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Gradius V

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    Received mine today........... but i have no TV


      Has anyone got The Perfect DVD yet? Was just wondering if there was much sickness to be had?
      Watched it earlier. It's not bad, the guy uses Type2 and doesn't lose a life or anything, but you don't learn much that isn't already obvious from playing the game yourself. Even I can get a higher score after 3 stages.

      The "Boss Rush" section shows more in the way of some sick skillz though

      There's also a trailer for "Neo Contra" on the disc. (Looks OK, but nothing like a Contra game..)


        Originally posted by Ion
        Received mine today........... but i have no TV
        Received mine today........... but i have no PS2

        At least you can plug into your stereo and get the sound.
        Last edited by dataDave; 05-08-2004, 16:44.


          ill be ok tonight my Plasma has been delivered. shmuppage here i come *

          *when ive got away from work


            Saur, only the links to those 2 recent big vids work, the other "original" ones have been taken down , have you (or anyone else) got any other video links ?



              Which type ship do you guys go for?

              I'm beginning to really hate type 2 'cause you stay far too stationary for my liking when I get too aggressive swinging that blue shoe strings about...

              In all fairness, I find that I like the original type 1 best.

              Also, when shouting your lasers, is in better in like concentrated mode where you hold down the fire button or rapidly press the fire button and get lots of streamy blue lasers? Which is the best outta these two?

              P.S. Anyone tried Gradius V in two players yet? It's really awesome.
              It's more or less the same but each play has to share four options between the two ships but you can choose any type of ship for example two type 2 ships at once!

              P.P.S. Marcus, I still ain't got my Korean Gradius V (w/ Bonus DVD & Artbook)
              It's really getting me down man. What should I do?
              I've been forced to play Gradius V whilst I'm working at Leeds CEX!


                I find type 4 (rotate) is easily the best for me. Did you guys know that there are actually two uses for R1 with this type?

                The first is the obvious one- Hold down the button to get the options to spin around you. But if you repeatedly tap R1, your options condense and provide a concentrated beam. This is VERY useful for the tougher enemies and the bosses.

                I can get to stage four consistently without losing a life now. And as for the walker boss on stage three... I found him really hard at first but now I Pwn him so easily :P

                Im currently practicing stage 4. I can beat the boss easily without dying, but I keep losing a couple of lives on the sponge that regenerates >_<;; That bit is quite annoying.


                  Yeah, Type4 for me too. I use a joystick, and have the options set to the triangle button instead of R1. I play most of the game with both buttons held down all the time, unless I need to place the options somehwere or concentrate the beam. (Yep, I knew about that )

                  I'm pretty much at the same place you are. The 4th stage is a bugger once you lose a life.


                    Got mine today. Came with DVD and art book. I assume this is definitely the Korean version (even though the DVD is separate), but what's the easiest way to tell for sure with these releases, mainly for future reference? There's no English instruction sheet thrown-in with the Japanese one, no Korean markings, it says Made In Japan, etc. etc....


                      Jpn versions will usually say "For Japan Only" on the back while Korean / Asian releases will say "Home Use Only"

                      Thats always been the case on the handful of Korean games i've ever seen anyway.


                        That's a Japanese version you have Treble. "FOR KOREA ONLY" is written on the Korean version. Plus it has "GRADIUS V" on the spine in English instead of the JP characters.


                          Well, there you go then
                          Is the Jpn version with DVD and art book more unusual then? Anyone know quantities? (I pre-ordered back in February if you're wondering how I ended up with it, btw )


                            Had my first go on it last night got a couple of hours in, very good game, only tried Type 2 and 4 atm. I can get to level 3 without loosing a life, but it all falls apart then. More practice needed


                              I love type 2! Switching control between the laser direction and ship movement is wicked, it's sick the way you can sweep the screen with the laser.

                              Training up on stage 4 and 5 at the moment, love the game so much but I've had no time this week >_<


                                I started with type 2, but I found it very hard to concentrate on the cores of the end of stage 2 boss.

                                I started messing around with type 4 cos I'm scared of the green mist on stage 6 but it's also quite hard for me to use. I prefer getting the options in place and keeping 'em there - looks the lease cool (which is one reason that I tried type 4) but it suits me best.

                                I'm still making silly errors on the final boss on stage 2. Got to the spider last night but died stupidly

