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Prince of Persia : Warrior Within

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    I am enjoying it again now. Its just some things in it are really average, and should of been sorted for the sequel. The combat for instance, is better than the first game in some ways, but I still don't feel connected with the character, and fighting still lacks feel. Hard to explain.

    Its beautiful in parts, even matching Ico at times, but the framerate and tearing soon put a stop to the love.


      Originally posted by dc-arena
      Its beautiful in parts, even matching Ico at times, but the framerate and tearing soon put a stop to the love.

      which version were you playing? , i never had any framerate drops or tearing.


        I am playing PAL PlayStation2 version.

        I have now opened one half of the gate up by doing Clocks and Cogs or whatever the area was called. That had some outstanding platforming in it and one of those piece-of-piss-but-ace huge orge bosses in it too.

        So I now have to go and do the other half of the gate, at another tower. No idea how to get there though!

        Fantastic game, but the combat is poor still if you ask me. It should either be dropped completely or simplified like Ico. Just doesn't seem to work right for me. It is much better when you get the decent sword though.


          Playing the US Box version and I'm not happy. Got to the Water Tower last night and got up the 1st area where you turn on the water so it comes down into the garden with the statue you were in, whilst at the same time in the cutscene showing you 4 levers appearing out of the ground.

          Fine, ok back to the gardens then. Save once along the way and get back to the gardens and the levers have bloody well is going on?!?!?!

          I'm sure they weren't on a time limit and so what you supposed to do next...? Only other exit takes you back out to the main chamber whereby you entered the Water Tower from. As far as I can tell it's a bloody huge bug unless someone can point out some glaring error I'm making which I hope they can...? Anyone else have this happen...?

          Most distressing as it was actually starting to become enjoyable after the slight slog up to that point. I loved the Sands Of Time but this is frustrating me and not in a good way.



            That sounds harsh! I have just entered the gardens for the first time, on my way to the second tower presumably. Not sure what to do here yet, but I'll get there And I'll let you know if I come across the same problem as you..


              I'm doing the Water Tower first but you can do 'em in any order I presume...?

              S'pose I'll have to back to an earlier save and see what happens...


                Go on. Persuade me to get this.

                Does the Prince display any of the charm he showed in The Sands of Time the further you get into it?

                Or is it all four mouthed goth crap all the way through?


                  It looks like Ico at the moment Very beautiful, platforming is outstanding as usual. But the combat is ****e imo, and should be dropped.


                    OK, I just did a switch that allowed water back to the statue, and some levers came up.

                    I have gone back to said area and the levers are there.. I am playing PAL PlayStation2 version..


                      Originally posted by Len
                      I'm doing the Water Tower first but you can do 'em in any order I presume...?

                      S'pose I'll have to back to an earlier save and see what happens...

                      No idea, I thought it was fairly linear so you can only do one thing at a time? I went to the Gardens in the past, activated the water, did the switches, and now its in the present and everything is OMG..


                        I have now got to go back to the hour glass room. Is this near the end of the game now?


                        bossy boss Empress is pretty hard. Or rather.. cheaty I got half of her energy off and got a little cutscene, then it was STRAIGHT BACK INTO IT and she killed me with one hit.. Bugger. I will beat her, but she aint too easy..

                        Last edited by dc-arena; 22-12-2004, 10:59.


                          How many people have completed this game on here?


                            Well I am one of em - yay!!


                              Finally got around to finishing it this evening.

                              Despite the awful bugs and glitches ( falling through the floor, missing sound effects, sound and graphical stuttering, and the bosses with ramped up difficulty level ) I still enjoyed it. Thats really saying something as usually with a game thats obviously had little QA testing, it wouldn't have got five minutes of my time.

                              Perhaps it's cos it filled me with a nostalgia of SOT that I perservered with it

                              Its a shame mind, if they hadn't rushed it out the door then it might have been up there with the first one in terms of gameplay experience. There are some great ideas, and the graphics and scenery are inspiring where they're done right.

                              Buuuuut, theres a major storyline flaw.


                              the Sandwraith version of the Prince sacrifices his past self to the Dahaka, surely he ( as the Sandwraith ) would also cease to exist at that point ? By killing the past version of himself so he can remove the mask, wouldn't that mean he never went on to get the mask in the first place - thus creating a space time paradox and causing time to collapse in on itself in one monumental cosmic fart ?

                              Guess I shouldn't think about these things to much aye ? And there's always number 3 to look forward to ( no doubt in time for this Xmas )



                                First impressions are - this game blows big time!!!

                                Its nothing like sands of time was, and it totaly lacks the charm in my opinion, it also controlls and looks alot worse, or maybee this is just because i played SOT on the PC?

                                I think its gonna take alot for me to go back to this game, specialy when the soundtracks so pants.

