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Canon-Strike XI: Never Ending Horror

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    Scares are pretty much none existent in them, I think that's why Jason works because it embraces the nature of the slasher more and has fun with it. Halloween can't do that or else it turns into a bad Jason movie. The sixth Halloween pretty much does that with Myers being Human+ and other than the novelty of young Rudd etc it's a horrible sequel.


      I haven't seen all the Halloween movies so I can't speak for many of them but, to me, Halloween is a far, far better movie. Friday the 13th is a far more entertaining series.


        Originally posted by Asura View Post
        I should probably see the first Halloween, or first Jason movie.

        Slasher horror flicks have never appealed to me, just because I find the central idea too silly. Maybe if I saw these early ones I might get more out of them.
        The first Halloween is just a straight up great film that anybody would have a good time watching.


          Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
          BTW - I'm taking the slowness of this as evidence that Jason >>> Myers
          No, it means Halloween III >>> The other Halloween films

          (Apart from the first, but I'd rather be watching HIII)


            Movie 19 - Halloween: H20
            Timeline 3 is created, one in which following the events of the original two films Laurie faked her own death and went into hiding under a new identity to keep herself safe from Myers ever finding her again. Now a parent and teacher, she finds herself tracked down by her brother and fighting to protect her son and his friends.

            Enough of a quality reset?


              Finally, we find out the fate of Michael Myers and bring an end to the series!


                Coolio would like a word


                  H20 is one where its reputation is stronger than the film itself. It's a huge improvement on the films before it and I think that's where it comes from but on its own merits it's actually a pretty light and forgettable film.


                    Movie 20 - Halloween Resurrection
                    The eighth entry continues Timeline 3 and sees Laurie in an asylum, waiting for Michael to return once again which he does and her plan to finally fell him fails leading to her own death. Following this Myers returns home... to find TV producers and teens filming a Big Brother style show in his living room and so Myers goes all Macaulay Culkin on them to reclaim his house. The film was poorly received and as such the franchise once again faltered marking the end of this timeline.

                    Trick or Treat?


                      I was proper hyped for H20 but, after seeing it just the once when it first came out, I couldn't tell you a thing about it.


                        Resurrection was a classic example of how to utterly **** away the success and good will of a previous film in one shot


                          Busy catching up with the latest entry tomorrow so a double dose of horror today:

                          Movie 21 - Halloween
                          A remake so we're being... cheeky... here but for ease we'll refer to this as Timeline 4 as we go back to the beginning with a reinterpretation of the original tale of Myers stalking Laurie Stroder. With a lot more emphasis on violence and the backstory of Myers, this entry came about after Dimension Films abandoned a plan to make a Michael Myers vs Hellraiser film.

                          Movie 22 - Halloween II
                          Following on from the success of the above entry, this sequel focused more on the connection between Laurie and Myers as they face off again whilst Loomis attempts to capitalise on the events for a new book. The film didn't perform as well though and wasn't as well received with criticism including that it felt rushed and overly focused on bring violent. As such Zombie refused to make a third entry and the franchise went back into development ending this timeline.

                          Did these entries capture any of the appeal of Carpenters creation?


                            These are watchable films but for me fall victim to one obvious flaw before all others - Zombie knows **** all about making horror films


                              Movie 23 - Halloween
                              The 2018 revival that casts aside the reboot films along with every other film in the franchise except for the original film in order to bring us a direct sequel to that origin point and with it introduce Timeline 5. Laurie lives isolated having spent the last forty years of her life paranoid that one that Michael Myers would escape the facility he has been holed up in and will come looking for her and her family

                              How well did this restart of the franchise work for you?


                                I quite enjoyed the 2018 Halloween. The idea of Laurie's paranoia and lingering effects of her ordeal is a solid foundation. The rest is a little by the numbers but my overall feeling was I was happy to be watching a fairly competent Halloween film.

