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Call of Duty 2

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    Yeah from what I hear I'm terrified of the silo


      Originally posted by dr_manhattan
      Yeah from what I hear I'm terrified of the silo
      Don't be, it's not easy but do-able.
      You will die.....a lot at first but you need to familiarise yourself on the first few goes with the various positions the motar crews go to and then it's just a matter of speeding up.
      Some are tricky to see but you have to learn where they are going to be and react to them in order of when they come onto your scanner the waves do follow set patterns.
      Oh and don't fall down the ladder at the end


        Originally posted by neil2k
        Don't be, it's not easy but do-able.
        You will die.....a lot at first but you need to familiarise yourself on the first few goes with the various positions the motar crews go to and then it's just a matter of speeding up.
        Some are tricky to see but you have to learn where they are going to be and react to them in order of when they come onto your scanner the waves do follow set patterns.
        Oh and don't fall down the ladder at the end
        Theres just the near impossible part of attacking the town do first. You will learn to swear in many many different languages and break things during this bit.


          Originally posted by Mr Pump
          Theres just the near impossible part of attacking the town do first. You will learn to swear in many many different languages and break things during this bit.
          Tell me about it. I spent an entire day trying do that mission on Vet. God knows how many hours. Did it eventually, but one of the most frustrating gaming experiences I've ever had tbfh.


            Crusied through the second D Day mission last night, the one with the emotive speech at the end, and then headed confidently into Silo to quickly finish off my COD experience. Oh how wrong I was ! I managed to clear the field and the first building (A) pretty quickly, but then moved into a never ending cycle of spawn charge the barn die, spawn charge the barn die. Finally gave up at 12:15 this morning, and decided it best to PUT the pad down before it was THROWN through the wall.

            Will endeavour to do it again this evening, and hopefully a fresh head will give me some new strats ! I've decided that I will storm building (E) before Barn (B) as the feckers from that building keep sniping me from the first floor windows while I'm trying to kill the guys in the barn. The only problem is surviving jumping through the window into building (E) with the Nazi kill squad kindly positioned on the stairs inside ready to shred me.

            I like a challange but .................................................. ................


              I only played the Silo for about half an hour last night, I couldn't even get into building A.


                Oh dear, I've got this to look forward to.


                  Hopefully not long until the Live patch now:

                  Originally posted by
                  Infinity Ward is also currently putting the finishing touches to the map editing tools, which are due out soon. Plus, a second title update is on the way for the Xbox 360 version of the game, designed to improve play via Xbox Live.

                  Apparently the patch will address the issue of player lag, and introduce private game lobbies and reserved slots. You'll have more options when it comes to customising games, including a map preferences setting and lobby game type, map and host notification, and the host will now be able to kick players.


                    map. editing. tools. ?? surely not...


                      Ive started on Veteran due to the lure of gamerpoints, but fook me its hard ) Thank god for ingame checkpoints..


                        I've found Veteran tough but fair, until I reached the American missions...


                          Cleared the town out last night, and I'm just left with the mortor teams now Managing to get to about 45 seconds to go, and then finally get taken out. It is very hard to keep track of which mortor teams are appearing first, and therefore take them out in order, and I also seem to have to take out both memebers of the mortor team, which is taking to long.

                          Will go at it again tonight, determined that this is my last day with CODII !


                            Simmy mate, you ONLY need to kill the man running with the mortor launcher himself! The other German who runs with him is 'harmless' - just try and shoot the mortor holder before he places the launcher onto the ground and look at your compass at all times.

                            I did it on my second try on Veteran too.


                              Any tips for clearing the town simmy?


                                Originally posted by Extra Terrestrial
                                Simmy mate, you ONLY need to kill the man running with the mortor launcher himself! The other German who runs with him is 'harmless' - just try and shoot the mortor holder before he places the launcher onto the ground and look at your compass at all times.

                                I did it on my second try on Veteran too.
                                Thanks ET, I think my problem is I'm not spotting them fast enough and they are therefore firing by the time I get to them, and if you then only take one of them out, the other then seems to swing round and take his place. Will have to get a bit faster and try and catch them while running, prob is it saved a checkpoint with 1 already firing so catching up is going to be tough !

                                manhatten route I followed was as follows :

                                Building A first : After crossing the field building A's back door is accross the road with a burntout halftrack near by. Put a smoke up the road to block the guys further up in the town from shooting at you and then cross the road and force your way into the house, which require taking four guys out in the first room. You then just creeped slowly through the house and take the germans out 1 by 1, they do not spawn once inside so its just a case of taking them out slowly.

                                Once building A is clear make your way back out the way you came in and walk to the edge of building A, you want to head up the road in the direction you threw the smoke. Snipe one guy sat by some boxes on the same side of the road as you, and then head towards building E sticking close to the wall on your left. There are several guys in the lower right hand side window of this building which you can snipe, and then you have to run and jump into building E's left lower window and quickly take out any guys left by the right window. Then again a case of creeping towards the stairs which guys will come down and take them out as they do. Something I found in all buildings is that you do not have to head upstairs, and can just wait for them to appear on or at the top of the stairs, taking them out until the building is cleared.

                                Back out of the same window you came in and head over to barn B stop and duck by the wall once you have crossed the cross roads and take any guys coming out of the barn out, before jumping over the dropped part of the wall. Once over the wall head left and stand with your back to the wall with the silo between you and the barn, and snipe guys inside. Once most are taken out head in and mop up the last two or three probably up the stairs, avoiding fire from building D.

                                Head out of the left side of the barn (as you walk in) and you should be able to head around the back of building C you will come to the edge of the building and want to head left to get around to the front, before you can however several germans will jump over the wall or cross the road, which need to be taken out. Once done throw a smoke in the direction of building D to block their shots, and jump over the wall so you are on the porch of building C crawl into the building through the main door, and take the guy out at the top of the stairs and shifty around to the side, again then just a case of taking the guys at the top of the stairs out, until you get the all clear.

                                Out the main door you came in snipe the guys in building D's windows, and then leg it accross the road round to the right and cut into the walled area and get to the front of the building, should not then be a prob to get inside and take the guys out (easy building)

                                Just the HQ then left, back out the door of building D and throw a smoke left towards the HQ, then leg it accross the road and head straight to the far right edge of the building. Work your way in through the right hand door, should be a german in the far left room and one in the main room by the window. Wait at the base of the stairs and take 3-4 germans out, and then head up and take the last guy out to the right on the MG42.

                                Done phew

                                Thats the way I did it, may not be the best way of course. Its all a mater of getting into the buildings and taking the germans on the lower floor out, once that's done its easy to take those the on the 1st floors out slowly ! Building A and E I struggled with but once done, took me 30 mins to do the rest !

