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Okami TGS Demo

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    Okami TGS Demo

    Just recently found it (out there cough cough) its the tokyo games show demo of Okami on ps2.
    First impression are a bit odd for me, firstly i havent really been following ANY of the game at all its one i saw and thought looked brillaint knew Clover Studio were behind it and as much as i saw was some pics ages ago which led me to believe it was 2D viewtiful joe style, was really shocked when it was 360 movement platform style.
    The demo has 2 selectable options to start.
    Chosing the first one it plants you straight in a turtorial in a barren looking land like a big floating island.
    2nd option puts you with an old man with an orange on his head he gets attacked by monsters, later on you go into a large village.
    If you do pick the first option you will eventually go into the 2nd option automatically as its all the same level.

    Controlls are as follows...

    L1-Change View
    R2-Dash Backward (Charging Spin whilst running)
    R1-Ink/Canvas Screen
    R3-Reset Camera

    Triangle-Dig (rapidly pressing Triangle makes Okami dig.)
    Circle-Bark (talk to people)
    X- Jump

    Now first thing that struck me was the visuals really are really nice, animation is lovely too on Okami, only thing is (and i understand this is only a DEMO!) it does have some troublesome slowdown in places, ESPECIALLY when Okami runs.

    Okami has 3 speed of run speed 1=small flowers appear from the ground where Okami runs, 2 speed=larger bunches of flowers appear and 3 speed=very colourful full yellow flowers sprout from the ground.
    You get upto speed 3 in a built up area in village slowdown=very bad.

    Putting that aside this game reminds me of zelda, bear with me, on the village section on the demo you are seen to be doing Missions for all the villagers who are in trouble, also the game being in full japanese isnt a help as they have specific instructions on what to do so it aint gonna be import friendly. Found myself aimlessly running around the village for a good 10 mins at a time not knowing what to do. The game also has a night and day cycle like wind waker, on Okami its lovely when it starts to goto sunset.

    The ink system is very odd too, when you fight enemies they appear as if its random battles like FF, a round circle appears around the area and seals you in the battle with no where to go but stay and fight, when you fight you hit R1 to bring up the canvas and draw a slash across the enemy this will slash the enemy, you can also splash them with ink to stun them. This (in the demo at least) is how you fight.
    Dont wanna spoil too much incase people want to try and get it, but if anyone has any questions ask away.

    I had a bit of a quick go on this yesterday and found it a really absorbing experience. This has been one of my most anticipated games for as long as I can remember (and that seems like a lifetime ago) All I wanted to do was to soak up the scenery and listen to the music, indeed the game looks and sounds gorgeous. I thought the use of the ink brush was inspired in order to solve puzzles, and when I found out you can use it in battles a big smile just spread across my face I like the Panzer Dragoon-esque made up language in it too, it matched the visuals quite well I thought. As darksteve said it doesn't look import friendly due to the language barrier as everything is in Japanese, hopefully it'll be localised over here.

    One question though, I got a little stuck at the miller's house in the village. An arrow is pointing to the house but the only thing in there is this dude who is asleep. Nothing wakes him up though, any pointers?


      i played this for about 30 mins last week and visually its wonderful!

      unfortunitly i dont really like adventure games with puzzles and okami didnt do anything to pull me in gameplay wise.

      the calligraphy section wasnt anything special in my opinion (i was expecting it though!) , well i am used to having the ds.

      if you like action adventures then you'll love it!

      if you dont, then the only thing okami will keep making you come back for more will be the graphics/design.


        I played it today, It was lovely, the puzzless were mostly workoutable in japanese, mostly revolving around the painting, although when it got onto the zelda bits of characters telling you what obscure thing to do, i was totally stumped. You had to summons gods to give you new powers by painting the missing parts of constelations, I got a dragon which gave me the drawing power to use whenever, which I could then use to influence people by making flowers appear around them or painting some extra water into the "picture" of the game so I could swim to the next island. I then summoned a possum with a huge sowrd who then let me strike enemies and objects by drawing a dash/line during a fight or during the free roaming. Its nice. I do agree with darksteve about the slowdown, there is alot of it, especially during battles. There also seems to be a combo system going on somewhere, perhaps you can unlock extra painting moves, as there was only the strike attack and the one attack button to use in the demo.


          Okami... ahh, amazing little demo. Got myself a disc just yesterday and the artwork, style and animation are jaw-dropping. Apart from some bone-crunching slowdown, I found myself forgetting about the graphics and looking at the style and then seeing all kinds of things to play with.

          Did you know that you can carry the wildlife around? I'm not sure it serves any purpose but neither did riding Epona around Hyrule field... running around and 'spreading the flower-love' everywhere is cool, so is drawing around the villagers and getting a stroke or a hug

          Combat works well and yes, there's certainly some depth there combining attack and writing moves and styles. The burst of flory once you defeat a bad guy is cool, same for when they're all defeated.

          There's a night/day element there too, I hope it stays in the game and has some puzzles based around it (like certain characters appearing at night). It does remind me of Zelda... not a bad thing, certainly worthy of a pre-order.

          / 10


            I'm hungry to play this. Is the demo only available 'out there' or is there an official Japanese release?

            I don't have a chipped PS2 but would consider picking up a Japanese PS2 if the demo was reachable without having to resort to auction sites.


              There was an official TGS 2005 demo, came in a REALLY lush cardboard pull out sleeve, i know dave @ JPN Games WAS selling some for about ?15ish, sold out pretty quick.
              It is OUT THERE also, seen a few on the ebay but they have been pricey, i cant find anywhere else thats selling them if so i woul point it out.
              Last edited by Family Fry; 26-10-2005, 19:19.


                I always knew it was gonna be special, but after playing that demo it's now more anticipated than Zelda. I can't wait for the finished product. Does anyone know the Jap release date (has it even been announced)?


                  Its down as 1st of march in the States

