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UK XI: Plea's Release Me, Let Me Go

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    Rishi Sunak claims new Rwanda asylum bill will prevent legal challenges | Rishi Sunak | The Guardian​
    Rumbles are that there's a chance that the Tories are so fundamentally moronic that they might be gearing up to challenge Sunak's leadership and trigger a new leadership contest due to the party turning on itself again over the Rwanda plan. The plan has been revealed to have already doubled in cost, paying out £290m despite not a single flight taking off.

    Boris Johnson accused of ‘shocking disrespect’ over party comments | Covid inquiry | The Guardian​
    Johnson now admits to the COVID parties but says they were right to take place

    In regards to the Rwanda plan, it spectacularly displays how unfit Sunak and the cabinet are to run the country. An utter inability to recognise how far off the path of relevance they've become. The Rwanda plan represents two strands of thinking. The first is that it's a PR only tool in response to a hole the party has been digging for years now. The Stop the Boats drive is merely the Tory hijacked version of the UKIP poster of a line of immigrants. The boats are a safety concern, the numbers of people aren't a major figure and most could easily be diverted through legal channels if they had a single plan for addressing legal immigration concerns. The second is that in the absence of any election position to stand on, they're gripping tightly to Rwanda in the hopes it will draw in voters like Brexit did. They've spent so much time and energy convincing the public that immigration is an issue that they've convinced themselves of it too. In reality it's hard to imagine much of the public gives two hoots about Rwanda.

    I think this is where Braverman etc have misjudged the situation too. You have this noisy sizeable chunk of the party that are hard right, Brexiteer Little Englanders and the leadership are constantly trying to keep them on side. Braverman seems to think she can appeal to them and then once Sunak is out of the picture leverage that appeal to lead the Tories as a new hard lined hard right political force. But that will never happen.

    When you take the Tories during their popular peaks they're typically as a Centre Right presence. The UK public is clearly right leaning but they're not hard right. The party is fundamentally a Remainer party which is why they campaigned on that basis and then found themselves paralysed by the referendum result, faced with carrying out a result they didn't agree with and knew would hurt them. After years tied in knots over it you end up with this perfect storm of the public just being exhausted with it which is why Get Brexit Done resonated, It wasn't about immigration despite how much UKIP focused on it or the ERG/Johnson used it as a beating stick. The 52% Leave result wasn't 52% voting solely to Stop the Boats. Immigration was a minority concern from Day Zero. Between Corbyn's popularity collapse, Johnson's razzle dazzle and the promise of drawing a line under the Brexit stagnation you end up with the 2019 GE result. But because of the attack lines, that immigration focus and the efforts to appeal to harder right voters to finally throttle UKIP the Tories ended up with an influx of hard right elected members. This is why the Tories can't get along, it's like there are two parties inside one.

    Braverman's miscalculation is that in any scenario that 2019 influx are toast next year. The Red Wall was always doomed because that one off lightning rod of Brexit is gone and you can't manufacture that again. When those MP's find themselves turfed out the numbers won't add up for her and she'll find herself hugely marginalised and considered irrelevant. The mindset of the party is so shot that they'll spend years in fighting and turfing through party leaders looking for a magic bullet. But I'd say that if you're an ambitious relatively young centre right Tory candidate then it would be wise to start considering your moves because once the next couple of years are out of the way I imagine it's a reinvention from that Cameronesque position that we'll see emerge and that the next time the Tories are in power we won't see any of this immigration focus, and that they'll also be pro-closer to the EU.


      So the Rwanda plan was only ever to take 200 asylum seekers and we would need to take Rwanda's Asyslum Seekers in return, So for our 200-300 million we have a plan to sort out 1.26% of the problem? Actually even less than 1.26% if we are also taking Rawandan asylum seekers.

      Instead of spending over a million per person you could of given the UK national average wage to each one of these people for the next 26 years but...... it was never about supporting them it was about creating a policy that deters the boats. Rwanda was perfect as its human rights record is poor and they have history of sending back people to the places they where trying to escape from.
      Last edited by Lebowski; 08-12-2023, 09:24.


        It was never going to be a meaningful discentive, it was a distraction for the benefit of voters to sound “hard”. I bet the majority of people crossing in small boats don’t even know the Rwanda scheme exists, the rest will either know that it exists but have been assured by people smugglers that it doesn’t apply to them or are simply taking their chances as a calculated risk.

        A lot of them have already had the risk of drowning in the sea, freezing to death in a lorry, being robbed and left for dead by smugglers or otherwise, killed in a war zone they’ve had to transit through. What’s the actual chance they’ll end up in Rwanda after all that? It’s got to be like the odds of winning the pools.

        Should have spent the money tackling the backlog, but that’s not going to make the easily led vote Tory.


          you cant make up this farce though Hirst nobody is buying it surely?

          Last month, Supreme Court judges blocked the government's original plan, declaring that Rwanda was not a safe country and that the asylum system was flawed....

          Then the government introduced the Safety of Rwanda Bill which requires judges to treat Rwanda as safe despite it not being safe.

          in other news up is now down and cats will now be known as dogs.


            In all honesty I think they knew it wouldn’t stick and would be argued in court for years, so they can try to argue that judges are destroying the country and the government should have emergency powers to veto anything they don’t like. Either that or it was a landmine to be left for Labour to have to untangle so they can argue “see, Labour are a soft touch”.

            At this stage I can’t even work it out, there’s so much dishonesty and political wrangling that I’ve no idea what anyone actually wants any more, did they even want to stop any boats? Do any of them want to be MPs any more? Are they all just setting their stall out for a career in GB News or gritting the hard right on YouTube? What colour is the sky? Is this still on? I’ve gone bananas.


              Originally posted by Anpanman View Post
              Yep I did some research seems if you have a PLTR you are ok.
              I hope that is the case! I hate what foreign spouses have to go through in this backwards country.


                Originally posted by Protocol Penguin View Post
                I hope that is the case! I hate what foreign spouses have to go through in this backwards country.
                Thanks, we should be ok. Went through the correct process, fiancé visa cost, interviews, documentation and final payment for the PLTR.


                  Rishi Sunak says government did consider disadvantages of lockdown – UK politics live (​
                  Sunak fights through the COVID inquiry whilst also battling to remain PM


                    this made me laugh



                      After schmoozing his party all day Sunak wins the vote for his Rwanda bill. The bill now declares Rwanda a safe country, something that it is impossible to simply state and it suddenly becomes true. As such, the Rwanda debate will continue however there is still not a single solitary chance that a single plane will take off despite closing in on it emerging that the cost is now nearing £400m.

                      Calls grow for Bibby Stockholm barge to close after apparent suicide of resident | Immigration and asylum | The Guardian​


                        Andy Burnham rejects clean air zone that would charge drivers in Greater Manchester | Greater Manchester | The Guardian​
                        Some heavy spin here as it was the Tories that actually put the brakes on CAZ in the area not long before it was set to come into effect. With Labour taking heat over ULEZ this will simply have become the sacrificial lamb to stop any northern pre-election drama rather than some genius Burnham initiative. A charge has now been toppled twice in the area so presumably is now long term off the table.


                          I'm glad he has scrapped it but good old Burnham is getting his pound of flesh in the fare increases for his buses, the move to Bee/Buzz/Wasp/Stinger saw an almost double increase on the previous highest - certainly on what the wife pays for her monthly buss ticket.


                            So only London needs clean air?


                              When pollution levels drop London is absolutely ******. It'll be interesting to see how they eventually dig themselves out of the hole the charges have created for them

