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Borderlands 2 Premiere Club Code PS3

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    Borderlands 2 Premiere Club Code PS3

    If someone happens to have one of these going for PS3 I'd be much obliged Mine hasn't come with one

    Does this not come in the box then?

    I've got one coming from sainsburys, and it's up on the air whether it's supposed to come with it even though the website says it does... I thought it was packed in..


      I've not got one with mine, the confusion seems to be that Gearbox has split how they're doing it. Some places are emailing there's out seperately a few days later but as always that leads to chaos with the email codes also.

      I've managed to source one now


        Preorder DLC is probably rmthe most annoying thing this gen. The sooner they abolish it- the better.

        How'd you source one in the end bud? Just thinking about why I have to do should sainsburys not deliver!


          Got one from a mate in the end. Only place I've seen them solo for is on ebay but that means paying for it :/

