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Component splitter/switch box required!

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    Component splitter/switch box required!

    Hi all,
    Did advertise a while ago for one of these and didn't end up picking one up but now needed again
    I'm after just the box type splitter i.e. not one with a lead/end connected already. I hope that makes sense as I'm aware you can get splitter's with components leads already attached - ideally I'm not after this type of one (only if the price was right!), but rather a 2 or 4 way switch box.
    3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129

    I have a profigold one I'd let go of.

    Cost me ?63, yours for ?40 incl.

    Fantastic unit, top of the line.


      Is it this one mate?

      As if so the average price seems to be about £30 brand new across the net. And as you can see it's just over that on ebay.
      3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129


        Oh god what..

        Sorry dude but as I paid so much I can't accept (so much) less really. If that's affordable to you though I can highly recommend it. I believe FamiDude bought one a little while ago for a little more than I paid although I could be wrong. Sorry if it seems like I was trying to con you a bit..
        Last edited by speedlolita; 30-12-2010, 22:33.


          That's fair enough dude, it's £30 on Amazon as well, well from a seller. Yeah I had a budget of £25-30, so will see if anyone comes up with the goods on here first and if not will probably go for that one - nice to get a good recommendation though!
          Cheers anyhow mate
          3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129


            Here's a vid I made.


              Sounds like what I'm after mate, dropped you a pm
              3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129

