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Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams [PS2/JPN]

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    Got the game today had a VERY quick go about 2min seems good.I really love exp/gold collecting in this type of game

    for the brief moment i played it i prefer the combat in genji which has launches juggles and even limited midair jump combos.

    But i still have much more to try out


      i dont know. it feels old to me, after being use to god of war. im always trying to block during or exiting a move and even trying to jump with the x button. i suppose i could get use to it eventually but it feels like the game is taking a step back when its trying to be new with the new perspective and combo-rpg style system.

      i guess playing the sword of etheria at the same time doesn't help either.
      Last edited by SuperBeatBoy; 20-03-2006, 14:35.


        I caved in, I originally went to Sham Shui Po and had a glance at the game along with a couple of others. I decided not to buy it and instead to play through Castlevania on my DS... well that's finished now and I couldn't resist it as I was walking through Shatin.
        Only managed to play it briefly last night and am still getting to grips with it. I think I'm going to thoroughly enjoy this one, I just need to master chains and go back to Chapter one to pick up those treasures that I missed.


          Originally posted by Bobontheway
          I caved in, I originally went to Sham Shui Po and had a glance at the game along with a couple of others. I decided not to buy it and instead to play through Castlevania on my DS... well that's finished now and I couldn't resist it as I was walking through Shatin.
          Only managed to play it briefly last night and am still getting to grips with it. I think I'm going to thoroughly enjoy this one, I just need to master chains and go back to Chapter one to pick up those treasures that I missed.

          LOL! mate i knew you would! Did you get a good deal then? I got mine from the golden centre for $300 about a month ago, which in sterling is abouts ?25 IIRC.

          Its a class game and a lot more fleshed out than previous iterations. Although you are still limited to set pieces, its the thrill of slicing and dicing opponants and the way you do it, that make this game.



            Been playing this and have enjoyed it.

            I do think after playing god of war and devil may cry 3 that here the combat is not as good and as responsive as i would have liked.Also having your path blocked by a rickety wooden door/fence is getting a bit tiresome now


              details details, who cares about details you have to admit though chaining them bastard genma, is satisfying right? You always wanna slice and dice em up that lil bit more right? go on admit it, yous a sadistic bast like me hehehe..................



                Yep cutting down the genma is still great fun.

                bit strange but i find the addition of a hit counter very appealing


                  The demon realm is muchos fun for chaining.. 8)


                    Yeah, I managed to pick it up for 290hkd, the guy's English was pretty good and it was a quiet in the shop so I haggled him down from 320hkd.
                    I would've payed more though, it was an impulse purchase. I saw it and I needed it.


                      I love the original Onimusha trilogy. They are all amazing, amazing games with briilliant fight mechanics, music and atmosphere.

                      Dawn of Dreams, i don't know.
                      Soki isn't as likeable as either Samanosuke or Jubei, but that's not really the problem.
                      The combat is Excellent. Incredibley improved, issen counters are a real joy.

                      What i don't like about this game is the ****-awful level designs. Absolutely horrible, boring as hell. There are so many generic looking corridors that plague most western games.

                      The camera is incredible flawed. I can't see incoming blows if i lock-onto an enemy as the camera likes to shove itself up Soki's arse. I know you can mainuplate it (slightly) with the right analogue stick, but during combat this is cumbersome and a pain in the arse.

                      The music is quite uninspired, and only a couple of tracks stand out. There are some stages (paticularly chapter 7) where the same minute is looped over. Real letdown from the previous games!

                      I got to Disc 2 and after constantly copping it from to many boss fights chained together gave up on it. Really dissapointing game overall, though praise is warrented for the combat engine.

                      I hope the next Oni game goes back to the Original Trilogy design, here's hoping Keiji Inafune redeems himself with the awesome looking Dead Rising.


                        Yeah Soki is definitely no Samanosuke or Jubei but at least he isn't a travesty like Raiden in MGS2.

                        I'm loving the combat engine and

                        have just spent one hour and ten minutes fighting my way through to level 50 of the Dark Realm. Really enjoyed it and now have the Excalibur in my possesion.

                        The story so far is uninteresting but I didn't expect anything else tbh. Anyway must crack on

                        Dark Realm level 100 awaits!



                          I have been playing this quite a bit over the weekend enjoying but finding it a very frustrating game.

                          I am used to the god of war where blocking cuts in whatever moves your are doing.

                          Also against bosses i get so frustrated when they trap you in a corner (and you have no magic to counter).It seems i am using far more health and magic items then i ever did in onimusha 2 and 3 combined.It still a good game but i think the combat could have been refined further.


                            Ho ho.. Level 50 eh? not bad. I bottled it at 40, and went back to bringing up the stats on my other characters. Try and find the Earth Sword for Soki, it doubles up the exp. points you get from a kill
                            It's got a pretty deep and fun combat engine, especially when you use the purifying sword tacked on to the end of a combo and then switch to another character and use them to continue the pummeling

                            Although the puzzles are pretty straightforward (generic push box, swap character, walk over plank , swap character etc) they seem ok. The puzzle boxes in teh other onimusha games seemed more difficult than in 4 though.. Anyone else think the same?


                              All that was running through my head from level 40 onwards was don't **** up now. The adrenaline pumping through my veins definitely helped. I was very tempted to continue though.

                              Hopefully I'll find the time to finish the main story off tonight.


                                No spoilers please!!! I'm intending to completely rinse this game like a mo'fo', with fully charged weapons/armour for everyone and collecting all the goodies..

                                If I've got the time (unlikely)

