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Outrun 2 Special Tours

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    It's a 50 minute trip and a pound to play every time. Considering how much I played Outrun 2, I'd be broke in a month


      there's a couple of these machines in the xscape centre in castleford...


        Played it at the Traffrod Centre at the weekend - nice, very open feel to the courese compared to the original, made me want to do a trans-america car holdiay kind of thing.

        finsihsed it on my fuirst credit but it's all about the journey - and there are plenty more of them to go with. Nice being chased off screen by the Easter island statue at the end though.

        Been a long time since i made a trip to an arcade jsut to play a specific game - best ever was the trip to Meadowhall in Sheffield when Tekken 2 just showed up!
        Come on darthsol and co, get a move on with the xbox version!


          Team Marubaku videos of OR2SP are up

          Also, someone on Gamefaqs said something about an employee telling him SP will be coming out in January 2006. Not sure if he knows what he's talking about or what.


            Just watched all of the Team Marabaku vids, the drifting on the more difficult courses is amazing, the tracks look a lot more tight than the standard Outrun 2 ones.

            Paid a visit to my nearest Hollywood Bowl on Friday there to see if they upgraded their 4 player Outrun 2 setup to SP, sadly they haven't. If Sega brought this out for the 360 close to launch I'd definitely pick one up just to play it, some of the new stages look gorgeous.


              It's a bit of a mixed bag. The easier courses are far easier than the original ones while the harder ones are absolutely solid when trying to take perfect lines. Far harder than any area in the original Outrun 2.

              Loving the paddle gear shift though on the deluxe cabinets. Miles easier to keep your line during a drift when you don't need to take your hand off wheel during it.


                played it on me hols (yes Japan - who wants to touch me) did it on 1st credit, not all the easy routes either. Loved it. Lets see an update for the Xbox......... thought not, shame


                  Hi guys. Not sure if you've read it yet but there appears to be a credible source at Gamefaqs claiming ORSP is infact coming to Xbox, possible 360, while Coast to Coast is a new arcade game using the Linbergh hardware.

                  *****NEW INFO*****

                  What i'm about to tell you all maybe the best news you've heard about Outrun, after this I doubt i'll have to tell you info for a long time, but here goes.

                  I've now been updated from my source and they tell me that it's actually Outrun 2 SP thats in the testing stages and being developed for Xbox but there is the possibility it may debut on Xbox 360.

                  But it doesn't stop there.

                  Not only is SP in production but Coast 2 Coast is ANOTHER Outrun game, so in theory we're looking at 2 different Outrun games. I went over this a number of times with my source and he's very sure that there is SP and there is Coast 2 Coast.

                  It hasn't been confirmed what format Coast 2 Coast will be released on,but my theory is that Coast 2 Coast will be an Arcade game running on the new SEGA arcade hardware(Lindbergh arcade board) that House of the Dead 4 will use.

                  So thats it for now, hope thats useful to some of you, the rest may be sceptical, but I only tell you guys what I get told.

                  Check out *THIS THREAD*

                  Anyway here are my thoughts regarding SP and the Xbox....let me tell you why it would be WAY smarter for Sega to bring SP to the Xbox 360 instead.....

                  1)The controller issues. The only decent steering wheel available for the Xbox 1 is the Fanatec Speedster wheel. But the fact of the matter is, if Sega brings SP to the Xbox, it will most likely not contain true force feedback support, just the rumble signal like last time.

                  If they bring it to the X360, then there is a much higher incentive to support true FF wheels, since the 360 has naitive USB support. All Sega would have to do is basically code true FF into the game and make it standard USB compliant, and we'll be good to go.

                  2)Microsoft has made it mandatory that ALL games for the 360 contain the following:

                  A)High Definition 720p support

                  B)Custom sountrack support

                  C)5.1DD Surround Sound support.

                  ...This would be a HUGE improvement in visuals and audio for OutRun 2SP! To go from 480p on the Xbox to 720p High def and 5.1 surround sound on X360 is a major jump! Therefore Sega could use this make the visuals in SP even more beautiful!!! Imagine racing through Milky Way or that Jungle stage in true high definition, and racing to your OWN custom soundtrack!

                  C'mon Sega....please please PLEASE bring SP to the 360 so you can take advantage of these features and make a STUNNING game!!!


                    SP on the 360? Yes please. XD


                      Originally posted by Bleeders
                      SP on the 360? Yes please. XD

                      what do you mean?


                        I've now been updated from my source and they tell me that it's actually Outrun 2 SP thats in the testing stages and being developed for Xbox but there is the possibility it may debut on Xbox 360.
                        Hence, SP on the 360? Yes please.

