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Arsenal Thread

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    Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
    Disgraceful challenge that. Going on to get a goal from it... Gallas should be deeply embarrassed, he must've known how much he'd hurt him. He probably won't get one but he deserves a ban for that.
    So are you saying every bad challenge should lead to a ban?

    Or just the ones that result in a goal?


      it was disgraceful and it was a red but come on, how many times do Arsenal have teams go at them to systematically kick them out of a match, this was a heat of the moment incident that to me didn't look premeditated.

      also how many times do players go down in agony to stop an attack and then nicely punt the ball back ?

      it was a red sure but wasn't a Larrson, Eduardo, Busst leg break so if the ref in a moment of blindness didn't give it then play on.

      also to quoe Mr Wenger :-

      "Remember (against) Everton, I did not think they should have kicked the ball out and it was a much more obvious situation because Denilson went down, they got the ball and might have gone 3-1 up."
      Last edited by merf; 21-01-2010, 08:38.


        It's all well and good wenger saying everton should not have kicked it out after the incident. They didn't score.


          in general I'm totally fed up in football with the post match recriminations and whining from the losing team (even if Arsenal)

          players and managers have created such an atmosphere of cheating and ref intimidation that no game can pass without somebody being aggrieved, namely the losing manager.

          there is also a total disconnect between facts and what is said, sure the galls thing was controversial last night but wasn't the only factor in the match, what about the penalties, what about the other goals arsenal scored, what about the awful bolton defending.

          no that doesn't get mentioned, the only reason bolton lost was the foul.

          its rubbish.


            Very true.

            Man Utd last season were awarded a penalty against Spurs that was worth five goals.

            At least, that's what you'd think based on Jon Champion's commentary for the rest of the match and the days of media analysis that came afterwards. The fact that Tottenham were still 2-1 ahead, and crumbled in a most spectacular style were irrelevant.

            Funny there hasn't been anywhere near the same level of inquest for City's penalty the other night.


              Gallas should have got a red, ergo he should be banned.

              Very good result for Arsenal and a massive difference from the men and boys game against Chelsea. How bizarre.


                Goals change matches. Man U were poor at the weekend and Burnley were surviving but when that first goal went in, they collapsed and the goals flooded in.

                There's a reason pundits say things like "the ref threw them a lifeline...". Goals, especially as the result of wrong decisions and foul play, do far more to a game than just incrementing a figure on the scoreboard.


                  well if it was given as a free kick as it should have been, then gallas would have been off and the score would have 2-1 to bolton with arsenal a man down so it would have been a different game, that said Man utd and chelsea fans dont need to panic arsenal will fall away as usual at the business end of the season.


                    Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
                    Goals change matches. Man U were poor at the weekend and Burnley were surviving but when that first goal went in, they collapsed and the goals flooded in.

                    There's a reason pundits say things like "the ref threw them a lifeline...". Goals, especially as the result of wrong decisions and foul play, do far more to a game than just incrementing a figure on the scoreboard..
                    True, but it doesn't kill a game, Blackburn had two before Villa smashed six past them. United also had one before City came back to win. The fact is eleven men go on that field and they have 90 minutes to win a game. You can say one or two refereeing decisions change a game but a good team can always defend a free kick or an advantage played.

                    In my opinion people need to stop looking for excuses when a team loses and just admit that for that one game their team wasn't good enough. Hell, I can't remember how many times I've seen City throw away a healthy lead and go on and draw or lose, sometimes iffy decisions from the ref contribute but at the end of the day it's always down to the fact that as an organization we're just too partial to a bit of defensive incompetence.


                      Bad, late challenge - but there was no intent. Yellow Card and Free Kick, and that was it if you ask me.

                      Besides that Coyle should criticise the defending - Fabregas didnt really have any control and Bolton had plenty of time to clear their lines. The result was deserved if you look over the 2 legs if you will. Bolton couldnt wait to kick seven shades out of Arsenal and penalty appeals were turned away which should have been given.

                      I have a good feeling this season, something is different in this team, Arsenal will be there or there abouts at the end of the season, no doubt.


                        yes thereabouts in third place 10 pts behind utd and chelsea, ill be back in may when im proved right


                          good points, or fourse an iffy decision in the last minute can wreck a game, take Chelsea Barca in the champ league last year.

                          thing is that certain managers use it as a get out of jail card to ensure they don't have to critiscise their useless players. overall we have a score of Arsenal 6 Bolton 2 from these 2 games, anybody care to suggest that the ref is the sole reason for this thumping aggregate scoreline ?


                            btw I'm a pessimist still, we let in too many goals, won't beat chelsea at the bridge and will end up ina good solid 3rd spot well ahead of 4th.

                            gallas vermaelen almounia isn't a title winning central defensive triumvirate.


                              have you seen arsenals next 4 fixtures tough is an understatement Villa away, man utd at home, chelsea away and liverpool at home, if they are still top after that lot then i will eat my words.


                                Nah we wont win the league, we'll have our usual collapse in a couple of months time. Will be runners-up at best.

