a Putin. Rioting. Carnage.

                              This is what will happen. No way Trumps walks away.
                              Last edited by Jaz; 03-11-2020, 09:01.

