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Cooking Mama

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    Picked this up on my way back to the hotel yesterday. Quite hard to find in Den Den but Super Potato came through. Only played it for an hour or so but importaku pretty much covered what goes on. Makes me laugh though.

    I think you lot will like it Will hone my skills by rinsing it on the plane back.

    Slightly OT - are there any similar JPN only DS games like this? I only got a Lite the other day with Ouendan and want to snag as many must have titles as I can whilst I'm here. Games that have US or EU releases can wait until I get back.


      Originally posted by segages
      Picked this up on my way back to the hotel yesterday. Quite hard to find in Den Den but Super Potato came through. Only played it for an hour or so but importaku pretty much covered what goes on. Makes me laugh though.

      I think you lot will like it Will hone my skills by rinsing it on the plane back.

      Slightly OT - are there any similar JPN only DS games like this? I only got a Lite the other day with Ouendan and want to snag as many must have titles as I can whilst I'm here. Games that have US or EU releases can wait until I get back.
      Theres 2 more ds games a bit like this but i haven tried them so buying them will be a gamble.

      This is the first one

      And this is a board game based around baking bread


        Originally posted by importaku
        Theres 2 more ds games a bit like this but i haven tried them so buying them will be a gamble.

        This is the first one

        And this is a board game based around baking bread
        There's another one where you have to spot the differences between 2 pics.

        There's a link here with a flash game too


          Tonight im starting on the translations, for the cooking sections. If you lot out there are buying it, then the least i can do is help you all out with the menus & stuff (^_^) These arent literal translations as i cant be arsed to go get the dictionary out so they are my estimations of what they do.

          When you cook there is a bar on the top screen, to the left is a green arrow. The cooking actions you need to do scroll slowly from the right to the left. When they reach the arrow you have to preform the given task.

          Now luckily, some of the actions have prompts on the screen to show you what you should be doing, ill put these in brackets next to the word so you know. Also some of the words have icons next to them so ill describe those as well.

          Using the frying pan
          ひっくりかえす Flip food (Up & down arrow appears next to pan handle)
          おす Press down food in pan (Finger appears above food in the pan)
          よわく Low heat (Yellow flame)
          ふつうに Medium heat (Orange flame)
          つよく High heat (Red flame)

          Using the stew pot
          ふきつける Blow mic to stop it boiling over (Looks like a small white cloud)
          かきまぜる Stir
          いれる Add ingredient (An ingredient will appear to the top right of the touch screen, when it flashes then you touch it to add it into the pot)

          Those are the main 2 cooking bits, theres a few dishes that have extra commands but i cant remember the names just now, it will be pretty easy to work them out as they give you visual cues.

          Right onto the main game menus i think. Once you press the touch screen to start you get to these options.....

          おりょうりをしよう (Single dish cooking)
          くみあわせてみよう (Two dish combination cooking)
          うでだめし (challenge)
          オプシヨン (Option)

          Ok so now ill go into each mode.

          おりょうりをしよう (Single dish cooking)

          This is the main mode where you will see plates of food lined up for you to cook. To go back to the main menu, press the [もどる] button to go back.

          Now when you select a dish to cook you will get 3 options at the bottom of the screen.

          やめる (Go back) れんしゅう (Practise) つくる (Next)

          くみあわせてみよう (Two dish combination cooking)

          In this mode you select 2 dishes to combine & cook together, after you select your first dish, 2 options will appear.

          やめる (Go back) つくる (Next)

          Now select your second dish to cook the same 2 options will appear again.

          やめる (Go back) つくる (Next)

          Now a picture of the finished dish will be shown followed by the same 2 options.

          やめる (Go back) つくる (Next)


          In this mode you can practise the various cooking techniques, buut they will only be in here once you have done them in the main game. Theres quite a lot of different techniques so i dont have time to translate them all at the moment so i'll stick to the options.

          When you select the technique you want to try, you will get 2 options

          やめる (Go back)  はい (Yes)

          オプシヨン (Option)

          In here there are 4 options

          タイトルにもどる (Return to title screen)
          データのしょきか (Erase save data) If selected 2 options are やめる (Go back) はい (Yes)
          ゲームをわける (Start multiplayer download game)
          クレジット (Watch game credits)

          Thats it for now, you should be able to play nearly al of the game without a hitch, you all better enjoy it or i'll get mama to piss in your soup


            Thanks for that.(^_^)

            Should help a great deal since I can't read Japanese, and I don't like consulting the dictionary every other minute.

            I hope my copy is here by tuesday.


              I think i have gotten all the dishes to cook, the grand total is 69 dishes.

              However i think there will be one more secret dish to round it upto 70. My guess is i have to get gold medals on all the dishes to unlock it, or i have to get all gold chef hats in the challenge mode.

              We'll find out sooner or later, god i love this game so much. Its my GOTY for sure (^_^)

              Forget the gold medal thing as im now at 76 dishes unlocked, which looks like all of them as the remaining empty spaces have been filled with bouncing vegetables (^_^) Yay
              Last edited by importaku; 25-03-2006, 17:08.


                Ok. Just gave this 30 mins, and taking a guess at what I was doing, it seems I was in practice mode for most of it.

                Got golds on the first dish, though cooking the steak was tricky.
                I've made what looks like muffins, and battered some fish?

                What I think is really cool is the way you have to arrange the dish once everything is cooked for presentation purposes. Plus I'm pretty good at that, so Yay.(^_^)

                Having just consulted importaku's descriptions, I'm confident I'll get some gourmet action going on in no time.


                  I've given this some serious time today. So far I've unlocked 57 dishes. 8 of those are Silver, the rest I've ranked at Gold. Took me ages.

                  Definitely has those Wario Ware vibes.
                  Probably my favourite DS game too.

                  Good to see it's still as hard to peel spuds in a videogame as it is in real life.(^_^)
                  Last edited by Emir; 29-03-2006, 21:38.


                    Aint that the bloody truth. Peeling potatoes & carrots are the 2 most hardest actions to do. It took me ages to get golds for those 2.

                    I now have golds for all but 2 dishes, the last 2 are quite hard as they involve stuffing peppers & stuffing pea dumplings. You have to get the amount you put in just right or you get a silver medal, plus you have to make sure you have none left over as well.

                    Grr i'll get there eventually.


                      Originally posted by importaku
                      ...& no you can't whip out your knob for mama to see.
                      I'm hoping you can do that in Cooking Dada.


                        Originally posted by DavidFallows
                        I'm hoping you can do that in Cooking Dada.
                        Hmm dont know wether to let you near my ds on saturday, i dont know if mama will be safe from you (^_^)

                        The horror she could be subjected to when she's expecting a stylus & gets somthing else


                          If you're still running on a 1st gen DS she's more likely to get a huge wad of foam from my mouth after I hit the deck from whatever it is on those bastards that kick my ass more than the Virtual Boy ever did.

                          Thank god those days are now in the past and I can finally play DS games. Unfortunately my dead pixel-less white DS Lite won't arrive until Monday/Tuesday now so I'll have to pass on Big Mama unless someone else brings one I'm afraid. I still run at the sight of 1st gen DSs.

                          "The show ain't over till the fat bitch spit, and she ain't spit ****!"
                          Last edited by dataDave; 30-03-2006, 23:23.


                            Originally posted by importaku
                            Aint that the bloody truth. Peeling potatoes & carrots are the 2 most hardest actions to do. It took me ages to get golds for those 2.

                            I now have golds for all but 2 dishes, the last 2 are quite hard as they involve stuffing peppers & stuffing pea dumplings. You have to get the amount you put in just right or you get a silver medal, plus you have to make sure you have none left over as well.

                            Grr i'll get there eventually.
                            Arggh. Them Pepper stuffing dishes do my nut in. There's always one that isn't quite full. It'll reduce me to tears if I don't perfect it soon.


                              Majesco have announced they'll be bringing this out in the West (no date set yet though)


                                How import friendly is this to a gamer who knows no Japanese, speaks no Japanese and doesnt intend to?

