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Gradius V

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    For me I prefer to train up on stages individually. If I dont train up on individual stages by the time I get to them on 1 credit runs nerves set in, if all stages are equally familiar it's easier to keep the same mindset through the whole credit.

    If I play a 1 credit run I will keep all lives until 4-3 then make a mistake and die, so I'll make sure I have this section down totally before I attempt again.


      To be honest at the moment getting a high score is simply about surviving as long as possible so you are best off just practicing the bits you are dying on.

      Its pretty clear long term the best scores will come about by being fast on certain sections meaning more enemies appear.


        Im gona look forward to seeing you play Gradius 5 at my meet Saurian, you go about the game differently to me and I think that training up on stages is key to why I am struggling in some respects, you hit the nail on the head as I find that I get to certain parts of the game and become nervy, or lose focus and die stupidly. Once you die in this game your lack of speed is a killer, and the remaining lives soon follow.


          I train on the individual stages as well. Currently training up on Lv4 which has got me at the mo. The strange thing is a few days ago i thought i had the Lv down (got to Lv5 twice on 1 Credit), but tried playing again last night and this morning and i kept dieing on both the re-grow section and the Boss. Hmmm... more practice needed.

          As for high scores despatching the enemies asap is the key (as rjp says.) I think i've got both Lv1 and Lv2 perfected in terms of this. Lv3 i can do no problem without losing a life but i can do a lot better scoring wise.


            Regarding the growing bits, in all the previous Gradius games (and spinoffs), it's just a case of timing. E.g. not blasting it all away as quick as possible, but pacing yourself...


              The guy on the Perfect DVD positions the ship as far to the right as it will go, and get's through unscathed. So can I when I copy him


                Had a quick practice on level 1 last night and noticed 3 jump ships instead of the usual 2, right after the spinning 'core' enemy, you have to take him down as soon as in order for 3 ships to appear.

                I've got my power-up collection down I think. the first one I use to speed up, then I save until I reach option, then laser, just in time for the spinny core thing.

                Also, how many salamanders are you guys taking out? I need to keep strict count as they score pretty well.

                As for the spinning mine things, I leave them and just let them spray for me. From what I can tell you get more points from taking out the waves of mines rather than blowing the source pod.

                I normally reach the atmosphere dive section of stage 2 with around 200000 points. If it's any less I start over coz that just tells me I just sucked at stage 1. What do you guys aim for at that segment? Please don't say 250000.

                Gonna train hard tonight, can't wait to get the stage 3 crab boss sorted - I'm dying to see what these bio enemies are like on stage 4. What's the initial segment of stage 4 like for scoring before it gets hard? I'm trying to work out what my score will be if it's at approx 570000+ when I start. I can tell stage 4 is gonna take me a couple of nights to finish, this regen tissue section sounds nasty.


                  I get around 27000 before the dive on stage 2. Im normally at 23000 once ive taken out the 1st stage boss.


                    Originally posted by DavidFallows
                    Had a quick practice on level 1 last night and noticed 3 jump ships instead of the usual 2, right after the spinning 'core' enemy, you have to take him down as soon as in order for 3 ships to appear.
                    I killed the spinning 'core' enemy really fast yesterday and saw 5 jump ships - a 2, then the 1, then the usual 2.

                    As for your power up order - I am using pretty much the same thing. I havent been paying attention to score at all really yet though, just trying to get further on 1 credit!


                      Originally posted by PH
                      As for high scores despatching the enemies asap is the key (as rjp says.) I think i've got both Lv1 and Lv2 perfected in terms of this.
                      Originally posted by venom743
                      Im normally at 230000 once ive taken out the 1st stage boss.
                      I'm now retracting my statement.

                      Btw, venom, assuming you missed out a zero.
                      Last edited by PH; 10-08-2004, 14:07.


                        you "newish" guys using Type 4 ? is that regarded as the best type and easy enough for a noob to get to grips with ?
                        I can honestly say I've never played any Gradius game before so this will be an experience, roll on late this evening


                          Yeah sorry about that. Should be 230000 and 270000. The key to getting high scores is like you said shooting down the enemies with speed. On the first section of the first stage, if you take out the medium sized ship as soon as it appears youll get more than just 5 big ships!


                            Originally posted by davidholliss
                            you "newish" guys using Type 4 ? is that regarded as the best type and easy enough for a noob to get to grips with ?
                            I have been using Type 2 since the beginning. I find this makes the tunnel sections of the game much easier than any of the other types!


                              Also destroying the guns on those big ships before you destroy the main body will get you a little bit extra through the section too. It's well easy with Type 1 and Type 3 - a bit more of a mission with the other Types.

                              I'm also a Type 2 head, I love being in control of the lasers ^^ and they way they drift as you move is lush.


                                Type 2 here as well - love using the lasers as a whip...

                                I can take down the level 2 boss 50% of the time now - just can't seem to find the consistency :/

