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The Japan Trip Resource Thread!

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    yeah i emailed them, haven't got a response yet. was thinking of ringing them up (skype ftw) to see what they say. failing that i've asked a few more friends if they'd be able to help out. problem is, time is of the essence, and i'd imagine the ticket agency will want their answer by today...


      Failing the phone and everything you could ask the sender to either write your date of arrival on the envelope or put the contents in an envelope within an envelope (if you see what I mean) with the outer addressed to the front desk/reception and the inner containing your name/arrival details or more information asking them to hold it for you.

      As I said, I did something similar with an airline ticket and there was no probelm, the hotel wasn't the most plush or expensive either.

      Japan is pretty safe and you should be fine.


        one of my friends has offered her address. hopefully it'll all turn out ok.

        just booking hotels, now...


          I've done a search but there seems little mention of children in this thread, so can anyone help?

          My wife, son (aged 12) and myself are planning ten or so days in Japan next March, probably split between Tokyo and Kyoto. This will be a first visit to Asia for all of us. We're looking to combine exploration of old and new Japan.

          Any advice on where to stay in Tokyo and Kyoto, places to visit, mistakes to avoid, etc would be greatly appreciated. There is a lot of useful stuff in this thread - many hours worth in fact -but traveling as a family brings its own challenges.


            The advice I always give first andforemost is, if you can book everything yourself - flights/accomm etc as you'll save a small fortune compared to getting an escorted tour or package from one of the tour operators.

            Japan Rail Pass is also a must.

            Tokyo has enough to see Asakusa, Meiji Shrine for history also Tokyo Disneyland/Sea

            Kyoto is lovely and has tons of temples, Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavillion), Ninna-ji, Nijo Castle, Kiyomizu has good views, Nanzenji has lovely gardens.

            I would also recommend getting over to Osaka as well if you can manage it.
            It has a good castle, Universal Studios Japan, and one of the largest aquariums in the world - think it's second largest but could be wrong.
            Plus Umeda Sky Building is well worth a look and not far from Yodobashi Camera.


              The rail pass is only worth it if you use it for the Shinkansen between tokyo and osaka/kyoto. If its for local travel buy a Suica card (and top it up) when you're in Tokyo and the equivalent in Osaka/Kansai.


                last time i went to japan i bought the JR rail pass (7-day 1st-class, 190-odd quid) and it didn't pay for itself. 1st-class tokyo-osaka is about £80 each way.

                this time around however, everything's peachy. i bought the regular-class ticket, £120, (7-day again), and already i've gone from tokyo to osaka, then yesterday went back to tokyo, and now i'm in osaka again!

                here's a cool little page from the JR site:

                it's a fare calculator (not only for JR trains too). if you do get a JR pass, be sure to check the 'except NOZOMI' box as the JR pass isn't allowed for that train (tbh i don't think you're missing much going tokyo-kyoto, it's only a half-hour quicker by nozomi than the 'slower' hikari).

                tokyo-osaka costs £60 each way anyway, so it had already paid for itself.

                also, bonus points for my running to the station and losing my shinkansen ticket, only to simply walk to the ticket guys and get another one!


                  Is it hard to get by knowing no Japanese? Are phrasebooks all you need? I have a Tokyo Lonely Planet guide..heh.

                  Also, where's the cheapest place to stay?

                  And where's the post office? Will they know English so I can post stuff back to myself? Is it expensive to do so?


                    A lot of people speak excellent English but they are mostly in Tokyo I would say. Try to remember simple phrases but don't try too much as the Japanese think that if you speak even a little bit of the lingo, you are fluent and will fry your brain with their replies.

                    I don't know how they feel about foreigners thanking them or greeting them in Japanese. I sometimes hear tourists saying arigato when leaving a shop or restaurant but on other occasions they just say thank you which seems odd to me. Americans are the worst as they think that everyone should be expected to speak their language.

                    The post office staff should know enough to get by at least if in Tokyo metropolitan. I am not sure about the cheapest place to stay, sorry.
                    Last edited by Richard.John; 13-12-2007, 00:48.


                      Unless you're going somewhere rural generally language is not a big problem.

                      For cheap accomodation you could use hostels.. YHA ones are generally good quality, but not always especially cheap and usually situated outside of the main areas. Others I have stayed in were a bit hit-and-miss (plus most will have curfews/rules which you *must* abide by). There are also lots of decent, cheap ryokans about in many places but unless you have local knowledge/language skills they may be hard to find (although I guess Lonely Planet should suggest some). Where are you heading? I could give more specific recommendations for some places.


                        How cheap are you talking here?

                        I tried Sakura Hotel twice this time (first night I had a single room, then on Saturday after Daft Punk I was stranded in Tokyo at midnight and got a dorm bunk there). Single room is about £30, bunk is £17 (or £12 if you make your own bed. i didn't know exactly what that implied so just went for the £17 one).

                        So far I'm on to my second proper hotel. The Osaka one (Plaza Osaka), this one (Amista Asagaya) and the next one I'll be staying at (Ochanomizu) are all £30 a night. For that I get a single room with all the cool things. The Osaka hotel had a 23" HD telly (with HD cable!) and stuff, all have en suite.

                        The one I'm in now (Amista) has internet in the room, too, without needing to arrange it beforehand. The Osaka one needed prior arrangement (which I didn't do) but had free wifi and lan in the lobby.

                        Totally agree with Richard John's bit about brain-frying - even with my J-Skillz I get stumped now and then by what people are saying


                          Blimey, this thread still lives!

                          Just got back from working in Tokyo for 10 days installing a dialer. I dont know whats happening to the Japanese but every time i go back people seem more and more depressed. I didnt know i was that offensive!

                          But seriously, the bars are quieter, Akiba has less energy and people generally seem less vibrant than when i 1st went there.

                          The women are still as easy as ever, though


                            Ah, Mr JTL! Good to see Japanese women still aren't safe from your smooth talk.


                              and my rough tongue...


                                Originally posted by Jushin-Thunder-Liger View Post
                                The women are still as easy as ever, though
                                **** that, they avoided me and my mate like the plague. Can't really blame them, mind.

