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Far Cry Instincts (Demo)

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    i've never played the PC version so i can't do a comparison, but one thing i'm not particularly looking forward to is the tedious switch from shooting regular 'mercs-for-hire' to 'monters-for-hire'.


      Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
      I KNEW there was something rotten in Denmark with this game. Took too long, was too quiet for too long - sounds like they've focused entirely on presenting something that looks close to the PC version but forsaken everything else.

      Ubisoft are going right down in my estimation recently.
      what about Denmark? the original PC game is from a german development team called Crytech. and isn't Ubisoft Montreal responsible for the Xbox port?

      however, i just wanted to add horibble AI to my list of shortcomings. also, i don't think Ubisoft will sort out all the issues by release. shame about Ubi for such a lazy job.


        anyone know when this demo is from though? could be an e3 build possibly maybe? could still be some hope.


          have to say, i played the xbox demo the other day and what a broken mess it was to.

          Virtually no AI what so ever, crap collision detection, and Feedom? what bloody freedom, walking 20 wards from left to right on a beach is unparalleld freedom now is it? Even the parts that do have scope for freedom are pointless, try to swim to a distant island? gunship kills you in one shot, try to swim and stealth a boat? you cant get in the boat to kill anyone.

          If the PC version is like this one then what was all the fuss about in the first place? Just more PC crap as far as im concerned.

          Now i know its just a demo but the developer will never sort out the problems this games got, not by november anyway.


            Originally posted by Uli
            what about Denmark? the original PC game is from a german development team called Crytech. and isn't Ubisoft Montreal responsible for the Xbox port?
            It's an expression. It refers to Hamlet.


              I think everyone's overegging the badness thing - it's not awful by any means, and obviously it's going to be "consolised".

              The AI is balls though - I've snuck up behind blokes and pushed them onto tables without their noticing... prolly a naff hangover from the "backstabbing" routines that the game encourages you to do.

              The trap-setting is fairly clumsy as well, and driving the vehicles felt pretty nasty and floaty. Yes, the collision detection is a tad ropey, but certain not broken - I was getting headshots in consistently.


                I agree. Played this last night and it's an outstanding conversion... probably overtaking Stranger's Wrath as the greatest use of the Xbox so far on the technical front. It really does look gorgeous, and in ways betters its PC cousin.

                The bugs (as Uili are mentioned) are pretty terrible however, and I don't think Halo will be turning in its bed at night worrying about the AI on show.

                In terms of atmosphere and technical triumph though, for once, you get the sense the Xbox is at last beginning to be pushed to its limits.


                  Originally posted by Uli
                  Ayton, maybe you should better skip this one! i've just played through the demo and canceled my preorder afterwards.
                  But if not this, and apparently not R6: Lockdown either, then what?! What is the last great game that's going to see me through until 360?

                  I despair!


                    Originally posted by Concept
                    . It really does look gorgeous, and in ways betters its PC cousin.
                    betters you say? so how bad is the PC version then, from what i played of the demo virtually nothing works, sure the graphics are nice but really who gives a stuff when the gameplay is as flawed and broken as this?


                      Where's the brokenness? I played through both segments in the demo, and only once has anything occurred of seriously "borked" nature (me being able to push enemies about the place without their noticing).


                        Originally posted by anephric
                        Where's the brokenness? I played through both segments in the demo, and only once has anything occurred of seriously "borked" nature (me being able to push enemies about the place without their noticing).
                        That seems to me to be a substantial break

                        Still a part of me praying this will be the biz. At least multiplayer.


                          Originally posted by anephric
                          Where's the brokenness? I played through both segments in the demo, and only once has anything occurred of seriously "borked" nature (me being able to push enemies about the place without their noticing).
                          you only have to open your eyes and something goes awol in the game , guards seeing you from a mile away when they wernt facing you, getting gunned down by a helicopter when you try and deviate even a few hundred yards from the scripted path, crap collision detection, bad phisics (wooden crate bouncing around the room anyone?) shoddy AI that coudnt tell the enemy from an angry turnip and crap aiming that is all over the place and never consistent.

                          and let me reming you that this is the good bit as later on you turn into a ferral creature , even official xbox mag tore into this point in the review and its official xbox mag for crist sake.

                          Need i continue?
                          Last edited by fishbowlhead; 10-09-2005, 14:51.


                            You can, because I didn't run into half those problems in the demo.


                              I encounter some fairly odd bugs... ragdoll physics where enemies are lying half-upward and helicopters which disappear after being shot down, leaving the pilot hanging in mid-air being a couple.


                                heh. i saw that floating pilot bug for the first time today. in the Humvee, filling the helicopter full o' lead and it sudenly disappears with the pilot/gunner falling straight down and over the cliff as if, well, his ride had suddenly vapourised... another broken bit i have noticed, but as it's only a demo i can kind of let slide, is during the Humvee section i have had the game crash a couple of times - just plain lock up with the sound stuck on this awful buzzing.

                                but despite it's flaws i have to say i'm quite enjoying it - the vehicle control isn't as awkward as i first thought with the switch between steering and gun nice and snappy. it's great to throw rocks at the fools in the patrol boats just to lure them onto the shore, then nicking off with their boat to have a pleasant jaunt round the islands.

