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    I think that's possibly my favourite level so far. It's worth getting the sets and scripts wrong just to see the reactions of the performers when the plays don't work out.

    One thing I meant to mention is that the music is fantastic. Peter McConnell's score to Grim Fandango is just about my favourite game soundtrack ever, and he doesn't disappoint with his music for Psychonauts. I got the soundtrack CD from Double Fine's shop, and at $12 it's well worth the money.


      Well, I just finished the game this afternoon, and it is without a doubt the finest platformer I've played in several long years. Every single aspect of the game is a work of art, and there were no wrong notes for me except for the absurd difficulty of the end level that also requires almost none of the psychic powers that you worked so hard to attain. But, that one quibble aside, I am in love with the game, and were I reviewing it I would be hard pressed to not give it a 9/10. Gorgous visuals, wonderful music, some of the best voice acting I've heard yet, a story that made my inner child laugh and applaud, and gameplay that was exceptionally tight. And, it is just so damn unique that I have to give it major props.

      Anyway, if you haven't yet given this game a try, you're sorely missing out.

      Oh, and squirrels... are filthy liars...


        Originally posted by JRMacumber
        Anyway, if you haven't yet given this game a try, you're sorely missing out.
        Too right. Its bloody brilliant stuff and I can't put it down


          I'm got back to playing this now and am stuck! I finished the Lungfish-opolis level and have arrived on an island at night. I climb the cliff face and there is a guard in front of a large gate. He won't let me in, saying I need to find the Milkman.

          Well, I've walked about for ages and can't figure out what I need to do. Can anyone help out?



            You need to

            use the mind door that Sasha left behind in his lab on Boyd (the guard) to enter his mind.


              Excellent, thanks!


                Don't forget also that when you're stuck you can use the bacon and it'll normally point you in the right direction. That's how I worked out the above puzzle.


                  I'm saddened that this game isn't being talked about a lot more. To be honest I think its top stuff and right up there with the brilliance of Schafers other games.

                  As has been mentioned, its great to see a game doing something different and not just going down the route of a traditional lava level, an ice level, an aztec level etc etc. Psychonauts levels are so refreshing and memorable.

                  It'd be a complete crime if this game doesn't get some wider exposure - I'm hoping it will when it gets a PAL and PS2 release later this year. The industry needs more of Schafers `different` brand of games if you ask me


                    Absolutely. That it isn't even being talked about here, a forum full of enthusiasts, is terrible.

                    The game is a real labour of love, and so packed with ideas and personality. I can really see how it took so long to make.

                    IGN had some PS2 shots of Psychonauts up last week. It looks really poor compared to the Xbox version as expected. Low res textures, poor lighting, aliasing everywhere etc. I'd be shocked if the PS2 crowd showed much interest to be honest, it's way too quirky. I think it should have been a Gamecube game, there it would have got a lot more attention if nothing else.


                      I am quite looking forward to sampling the PS2 version when its out


                        When is the PAL Xbox version coming out? (if there is indeed going to be one)


                          June I think.


                            this is deff one of the most fun and enjoyable games I have played in ages,deff up there with JSRF and Halo imo.
                            I'am currently pulling my hair out on the milkman level.Hate to ask(admit I'am crap)but how do I get a disguise to pass a sewer worker,its driving me mad.
                            Ta famitsu1


                              Have you first

                              carefully worked your way around the men working on the drain so you get the graveyard and other places?

                              If you havent I dont want to say any more as its a pretty long spolier


                                ?Isn't the plunger in the post office at the far end of the level? I finished this a few weeks back, but I'm sure that's where it is - you need to try and open the door, then watch the agent come out and enter the passcode (with an object, I believe... can't quite remember) so that you can then get inside and get it.?

                                I might be wrong though.

                                As I said, I finished this a while ago and really liked it - the last level was a complete bitch and the ending was a bit anti-climatic, but I otherwise enjoyed it thoroughly. Only gripe was trying to get all the figments; I missed a total of about 10 of them, spread across only a few levels (three in Velvetopia, one in Milkman Conspiracy, three in Mila's Dance Party and... er, actually, I think that might have been it). Without them, I can't reach level 100 and get the bonus scene... that really pissed me off.

