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Minano Golf (PSP)

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    Originally posted by MIK
    What are the little fire symbols for? they have a number next to them and change with club selection.

    Sometimes the opposition player gets a smilie to flame up before a shot - whats it all about?
    Power shots basically. You get a set number of them and need to activate them (can't remmeber which button) before playing your shot.


      I don't suppose that anyone has a complete save they could email?

      Solved that one... GameFaqs had one. I will give it a try!!

      Yes... all characters and all courses! I now have that on my 32Mb card (the one I use for 100% saves). I use the 512Mb card for my DIY saves!
      Last edited by Bassman; 09-05-2005, 07:40.


        Originally posted by Gareth C
        Can't remember how many, but it's a lot. It's the reason I find the game a bit tedious to be honest. By the time you have unlocked all the courses you may have got bored of teh game, especially as the later courses aren't the best.
        i'll plod through then, i just wondered! i must have done the same course about 20 times, i remember whizzing thou mario golf really quickly, thou this isn't such a bad thing, i am actually getting better at the holes now i am learning them


          Anyone know if the usa one has anything extra.


            Originally posted by AllYourBase
            how many times do you have to play challenges on the first course before you can unlock the 2nd course. i have leveled up the male character and got loads of accessories, but still more touraments and rival challenges.... is it just a case of doing about 50 challenges or am i missing out something for unlocking the next course? c.c. is getting a bit too easy now
            You only need to complete the challenges with the stars to go to the next rank -you need 6 for each of the first 2 ranks IIRC (at the bottom of the challenge select screen it shows how many you have so far)

            You get a new course at about every other rank, and you unlock the mirror/back-tee versions of the courses at the ranks when you don't unlock a new course

            I think you need to get to the third challenge rank to unlock the second course, which at 6 stars * 2 ranks = 12 challenges to complete on the first course before you get the second one


              Doesn't take that long as you only need to do 9 holes most of them time, plus if you're 1337 you can beat the CPU opponent (when there is one) in just 3 holes.

              Anyone know what the hearts are for? Unless I'm missing something, nothing happens when you get 5 of them.

              Anyone know if the usa one has anything extra.
              It's almost identical, which is a good thing, as the JP game usually gets butchered for the West. Button layout is changed and it loads slightly quicker according to IGN.

