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Metroid Prime 2 Echoes

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    My tactics... and I beat him on my third attempt. It was what comes after that made me tear my hair out (oh yeah fun time heh).

    First form I used the light beam. Quick click of L to lock, fire, release, lock again etc. I was taking most of the tentacles out quickly. I was getting most of the ammo back from destroying them.

    Second form, use up the power bombs whilst you have them, then normal bombs. You can only destroy the pit when the tentacle is out.

    Third form, I used super missiles on it when the mouth was orange. He seems to take a yawn before doing one attack and I was firing during that. Use normal light/dark shots when his mouth is dark/light. Light fire on the dark mouth does more damage than dark fire on the light mouth. On the other hand, he often spews light "worms" from his mouth during the dark period and these contain a wealth of health and ammo in them.

    True, he takes quite a while to take down... but persevere and it is possible. I had all 14 tanks and I think I had about 4 left when I finally beat him.

    Lie with passion and be forever damned...


      I found this boss a walkover!

      1st form - Locked on missiles to take out the tentacles, when it opens up I dash sideways around it and fire a super missile at the core (which does about 1/3 damage)

      2nd form - jumped round in a circle and took out the slimes using the dark visor to see them (to collect power-ups to fill up health and missiles, you're taking damage but can gain more than you lose + missiles). When full I went into ball mode and used powerbombs to take out the weak points after luring them (can lure 2 or 3 at once if you roll over them)

      on that 3rd form I hit it with a super missile when it roared then very rapidly fired the annihilator beam at it when it changed to light or dark mode. If it's either light or dark the annihilator beam does heavy damage, you can get a clear shot at it's mouth if you fire from the side of it's front leg.

      Last edited by Saurian; 16-12-2004, 11:05.


        Saur, if you get round to playing it on hard that third form is a real ****er to take down. It had me cursing, lots.



          Heavy man! - I'll definetly give that a go (I'm pathetically addicted to GBA Advance Wars at the moment, and aint playing much else! >_<)


            During the first form when his tentacles have been shot and his head comes up, I found it hard at times to get round quick enough to shoot him. And if he lasers you, you are unable to shoot for a bit which is annoying. Just was annoying if you missed that pattern and had to do the tentacles again.

            The 2nd form I find easy. I just go into ball mode and power bomb him. More Powerbombs spawn so I never ran out. Just got knocked off a few times.

            3rd is where I was struggling, with basically running out of ammo, but as you say, Annihilator beam was doing serious damage to him.


              Yeah I hear that about the first form -

              as long as you move continuosly it wont hit you, be patient and wait till you line up with the opening (dont change direction even if it does, if you miss it simply wait for the next one). I found it's better to do it this way as just one connected hit with a super missile does silly damage to it (you ony need to score 3 or so hits).
              The only attack I actively avoid is the 360 spin it does with it's arms, as it gets weaker it does more spins (3 max I think)


                I didn't die once on hard mode till I got to the finale, then died 6 times. Ammo is a much bigger issue on hard and this guy more than anything.

                You really just have to get used to when he opens his mouth and avoid wasting ammo.
                For hard mode, it takes 4 super missiles in the head to take down the first phase. He puts out more tentacles the lower his health and you can only get 3 shots in between each round of tentacles. So ideally you want to scan the head and get one super missile in on the first round and hit him 3 times the next. I used a combination of missiles, power beam and annihilator beam shots to take out the tentacles, trying not to drain too much of anything and sucking in any ammo that comes out.
                Second form, take out all the tentacles bar one then sit off taking out ings to get your ammo and health back up. You can't sit around forever, after a bit the toxic cloud rises and will hurt you constantly. So be near the final tentacle and ready to powerbomb it if you are gonna sit around a while.
                The last form I used mostly super missiles to knock him to white or purple then get nice and close and sonic boom in the face. You just need to be patient and choose your moments to shoot carefully so you don't waste precious ammo.

                Tip for afterwards: take out the ing worm pods before you leave the sky temple - you're going to have some serious time problems if you don't have ammo for super missiles and annihilator shots. With the ammo the pods will give you, the next bits pretty easy really.


                  ElAlcesDiablo, you didn't die on hard mode fighting teh boss encountered before meeting the Luminoth sentinel or that bloody stupid dragonfly boss?



                    Rule No.1 off videogames. DONT PISS PEOPLE OFF WITH TIME LIMITS ON BOSSES. I seemed to be able to take half of Dark Samus's energy off quickly, but the other half was not happening atall. Her energy refused to go down. I died just before the time limit went out.

                    Nothing seemed to be damaging her atall, then I ran out of everything. Time Limits.. GRR!


                    EDIT: Hold on a Viewtiful Joe minute! Not being punished by being made to do the Ing Mofo allover? Ohhh and now I get how to do Samus in Ignore me for now

                    Last edited by dc-arena; 16-12-2004, 19:07.


                      Yay, done it!!

                      I was expecting a leg it to the light world portal thing after Dark Samus, but no.. Had a couple of frustrating bits in that boss, but its like Viewtiful Joe - once you know the pattern, BOOM you're dead buddy. I really like the way Retro let you continue after Ing Emperor too - good work there instead of what would of been an horrific punishment.

                      Amazing game.
                      Thanks for all your help guys, much appreciated


                        Im on the last boss now also -

                        First two forms arent a problem, the last one is a bit tricky though. Ive been beaten by that and it took about 8 health off me. Will try again soon, I know to hit it with annihilator but it still damages me a lot.


                          You got full health mate? I would of struggled with any less than 12 or 13 tanks. Having the full 14 was really handy


                            Originally posted by Pikman
                            ElAlcesDiablo, you didn't die on hard mode fighting teh boss encountered before meeting the Luminoth sentinel or that bloody stupid dragonfly boss?

                            Was pretty close to dieing a coupla times. The

                            boost guardian

                            left me on 4 health and dropping! Fortunately it also left some health to suck in just before I died.
                            didn't give me any real stress though the

                            alpha splinter



                              I loved a lot of things about Metroid Prime ... but with every fresh attempt I only ever made it 5 or 6 hours in before something (in the shape of a slippery boss, far, far from a handy save point) challenged my inadequate gaming skills for umteenth time and I eventually gave up. I wouldn't have minded so much if the save points were more frequent and sympathetic to the player. I loved the classic Metroid puzzles and upgrade-based progression ... but trawling back to a difficult boss time after time ... I just found it frustrating.

                              So now I've done the logical thing and decided to punish myself all over again with the sequel (as it's relatively cheap brand new now). Looking forward to giving it a go actually ... though I suspect I may never reach the end, it might be worth it for the journey.


                                If you hate stingy savepoint placement and laborious boss fights, MP2 will make you weep. It's even more of a **** than MP1.

                                The dark world in particular, was often a bitch to play through IMO.

