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X3 The return PC

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    I am sticking with normal finally had enough money to buy a argon mercury (trading ship) now money is coming in a bit quicker


      any tips for someone who didn't get into x2 so much? it's all quite daunting and im not sure where to go so as i said before im just following the gamma squad and now have to meet someone at the temple.


        To be honest i did not really bother much with the story i did a few missions but then went on to try and make money.

        This along with x2 takes quite a lot of paitence i must have put around 5-6 hours just getting enough money to afford a ship.

        There is no real set trade routes as such where i was i found trading bo gas between kingdoms end and queens space brought in a bit of money.

        Fighter Drones i found you can make quite a bit of profit on though you do need to travel


          My happy free copy dropped through my door this morning (Thanks, NTSC!) but it runs like an absolute dog on my computer.
          It's odd, I thought I'd be able to run it on at least minimum detail, seeing as how I can run FarCry fine at max detail and HL2 at around max, but this jerks like nobodys business, which is even odder when you realise that it doesn't look that great when it's all on low detail.
          Oddly enough, I found that it runs infinitely better if you turn off the HUD (shift+H), but then it's more than a bit hard to play.
          So I guess it's going on the shelf until I can afford an upgrade or the promised 1.3 patch fixes everything.

          What a pity. I was so looking forward to it!


            Originally posted by FreelancePolice
            any tips for someone who didn't get into x2 so much? it's all quite daunting and im not sure where to go so as i said before im just following the gamma squad and now have to meet someone at the temple.
            Start on easy and consult the Argonopedia a lot!

            Sadly I don't think there is an easy way. I had a leg up from playing X2 a fair bit but this is very similar. They're both massive games with a lot of flexibility open to you all along and unfortunately there's a price to pay for that: they have really steep learning curves - just the sheer wealth of options guarantees that.

            Also read this thread on the egosoft forums:

            Its a great getting started guide.

            Oh and things aren't as simple as Elite style buy things cheap at planet A and take them to planet B. There's a proper resource and consumption chaing and laws of supply and demand apply. Its even effected by the AI traders.

            I recommend persevering. After a days struggle it turns into a really rewarding game that will keep you occupied for weeks. Well. If its like X2. Which it is.
            Last edited by Ish; 07-11-2005, 20:09.


              i think i need some more ram to boost it up a tad will have to wait for next months pay cheque!!
              ta for the help though ish it does look amazing and ill get a joystick and some memory


                For joysticks I use one of these:

                Its reasonably priced and great for space combat games.

                Good luck


                  I reinstalled Windows to fix some sound issues, and thought I'd give X3 a shot. Lo and behold! It runs at a fairly decent pace!
                  Sure, it's nowhere near smooth until you switch off the HUD, but it's playable now.

                  Makes me wonder what was running on my system and couldn't be picked up by Adaware, Spybot, TheCleaner, HijackThis and AVG. Maybe just some DLL issues. Still kinda worrying.

                  Anyway, the combat's actually not at all bad! It's pretty responsive, although I'd like more feedback my damage to the enemies.

                  I really can't wait to get into a big trading fiasco. *rubs hands together gleefully*
                  None of the traders will trade with me, cause they think I'm crap, but they'll see. I'll buy them and their mothers, and their dogs too! Bwahaha!


                    Glad to hear you got things sorted Magnakai


                      With me everytime i go to the bulletin boards there are no missions anyone else have that?


                        Originally posted by gizmo1990
                        Thanks for the comments guys on Frees[ace 2. Sounds fun, I haven't played a space game properly since I-War. I'll have a search for it.

                        Regarding Colony Wars, blimey I hope its better then that! Played the first few missions and I thought it was dire.

                        Anyway, back with the X3 love.
                        Gamespot must be reading this thread!
                        Right thats it, I'm definitely off to hunt my copy down and my old Gravis joystick too!


                          Really wish they do a sequel to freespace but rip off the branching mission structure from colony wars always thought that was great


                            I'm sure I saw a very brief mention of Freespace 3 in PC Gamer this month.


                              Oooh, whereabouts in the mag?


                                The spy section

