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Red Dead & Others +800pts Tesco in store

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    Red Dead & Others +800pts Tesco in store

    For those of you yet to pick it up... I managed to get the last three copies from my local tesco at ?39.70 with 800 free msft points

    I then had to find a remaining copy for a friend and got the last copy at my local argos for ?34.99

    Its ?39.99 at morrisons.

    But i also noticed tesco giving away 800 free msft points with other cheaper games like borderlands dlc (?15 + 800 pts) and a bunch of other <?20 new stuff i cant remember

    Is the Argos price for Read Dead the same across the UK?


      Yeah i think so. I'd seen it at that price on a forum and they had a poster with that price on it for 360 and ps3.


        It is &#163;34.99 in all Argos'. There's massive posters all in my local store when I picked mine up. Reserve a copy online before picking it up just to be safe.


          HMV had the same offer today, also with the ps3 version they were giving away a free blu ray of 3:10 to yuma. awesome film but i've already seen it so no good to me


            Was in earlier, sold out of Split/Second in Belfast... gutted!

            to lazy to go to any of the other 5mile radius stores!

            Be sure to pick up the 800msp box tho, cus the person at the till will probably be non the wiser.

            BTW any thing in the chart gets the 800msp for free
            Last edited by spinpug666; 23-05-2010, 00:59. Reason: extra info


              I can confirm anything in the chart qualifies; I picked up Dragon Age on the xbox 360 for 15 pounds and also got the points.


                Was I meant to get points? I had nothing offered to me


                  I just picked them up off the shelf. They were in boxes marked "not for sale".

                  Take your receipt back to to customer services and they'll probably oblige as the 800 points (they come in a regular 360 box) won't be on your receipt.


                    I might try that actually. As you say its not on my receipt but it is dated when the offer started.

                    Originally posted by ChrisField View Post
                    I just picked them up off the shelf. They were in boxes marked "not for sale".

                    Take your receipt back to to customer services and they'll probably oblige as the 800 points (they come in a regular 360 box) won't be on your receipt.


                      Tesco's can kiss my arse.

                      The person who picked my copy up from them last week didn't know about the promo and the staff in the shop were clearly clueless morons who didn't think to prompt them. No problem thinks I, I'll just do what other people online are doing and take in the receipt as proof I didn't get the points. Except my store is staffed by dumbasses who want me to actually bring in the game as proof that I actually bought Red Dead Redemption off them.

                      So the suggestion is here that I'm conning them? Yeah Tesco, you can shove your points.

                      edit: actually no. I am going to take it in as proof. Then when I get my points I'm going to launch the case as hard as I can across the store. Bonus rage score if I manage to hit someone in the face.

                      Last edited by Spatial; 24-05-2010, 16:50.


                        record it please



                          So they're not taking the receipt as proof that you actually bought it?!? wtf? What a bunch of douches.


                            Send a strongly worded e-mail to their head office customer service team and explain how incompetent the staff in your local store are.


                              Originally posted by StuM82 View Post
                              Send a strongly worded e-mail to their head office customer service team and explain how incompetent the staff in your local store are.
                              Yeah right & you might get a crappy ?3 e-voucher from them if you're lucky to even get a response

