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Reviews of retro video games

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  • Spec Ops: The Line Review - Microsoft Xbox360

    Spec Ops: The Line Review - Microsoft Xbox360

    Spec Ops: The Line is a cover based third person shooter, set in modern day Dubai months after it became isolated by extreme sandstorms that have trapped the remaining civilians and the American military tasked with their evacuation. The developers have mixed in a large degree of introspection with this release, both in terms of storyline and in making a return to a more challenging style of gameplay that results in a shooter with far more to offer than just it's unique locale.
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  • Max Payne 3 Review - Microsoft Xbox360

    Max Payne 3 Review - Microsoft Xbox360

    Max Payne 3 is a third person action shooter hailing from the team at Rockstar. It marks the long awaited return of the titular character and his slow motion bullet dodging antics, albeit no longer developed by the series' creator Remedy Entertainment. It's patently obvious from the start that this is a typical Rockstar product, on the one hand that means fantastic production values, great graphics and top-notch voice acting, while on the other there's that now-familiar, uncomfortable issue lingering...
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  • Rainbow Moon Review - Sony PS3

    Rainbow Moon Review - Sony PS3

    While other companies are clamouring to remake their better games from days gone past, SideQuest Studios deserve credit for their continued work updating old school games to the current market. They are taking old genres and actually creating new games. Rainbow Moon is the latest title to receive an outing in HD and it makes no excuses for what it sets out to do. Turn based battles; levelling and questing in an open world environment are the order of the day. This PSN exclusive almost seems made...
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  • Tokyo Jungle Review - Sony PS3

    Tokyo Jungle Review - Sony PS3

    One of the biggest complaints this generation has been that Japanese developers have fallen behind; less prolific than their Western counterparts in terms of the triple-A blockbusters, but also releasing fewer of the smaller, more quirky titles. Whereas the PS2 seemed like it was home to countless bizarre games from the Land of the Rising Sun, it's undeniable that there have been less of them on PS3. Tokyo Jungle, however, looks to harken back to previous generations as it ramps up the ridiculous....
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  • Jeremy McGrath's Offroad

    Jeremy McGrath's Offroad

    In this review of Jeremy McGrath's Offroad you'll see that it's a buggy / truck / rally game that concentrates on being fun, making no effort to be realistic. It's a low priced download game, but provides tight online racing with Time Trial leaderboards. The single player career mode is short and easy. What it lacks in polish it makes up for in accessibility.
    Arcade racing games used to be everywhere, but as graphical powerhouses became able to churn out realistic looking graphics, the n...
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  • Compromised Review - Microsoft Xbox360 XLIG

    Compromised Review - Microsoft Xbox360 XLIG

    Compromised should have been called No Compromise. For less than the cost of a pint at your local, you will be getting a game that has benefited from a lot of love and attention to detail. Trying to find the diamonds while sifting through the general sludge of the XLIG service is tough (and soul-destroying at times). Given enough time, you’ll eventually stumble upon all the amazing finds that are in there, but let’s save you some of that time. Compromised is one of the games to buy if you have...
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  • DoDonPachi Resurrection Deluxe DaiFukkatsu Review - Microsoft Xbox360

    DoDonPachi Resurrection Deluxe DaiFukkatsu Review - Microsoft Xbox360

    DoDonPachi Resurrection is known in Japan as DoDonPachi DaiFukkatsu. It comes in various guises: Xbox 360 1.5, Novice, Arrange A (ver L), Arrange B (ver B). Version 1.51 (paid DLC) and Black Label (paid DLC or Japanese standalone). If you get the Japanese standalone Black Label, you also get a Ketsui cross-over mode on the disc (not covered in this review). The UK Deluxe Edition was used for this review, published as a budget release by the amazing Rising Star Games in Euro-land. It is the fifth...
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  • Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City Review - Microsoft Xbox360

    Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City Review - Microsoft Xbox360

    Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City takes the series back to its heyday. Set during the timeline of the original outbreak, players take on the role of a team of Umbrella security specialists tasked with cleaning up the mess that's been left behind. As a team based shooter with a heavy emphasis on the online element it makes for a marked departure from previous entries and manages to provide an excellent example of how to take a horror staple and turn it into an effective competitive experience...
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  • Sorcery Review - Sony PS3

    Sorcery Review - Sony PS3

    Since its release towards the end of 2010, Sony's Move controller has had some enjoyable software, but not that all-important "killer app". Sorcery, a game first shown at E3 that same year, is now on shelves (and also available as a download) but is it enough to move (pun intended) units of the peripheral, or has it come too late?

    Sorcery tells the tale of a sorcerer's apprentice; Finn, who along with magical cat sidekick Erline, must protect his homeland from the Nightmare Queen...
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  • Guwange Review - Microsoft Xbox360 XBLA

    Guwange Review - Microsoft Xbox360 XBLA

    As veterans of the genre, it comes as little surprise that Cave's most recent release is a top-down, scrolling shoot 'em up. Perhaps more surprisingly, unlike their more recent home ports, it is not a modern title published as a full-price disc release, but rather an XBLA port of a game over 10 years old. Thematically the game is even older, shunning the futuristic military and mecha settings so common within the genre, and instead setting the action in feudal Japan, full of mythical spirits and...
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  • Devil May Cry 3 Review - Sony PS2
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    Family reunions tend to follow one of two distinct protocols: everyone meets up, reminisces and has a good old chat and a laugh; or everyone meets up, reminisces and remembers why it’s been so long since they last saw each other, the evening ending in a ferocious argument. Why is this relevant to this Devil May Cry 3 review?
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  • Viewtiful Joe Review - Nintendo Gamecube
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    Castlevania: White Night Concerto is the latest instalment in Konamis Castlevania series. It is the second title for the GBA, but the first Castlevania game appeared on the NES back in 1987. It is ostensibly a platform game, like its predecessors. Certain things have remained constant throughout the series- in all but a couple of Castlevania outings, the main protagonist (in this case Juste Belmont) brandishes a whip. Secondary weapons are also available. Again these weapons are the same as tho...
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  • Super Robot Wars OG Saga: Mugen no Frontier EXCEED Review - Nintendo DS
    by Steven Walker
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