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Multi-format Sale.

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    Multi-format Sale.

    Official PS3 Bluetooth Headset - ?18

    NDS Adaptor Plus - ?18

    Allows you to transfer DS saves to your PC (and back).

    3 in 1 PC Controller Converter (Joybox - converts PS2, Dreamcast and Saturn pads to work with PC and PS3) + 3 Saturn pads (x1 official, x2 Superpad 8 - great for fighting games) - ?25

    There has been a firmware upgrade to PS3 which disabled quite a few of the third party adapters. I can't find confirmation one way or another as to whether or not it still functions correctly after this firmware. All I've been able to ascertain is that some adapters were affected and some were not. So it may still work for PS3, and it may not.

    When I used to use the adapter it was very simple; just plug and play. It would mess up if you shook the box about while it was plugged in (it would start doing random inputs on its own). Depending on the different controllers you were using, you'd often find the buttons to be mapped in a really messed up way - obviously a quick mooch around on the button config screen would address that. It's lag free as well. I know it definitely still works with the PC, I'm just unsure about PS3 now, as I've said.

    Wolf King Circular Gaming Keyboard (Green, new and sealed) - ?18
    Last edited by dogsout; 29-11-2011, 20:00.