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America & World V: Sacré Bleu!

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    Originally posted by MartyG View Post
    Is this the same Donald Trump that would never face justice?

    This was the weakest of trials too, fun times ahead.

    Do people actually think he will face any actual justice? he will just shrug this off and skip on his merry way, there wont be jail, corporal punishment & he can is still running for office ffs.


      Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post

      Do people actually think he will face any actual justice? he will just shrug this off and skip on his merry way, there wont be jail, corporal punishment & he can is still running for office ffs.
      It's really easy to be a pessimist about this and also, if I'm honest, disappointed someone I dislike isn't being disproportionally punished.
      I'd like nothing more than to see the narcissistic orange racism enabler doing time, but in the same way that we have to accept that his conviction was fair, without fear or favour, that the judgement will follow suit.

      For all his questionable actions, this is his first conviction and it was for accounting issues, rather than a more "serious" crime.

      A convicted criminal cannot serve in the military, so he'd be able to dodge that again, but more practically some countries don't allow convicted felons in - not ideal for a President. Also, they cannot vote, so at the very least, that's one less vote for himself!

      However, there are some voters who've expressed that they'd not vote for him if he were to be convicted.
      Now he has, that will affect some of his potential voters. I know a lot of them will eat their words and vote for him anyway, but even if a small percentage refuse to vote forhim, that can make all the difference in politics.

      Ultimately, the Trump brand is tainted and no matter how much MAGAs claim it was an unfair trial, it holds more sway that he was found guilty rather than he wasn't and could gloat on that forever.


        Trump is about to seemingly off the cuff make a response to his conviction. Expect it to go as well as ever.


          And it did, quelle surprise. The usual "Democraps are bad, darkies are bad, New York is bad, Biden is corrupt" bull...
          Lie with passion and be forever damned...


            Now we can accurately refer to him as a rambling, incoherent convicted felon and it's not name calling, it's reporting the news


              The fall-out from this case is quite alarming you have this hard right media parroting Trumps lies that he's being set up, attacking the judge the jury and the current government. You would think Fox News would be a bit more careful after having to pay $787.5 million to Dominion for slander. But nope, they're jumping straight back on the horse and getting themselves tangled up in even more lies and slander.

              It's a pretty scary time to be involved in a Trump trials too there have been calls for violence against the Jurors, prosecution, and the Judge, with plans set up to identify, harass and Doxx the jurors. Should it really be the case that a jury can face more consequences than someone who's found guilty? I certainly wouldn't want to be on a Trump case, as you're in the firing line of all these cult of trump nut jobs.

              Come sentencing, I don't have a clue how they are going to hand any sort of punishment that will affect him, especially when he's using the case as a way to campaign and further his stolen election true patriot propaganda.


                I'm fully expecting him to just get heavy fines given the nature of the crimes committed and the way sentencing seems to work in these cases. Any extra punishment feels like it will be more as result fo how often he's breached his gag order than anything else. A poll last week suggested that 25% of undecideds would now vote against him as a result of him being a criminal which is a depressingly low number but given many of the swing states are by a margin of just tens of thousands hopefully proves enough damage to his campaign.


                  Corrupt official supports Corrupt Criminal shocker
                  Last edited by Neon Ignition; 03-06-2024, 10:47.


                    Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
                    Corrupt official supports Corrupt Criminal shocker
                    You can shut the F up bungo.


                      Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
                      Also, they cannot vote, so at the very least, that's one less vote for himself!
                      This is not correct. Some States don't allow convicted felons to vote, New York (where Trump is registered) is not one of them.

                      It's funny how the goal posts shifts, previously it was "he'll never be charged with a crime", then he was. Then it was "it'll never go to court", then it did. Then it was "he'll never be convicted" now he has been, and now it's shifted to, well he won't be punished - but he will and it will be proportionate to the conviction - and if Trump keeps agrevating the situation he could push that over into prison time (which is an available option). Given it's his first conviction and probably not his last, it's likely to be a fine.

                      But don't think this isn't going to impact Trump, it already is.


                        Originally posted by MartyG View Post

                        This is not correct. Some States don't allow convicted felons to vote, New York (where Trump is registered) is not one of them.
                        This is not correct. Some States don't allow convicted felons to vote, Florida (where Trump is registered) is one of them.


                          Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post

                          This is not correct. Some States don't allow convicted felons to vote, Florida (where Trump is registered) is one of them.
                 - wrong. Trump is not blocked from voting.


                            Ha ha ha, regular as clockwork, Marty!
                            I'll claim my £10.

                            I'll concede that he can vote, but that's because he's appealing his sentence and hasn't been sentenced yet.

                            If convicted of a felony in Florida or in federal court (rather than a NY one), or already jailed he'd be banned from voting. Sentencing won't happen until after the election, so the latter reason won't be relevant this election.

                            It's not because he's registered to vote in NY, as you suggested.


                              Yes slightly mixed up, it's because he's convicted (not registered) in NY and Florida follows the rules of where he's convicted - he only won't be able to vote if he is jailed for the conviction.


                                When I posted about him being blocked from voting, it was last month, when many people from podcasts like The Newsagents and The Rest Is Politics to US Senators were thinking he couldn't vote.

                                That's been clarified now, but it's interesting to hear the implications of his conviction.
                                Allied countries like the UK, Australia and Canada technically wouldn't let him in.

                                There'd obviously be an exception like when George W. Bush declared his drink-driving conviction, but it beggars to believe American voters still think he's the best choice to lead them.

