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    NTSC-UK 024: NTSC-SeppUKu

    It's seen quite often on Era but is in no means unique to the site. However frequently people visit a forum there can come a time that they feel done with it and no longer want to engage or even visit the site, for any number of reasons. Eventually they stop posting and drift away but every now and again someone holds their hand up, commands the forum to stop and mark the occasion of their passing:

    This isn't NTSC-UK.... it's NTSC-RePlay

    Our penultimate thread brings us past and beyond the 2016 forum purge and screaming into 2018, near Easter time when Jei decided that he was going and wouldn't be undergoing a Christ like rebirth on the forum. He posted his farewells and reasons why but that's not what we're focusing on for this thread. What we're looking at is the art of forum hari-kari. A user can simply not log in anymore. Likewise they can PM to be blocked out etc but a common occurrence online is to create a thread for the express purpose of publicly requesting your account is banned. This is despite the numerous ways of registering again if you wish, the user has instead aimed to publicly burn their bridge in a dedicated thread to their own self-account sacrifice.

    What is the real reason for this action do you feel?

    Have you ever made a public exit from an online site or forum?

    Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
    Have you ever made a public exit from an online site or forum?
    Nope. I've always gone quietly. Then again I've never had the sort of disagreement on a forum that necessitates "burying the hatchet" or "airing the dirty laundry" so I've never seen the need to.

    Usually when I leave a forum, it's a gradual thing, where I only reflect on that I ever went there when I get an email on my birthday, from RadioSEGA and the NeoGeo forums


      I've never even left one I've properly been signed up to before. They've each taken me down with them


        You gotta love the grand exit. We used to have these all the time on here in the heady days of the late 2000s, when it was all a bit chaotic and more volatile. There was one bloke in particular who left and came back about three times, I can't remember his username now except that it began with a 'T' (he hasn't been active in many years).

        The forum flounce-out was drama to be cherished imo. It was nearly always followed by a tail between legs return, too.

        Although I'm glad we're no longer the sort of place where there's enough aggro and bad feeling that this regularly occurs, it was pretty entertaining at the time.


          I don't remember that or was it that bloke that said he was the best, ah that was it the elite.


            Originally posted by wakka View Post
            You gotta love the grand exit. We used to have these all the time on here in the heady days of the late 2000s, when it was all a bit chaotic and more volatile. There was one bloke in particular who left and came back about three times, I can't remember his username now except that it began with a 'T' (he hasn't been active in many years).
            That wouldn't have been TeamAndromeda would it?


              Originally posted by wakka View Post
              You gotta love the grand exit. The forum flounce-out was drama to be cherished imo.
              Very true. I remember one guy sashayed out with like a prima donna with fireworks. Was on my PS3 friends list and clearly felt he wasn't getting enough attention anymore, so after a while he changed his 'status' to "**** NTSC-UK".


                Originally posted by Yakumo View Post
                That wouldn't have been TeamAndromeda would it?
                Nah I wouldn't have forgotten his name feels like just yesterday he was tormenting us.

                This was 15+ years ago. The name might not even have begun with T. My memory is vague. The forum was different then.

                Originally posted by Ampanman
                I don't remember that or was it that bloke that said he was the best, ah that was it the elite.

                That was much later although I did greatly enjoy his posts also. I believe he might have been banned rather than flouncing out.

                Originally posted by Golgo
                Very true. I remember one guy sashayed out with like a prima donna with fireworks. Was on my PS3 friends list and clearly felt he wasn't getting enough attention anymore, so after a while he changed his 'status' to "**** NTSC-UK".

                You'd see them sometimes, post flounce, lurking in the 'currently reading this page' at the bottom


                  Originally posted by wakka View Post
                  Nah I wouldn't have forgotten his name feels like just yesterday he was tormenting us.

                  This was 15+ years ago. The name might not even have begun with T. My memory is vague. The forum was different then.

                  That was much later although I did greatly enjoy his posts also. I believe he might have been banned rather than flouncing out.


                  You'd see them sometimes, post flounce, lurking in the 'currently reading this page' at the bottom [/INDENT]

                  That's funny.


                    I don't think I've ever flounced out of any site. I've 100% made a complete arse of myself on multiple occasions here, and probably made quite a few of you wish I'd just **** off though.


                      Sometimes it’s useful. Sometimes a person can stop posting and never return, and it’s sad. There’s lots of posters on here I wish I’d stayed in touch with, like Ish, neil2k and Spatial. It may be that life gets in the way, or their interest runs its course, in which case they wouldn’t post a thread about it anyway. But if it’s a conscious decision, then a farewell thread could provide those who want to stay in touch an opportunity to arrange it. There’s a few people on here that I already know on a non-forum basis, which I’m very glad of, but equally there’s a few that if they vanished, I’d be disappointed that I didn’t make the effort to extend beyond the forum.


                        Originally posted by Cassius_Smoke View Post
                        I don't think I've ever flounced out of any site. I've 100% made a complete arse of myself on multiple occasions here, and probably made quite a few of you wish I'd just **** off though.
                        Not at all!


                          Originally posted by Cassius_Smoke View Post
                          I've 100% made a complete arse of myself on multiple occasions here
                          Haha that's deffo me, but we all says things that seem odd later.

                          I'd like to think I would announce if I was leaving, not in a "I ****ING HATE YOU ALL" way but just to say I'm leaving because of .... and best wishes and all that.


                            I consider this place more of a Hotel California myself.


                              Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post
                              Sometimes it’s useful. Sometimes a person can stop posting and never return, and it’s sad. There’s lots of posters on here I wish I’d stayed in touch with, like Ish, neil2k and Spatial. It may be that life gets in the way, or their interest runs its course, in which case they wouldn’t post a thread about it anyway. But if it’s a conscious decision, then a farewell thread could provide those who want to stay in touch an opportunity to arrange it. There’s a few people on here that I already know on a non-forum basis, which I’m very glad of, but equally there’s a few that if they vanished, I’d be disappointed that I didn’t make the effort to extend beyond the forum.
                              Neil and I still make a point of checking in with each other every year over the festive, I’ll be sure to let him know you were asking after him. (Kind of )

