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Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams [PS2/JPN]

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    aye chaz, i jus found that out last night as i rescued the westerner. Many he plays like brad from Virtua Fighter. Luv the duck and diviin'. this games combat system is getting more and more complex with the introduction of newer and newer characters. I thought the seperation of the game into stages was gonna make it too linear but it helps progress the story and helps seperate the game into areas, which you can revisit.

    I have a question, how come i have nothing to appraise? is it only stuff you can get from the mobile phone codes?

    Oh my goodness, when paired off with another character and flipping between them to control, it feels jus like Biohazard 0 with ayumi......... i mean rebecca and billy. Its really frantic the battles now and im constantly wanting more genma to slay.

    On a side not im on stage 7 now, but that monk type guy looks very............ familiar. Hmmmm...................... im hoping to see jubei the original in this further in the game, as jubei the lil girl has hinted he is still around. i luv reunions, and if it does happen, will combine all games nicely. Jus need jacque back lol!

    Im sensing that this game has the potential to be as deep in combat with Devil may cry. It really does have potential, strafing and doging/blocking attacks is so vital to this games progression, i reckon its possible to get through levels without even getting touched! if i was as sharp to see enemy attacks it would make each stage look so........... good. Time will tell if the system is indeed a progression of DMC or a broken imported one with DMC techniques painted on top.

    Im really liking this one guys!



      But can you jump?


        who needs to jump when you can get knocked off yah feet every time an enemy attacks? DMC is about verticality and the 360 environment, where as onimusha opporates more on a horizontal plane, with a shimmy here and there. No shame in locking you to the ground, jus means your perception is more focussed and concentrated along a central line.

        bare in mind onimusha 4 is based upon what was set out in the original so it cnt stray too far off the track. Biohazard took like 10 iterations before they plucked up the courage to change the norm. Devil may cry started with verticality in mind so

        Still a bloody fun game!



          Having a jump button in it would mean introducing platform elements which the series really doesn't need. DMC games have always had a big platformy streak in them so it's not too bad there.

          I don't think the combat is as deep as DMC3 - for some reason it's slightly more tricky to pull off certain moves than in DMC, and the move templates are all the same (back, forward + attack; forward, back + attack; attack, forward + attack etc), whereas in DMC it involved more precise timing and directional control (also each weapon had it's own combos, where Onimusha has a standard set per character).

          As for Tenkai being familiar, I will not comment. I will, unfortunately, say that Jubei does not make any appearance.



            I really don't know why I come to this forum.
            All it does is increase my spending, I have to have this game now.
            It'll take me 20mins to get down to Sham Shui Po where I can pick up a copy and then I'll have to spend all day playing it...

            I hate you all....

            yet i love you so much haha.


              Thats right son............. get yah ass out of the new territories to the KCR, then to the MTR str8 to Sham shui po and ask Joe i sent yah, he will give yah a good deal!

              Infact cant you jus go downstairs to the shopping complex and pic one up? can be that much more expensive.



                It's normally a little more expensive downstairs. I prefer to go to Sham Shui Po because after buying the game that I want I can just wander round all look at various things I'm considering buying.


                  Omg, I can't believe I clicked this topic - HK people!!! As you probably spent more time here than me (2 months now) can you give me a clue on where to buy cheap (and good) psp games? I was looking for DJ Max Portable, found it finally in Holywood Plaza, but had to pay 370HKD - damn! Do you know of any store that might be having Metal Gear Acid 2 after its US release?



                    Dude this is an Onimusha disccussion thread, best try yah luck in the console questions thread. And who you calling a HK peep?

                    Ive temporarily given up on Onimusha 4 at the mo' so i can concentrate on the new RPGs i suddenly got my hands on. In fact i think im at the end of the first disc.



                      Put 7 hours into this today.. Very enjoyable as well. I've got a bit of a soft spot for the Onimusha games, but this one is very good. Already working on getting the combo's up, managed about 70+ earlier today in one of the challenges..


                        k0pp0 we pretty much have the same thoughts on 4, its just a game that feels right and is an enjoyable ride. At the moment on trying to balance out my characters levels as Soki was way ahead of the others.

                        The tests of valour are a nice addition to the series and add some replayability. I'm still undecided as to whether 3d backgrounds were required.


                          im enjoying this game too, after the atrocity that was Onimusha 3 - this is a nice return to form


                            I spent a grand total of 4 and a half hours on chapter 2 alone last night.

                            I absolutely love this game so far and makes me forgive the rather average Onimusha 3. The reason why I took so long on one chapter (stage) is because I was learning all the blocking, critical hits, attack patterns and best of all:

                            THE CHAINS!!

                            When I first pulled one off, which chained 3 enemies, I had the biggest grin on my face since I was on top of Colossi #3 on Shadow of the Colossus. This addition is extremely brilliant and allows for much combo-action.

                            My Soki is on Level 21 when I finished chapter 2(!) I wondered why I could kill most enemies rather easily. I liked the boss at the end of the chapter; it is not a bad one but the

                            bloody woman, Jubei, died for the first time as she seemed to enjoy standing at the bottom of where the boss would start to hop up and down

                            - not a bad start at all.

                            I am just wondering something too:

                            Throughout the entire chapter, there were blue markers indicating that you are too heavy to cross the 'such-and-such' but a little/small person could cross - am I right to think that on chapter one, most treasures and items were not available because you couldn't cross simple wooden beams?

                            There is one thing I enjoy, it is the nature of the game feeling like a RPG in terms of stats (menu) and to build the characters up in a balanced form or a certain focus on attacks rather than defense is excellent. I only have 4 weapons so far but I hope it is more than a line of fire, thunder, water, wind, light, dark and so forth.

                            The graphics are very good - I am using a component cable via my HDTV - and the ingame animation pleases me but the movies seem to be blurry in a sense that 'bloom/blur' lighting is being used and that irritates me a little bit - just keep things clean Capcom! I do miss the rendered backgrounds a bit too but the series is moving on now.

                            So far so good!


                              I seem to have built up a boat laod of money, and there' a few places where there's infinite respawning enemies to build up exp. points/wonga as well.. For the first time ever in a rpg-style game I've gone and brought all the weapons I could at the shop and I'm going to work on powering them all up.. 8)

                              Just need to free up some more time to play the bloody thing now. Having the flu worked quite nicely in my favour last week!

                              Can't believe there's so much on the first disc alone.


                                I'm not getting along with this as much as i thought i would do. I don't really like it, but i can't put my finger on why. I loved Onimusha 1,2 and 3. But im just not getting along with this one. I don't really care what happens tbh. The only thing that will redeem this is if samonosuke makes an appearence.

