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Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistance

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    lol i blame having a cold

    I meant the tanker part was awesome , and yeah big shell was a little bit meh.


      woo game in my hands, pocket feeling lighter.

      really this should have been under 30 pounds, but oh well


        Originally posted by kernow
        woo game in my hands, pocket feeling lighter.

        really this should have been under 30 pounds, but oh well
        it was $20 in USA. .

        Trufact: Europe does get shafted.


          is there progressive video support in the game?

          by the way, i really wonder wether this late and already nice looking PS2 games will benefit from a PS3 outputting them in 720p.


            Played the first part of this last night, up to rescuing Sokolov etc.
            What a beautiful, marvellous, shining example of a game. The new camera is awsome, and with a push of the stick you can revert back to the old style view, which I have actually used a fair bit, especially to see guard patrol patterns.
            I couldn't stand the original release of this, but the new camera, and the fixed stuttering makes it a brand new game. It all comes in a lovely chunky box too. I'm liking this incarnation of Snake aswell, he has a little more humour than usual, and generally smiles a little more. Superb, so far.


              Am playing Metal Gear at the mo - wish I had played this back in the day - truly groundbreaking I think for it's time - I'm impressed and it's 2006!!! I can see the evolution now - am loving this though it is a bit hard & requires mega patience.

              Would love to this & MG II remade on PS2 or PSP.


                I didn't really like MG1, but MG2 is great. MGSolid is almost a remake of MG2.


                  The msx games on the pal version then? I havent played 3 yet, should i skip to substance or play the 'original' version of mgs3 first?


                    I'd definitely get the Substance pack - you can play the orginal snake eater or with the new camera - plus you get all the extras - MG & MGII - I bought this just for these 2.

                    Haven't looked at MG II yet - waiting 'til I finish Metal Gear...




                        Got this from Atticus (pal version cheers mate ) and cannot wait to get stuck in. I never really played the 2nd or 3rd ones in "proper" stealth mode. I tended to just dive in head first and to hell with the sneaking.

                        However the camera in MGS4 really clicked with me and I did a no alerts no kills run on Big Boss. My God that was an intense and brilliant gaming experience. It made me think that this was how MGS was suipposed to be played. You need some self control in other words!!

                        I'm hoping the camera in this will allow me to feel the same way about it - can't wait to get stuck in!

                        Also quick q - has anyone here ever managed to kill The End without having to fight him? App it can be done really early in the game negating the boss fight entirely! You have to love Kojima for his little touches.


                          Yep, when you first see him in the wheelchair, you have to quickly pop a bullet in his head with the sniper rifle. It's pretty funny


                            If you're very VERY sharp with a sniper rifle you can do it after heis first cutscene appearance (when he's in his wheelchair). Alternatively save the game after the boss fight against him starts, and come back to the game a week later. He'll have died of old age.

                            But why you would want to skip that fight is beyond me - best boss battle in history.


                              Awesome. Don't think I will skip it but its just nice to know there are these awesome touches to enojy on multiple playthroughs!

                              Cannot concentrate at work. Ugh.

