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Chelsea Thread

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    Nothing to do with the tabloids. Just the premiership players gossiping about it.

    You can't injunction to hide something that is already 'widely' known.

    For some random definition of 'widely' that's up to the courts.


      Caught a glimpse of an article with Janet Street Porter having a go. Someone who had four short lived marriages and a string of affairs criticising him...



        No matter what someone has done, having Janet Street Porter against you automatically gives you some sympathy in my book


          Now all we need is for piers Morgan to get his dig in.


          ah seems he had his say pretty much the minute the embargo was lifted.
          Last edited by abigsmurf; 01-02-2010, 09:28.


            Bill Clinton is shocked and appalled ...


              Originally posted by nakamura View Post
              His actual ability on the pitch has never been doubted but you have to act with a certain respect to your peers which once again has not been shown by a footballer.
              What he did is a disgrace and he should be fully prepared to take whatever is coming to him. There is no defence in this situation argue it as much as you like.

              Players earn millions for doing essentially nothing of major importance yet they still feel the need to act this way despite being in the public eye, I would say the only crucifying here was done by Terry himself.


                Hang on, am I right in thinking that Bridge and his missus had split up before Terry got with her? If thats the case why in the hell does it matter?

                I've been reading conflicting reports on either side so I'm not entirely sure. But really, unless he was boning her whilst Bridge was still madly in love it makes no difference at all.

                If, for any reason, he has lost support of the players then he'll have to stand down. Which would be a bit stupid, in my opinion.


                  Yeah on Talk Sport they said Bridge had already split up. If that's true then this whole story is utterly pathetic.


                  Found a rough timeline:

                  Bridge moved up to manchester last January
                  Girlfriend did not move up with him.
                  They officially broke up in the summer.
                  John Terry started the romance in September.

                  Why the hell does this matter? Yes he had an affair but that's his and his wife's business. If Bridge is bothered by it, tough ****, she wasn't his girl any more.

                  This whole thing is none of the public's business and will only have an impact on the dressing room if Bridge is incredibly immature.
                  Last edited by abigsmurf; 02-02-2010, 11:57.


                    So it doesn't matter because she wasn't with Bridge anymore? I wonder if Mrs Terry and their children feel that way.

                    God forbid adultery may bother someone these days. It's okay though, he's a footballer so normal rules of "decent" society don't apply to them.


                      I wouldn't expect the sack or a demotion if I had an affair with someone. Frankly it would be none of my employer's business.

                      Not condoning affairs but unless I'm an involved party, I don't want or need the details.


                        Jebus, he is a football player. He isnt in a position that demands he keeps himself whiter than white.

                        Adultery is wrong, for sure, but it shouldnt make a difference to the anility of a person to captain his team. He isn't leading them on the strength of his relationship with his wife.


                          Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                          So it doesn't matter because she wasn't with Bridge anymore? I wonder if Mrs Terry and their children feel that way.

                          God forbid adultery may bother someone these days. It's okay though, he's a footballer so normal rules of "decent" society don't apply to them.
                          And that's a matter for him and his family , not us . How many of the newspapers editors , reporters have had it off , while the wife is at home?, how many of our MP's that make our rules have had it off, while meant to be running the country? .
                          He's an Footballer , Not the Pope , not a Front bench minister .

                          Now all his wife needs to do , is take daddy to cleaners , and show his children , that he isn't DAD of the year , he's scum , but that's a matter for them , not for us , and not for the News Of the World.

                          btw imo it really makes no Difference who's England Captain , this isn't cricket . England places far too much importance on who wares the Captain armband
                          Last edited by Team Andromeda; 02-02-2010, 15:17.


                            Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
                            Now all his wife needs to do , is take daddy to cleaners , and show his children , that he isn't DAD of the year , he's scum , but that's a matter for them , not for us , and not for the News Of the World.
                            ...and losing his wife, children and a sizable portion of his income won't affect his performance in any way, shape or form?

                            Do you people really believe footballers are robots, and things that happen off the field don't affect them in any way?

                            If all this was happening to you, would it affect your work performance?

                            Oh and you are right, he is a footballer and not the pope or a minister, but I wonder who would be the more influental figure in young adults lives of the examples given.
                            Last edited by Jebus; 02-02-2010, 15:55.


                              ...and losing his wife, children and a sizable portion of his income won't affect his performance in any way, shape or form?
                              Doesn't seem to have at the moment . I would imagine playing football is helping him in some strange way .

                              Do you people really believe footballers are robots, and things that happen off the field don't affect them in any way
                              Like you told me ... There's far more important things than Football .
                              Now if John Terry was the countries top Heart sergeant, Head of State , Police Commissioner , Home Secretary . Maybe that would be in the Publics interest and worth getting worked up about.

                              Otherwise it's really a matter for him and his family and Club .

                              If all this was happening to you, would it affect your work performance
                              Some of us are not Millenaries and have to go to work not matter if you’re having issues outside of work . I dare say there’s lots of Professional people , that have to turn up to work the next day , not matter what .
                              In some cases work is all that keeps them going , in other cases its sends them over the Edge . It' s not like Terry is going to lose his house and be out on the streets , or his Kids go with out .

                              but I wonder who would be the more influental figure in young adults lives of the examples given.
                              That be Mum and Dad , the most Important people in one’s life , and the ones, that 's meant to look after and bring one’ s own kids up . The ones that teacher you right from wrong , and morals, not MP's , sports stars , or the Pope


                                In fairness, if it does affect his performance on the field he'll be dropped. If it affects his judgement whilst operating in his role as England captain, again, he'll be dropped.

                                This is pretty much a non issue really. If he gets dragged through the courts and his football career starts to go downhill he'll simply not be part of the teams he is currently representing. I think everyone trusts Capello to base his decisions on football and nothing else, he has proven that quite a few times.

