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Christmas 2023

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    I think Lidl have just won the Christmas advert of the year.


      I missed the official work Christmas Party this year, the first proper one they’ve had since Covid. I hadn’t been to any for at least 6 or 7 years (possibly longer) as honestly I just started to dislike going and wanted to start putting up some clear barriers between my work and home life following various ding-dongs with a new/rubbish manager. Usually people expect it from me and don’t really care, but since they’ve merged a load of teams together and the new head was expecting some kind of “happy family” scenario, my absence was a lot more noticed than usual and people are treating me quite coldly as I think there was only me not going (out of about 40-50). Officially, I couldn’t go as I had to “pick my car up from MOT”. Unofficially, there was a senior manager there who the only reason I’d ever want to be in a room with him is if I was some kind of KGB sleeper cell and he was looking out an open window.

      Surprisingly, said senior manager apparently behaved appallingly at the event and was very drunk and stupid, heckling the laid-on entertainment and all sorts. Guy is on nearly 100 grand! What are they thinking? Christ, if I was a manager I’d be buying a round of drinks, doing my idle animation for 30 minutes and then quietly excusing myself. Still glad I didn’t go though!


        Our place stopped doing works Xmas do's around 10 years ago. I don't miss them


          Off from 23rd through until the 1st. I am going to cram as many TV shows, movies, anime and video games into that period of time as I can.


            Last day of work today (they close office between Christmas and New Year - irritating for me as we’re required to use leave I’d rather hang on to).

            Thankfully all the managers have decided to make their excuses and go, so I’m reading old game magazines on my phone off until chucking out time.


              I'm off already and trying to keep our 3 kids entertained (read: nightmare)... the wife finished work today.

              Really mixed emotions about Christmas this year. I love it but my father in law passed away on Christmas day last year so we're all over the place emotionally this year. At least it can't be as bad as last year...

              Kids are obviously hugely excited and my wife is coping well but the whole dynamic has forever changed where the larger family is concerned. We both want to get on with it now, try to enjoy it but also get past it as well.

              This year we will be having Xmas at home, with me doing all the cooking... then seeing family on Boxing day as part of her siblings have canned seeing each other on the actual day like we used to.

              I'll be ducking away for some alone time where needed (steam deck in hand) just for my own sanity... I'm most likely designated driver so I can't even drink butI'm quietly still excited for the bits without the wider family involved.




                Just walked through all the crazy stuff in town so I could get my hair cut (good old Turkish barbers and their strangely long opening hours), lots of wobbly walking, bad dancing and hideous partywear. I’m glad not to be a part of it though to be honest, just gives me a headache nowadays. I just want to get back to the missus, the cat and the Sega Saturn.


                  Merry Christmas everyone


                    Happy Christmas, all!


                      Happy Brian day everybody


                        Happy Christmas fellow 'Downers.

                        I've had enough already. Could happily go back to bed!


                          Merry Christmas everyone, hope brought you everything you wished for!


                            Merry Christmas all!





                                Come on, I'm waiting to see what everyone got! How else can I live vicariously!!??

