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Chibi Robo

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    Anybody wanna sell me this title on the US Cube? Is there even a PAL release date for this?


      May. Or May 26th to be precise.


        Or 26th May, to be even more precise. Sorry, I'm bored today.


          It's okay. I forgive your pedantry.


            Originally posted by Tetsuo
            Or 26th May, to be even more precise. Sorry, I'm bored today.
            On a similar note, it's 'warrant' not 'warrent'.


              Originally posted by Concept
              It's okay. I forgive your pedantry.
              Ta. x


                Originally posted by Roddie
                On a similar note, it's 'warrant' not 'warrent'.

                Aww crap. That's called karma, right? With a pinch of irony maybe.

                Anyway, back on topic, are Nintendo publishing the game here in Europe? If they are, surely that's the first Cube game they will have done that for in a long time..


                  Originally posted by Tetsuo
                  Ta. x


                    I?ve been playing the game since last Wednesday having asked someone to bring it back from the US for me. It?s such a delightful little gem I can?t stress enough just how much enjoyment I am getting from it. I can try at least by saying that it?s one of the most endearing platformers I have played in recent memory, and I was surprised how maturely some of the content is handled, since as colourful as the game is, its elaborations on the story never seem patronising. I think it?s a sublime little title for people of all ages.


                      does the us version have a prg mode and does it make much difference


                        Originally posted by yesteryeargames
                        does the us version have a prg mode and does it make much difference

                        yes and yes.

                        PAL version out tomorow for the poor souls stuck with an ****ty PAL cube.


                          got the pal version today and it is fantastic, the graphics look fine despite not being in progg mode, i urge anyone who hasent got it to at least give it a try


                            I'm about 3 hours into this now and I'm loving every minute. I'm not sure what any of the reviews have said but the relaxed pace, puzzles and conversations make it feel more like a graphic adventure than anything else.

                            I've seen it compared to Animal Crossing and Mario but I think it has more in common with Monkey Island.


                              I finally got hold of this on US import on Tuesday - played it for about 4 hours now and steadily I'm beginning to love it more and more. It hooked me in on this childlike world of discovering the house being a few inches tall, though it's certainly not a "childish" game. Some of the situations have a real charge to them, even darkness.

                              Giga-robo's life story seemed especially powerful, and the cut-scene finding Jenny crying in the night on the foyer stairs is unlike anything I've seen in a game before. On the one hand it's opening up into this ecological sci-fi tale and on the other, from cute naivete I'm beginning to learn this family has some serious issues. Poor Jenny, I hope I'm not mopping up her piss-soaked bed next.

                              I know it might not be everyone's bag, but in comparison to the in-your-face excitement of Metroid Hunters (or the thrill that most developers seem to be striving for now) the strange emotional depth to Chibi-robo is really making it a special game. I hope it keeps building like this anyway. "Wow, it's deep!"


                                Can anyone tell me if the Lego dinosaur is male or female?

                                Cos if he's a boy then that makes him gay, which I'm pretty sure would be a first for videogames. Don't see many gay dinosaurs about do ya?

