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    Yeah I finished it over Xmas and the game gets better as it progresses. Personally I really liked the characters and wished that some of the great interplay inthe cutscenes appeared more in the actual gameplay. Sean Pertwees Hakha was excellent. A rare PS2 'keeper' for me, just for the art and design


      This is getting better the more I play it - initially the aiming was very annoying but I'm adapting to that and starting to get my head around the different weapons. Will play it through in Normal mode just to master the awkward controls then give Hard a go.

      The AI is jokes though, - that said one or two of them can surprise you with a brutal assault from time to time. Getting them to scramble out into the open with a well placed grenade keeps me entertained, but when it comes to FPS I'm easily pleased...


        gets harder on the last few levels.



          Bit of a love/hate relationship with the sound in this game.

          Bobbing your head up and having bullets whizzing by is class and the audio is on point with all the gun sounds - the only thing that grates with me is the voices of the Helgast. They become very repetitive after a while and take some of the suspense and surprise out of encounters. The enemy tend to spot me first and then shout that they have done so which alerts me to their presence. In later missions I've stumbled upon the enemy resulting in some face to face combat, but on the whole its long range gun battles triggered by the Helgasts big fat mouths.

          Once you have your team all unlocked they also have a lot of repetitive banter, but this time its mostly constructive stuff about the way you are playing the game. Rico lets you know when your shooting is good, Luger reminds you to check your ammo, etc.

          The games far from perfect, but good enough to keep me playing through out Saturday until my head was ringing from the sound of heavy machine gun fire, I had eye strain and I could see tiny shapes moving when I closed me eyes

          The reviews I've read (Edge and Games TM) make it sound like you are stuck on a linear path mostly walking through corridors, which is complete bollox. There are plenty of outdoor areas with different paths to take you towards your next check point - the Park, Docks are pretty open and even the River level has a walkway option. Obviously its not freeroam but no where near as tight as I was lead to believe...


            Playing this currently, I've just met up with the sniper. Been fun so far - set piece after set piece.


              I finished this a while ago and I can't really think of any reason to keep it. Unfortunately there isn't much to unlock or anything.


                Finished it but I'm now replaying on Hard. It's a whole different game now.

                I'm almost at the start and just got to the command centre. The bit before therewhere you came under attack by two apcs and a tank was very hard. Ending up hiding in the corridor at the start and chucking a few grenades towards the apc as it unloaded. Took out a few that way and then hid. Tried to take a few out from afar but they were well dug in. They spotted me and came down to get me but I managed to take them out...just.

                Then the second apc arrived, the gunner on top focused on my as all my companions were dead therefore I couldnt do the grenade trick. Waited for them to get dug into the house ruins and slowly made my way up the right side taking lots of cover, a few grenades and lots of ammo later there were only three left, grouped together, so I had to rambo it taking lots of damage in the process.

                Then the tank arrives!!! I hid and cowered like a wee baby until my allies turned up. thank god.

                Yes I'm going to say it...I'm enjoying this more than HALO 2!!!

