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Final Fantasy XII

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    Now i feel well guilty lol! I dont fight any boss with out quickening chains. Is it easier if i melee the bosses? Hmm might try that tonight!



      The key is to chain the required number of mistknacks for certain techniques at the end. Cataclysm is seven level 1 mistKnacks for instance.

      I'm currently stuck

      Fighting CID in Archades , takes me all the time to wipe out the damn droid type things.Then he kicks my ass

      Sure I need to level up some more.


        I don’t rely totally on melee but I focus on magick/techniks. Green/Time Magick especially. I try and always stick Blind/Silence/Slow on the bosses and ensure my damage dealers have Haste. I also got Faith and Bravery last night which I hope to work into my spell cycle.

        But if you are able to use Quickening Chains better than me, I’d stick with that.


          I'm pretty near C and 112, just beat a guy with droids

          I am playing fairly simply: my team -
          Ashe - my ever present atm. Likes to hang back and do the magic to enable others to do damage. She deals the green/white/time magic at the start and then keeps it ticking over. I keep her immune from silence. I've got her with a dagger for the dungeons but sometimes swap in a gun for the range.

          Balthier - much as I wanted to I could not separate him from his gun! Stays back and deals nice damage while staying out of trouble. Also set him up with emergency curaga for the team as he takes it less than the others.

          Vaan - swords hurt. a lot. Actually, I give him a one hander so he can use a shield. his magic is alright too but more physical.
          Basch - cool swords hurt more! basch gets the katanas or ninja swords. More comboing so bit more damage but has less all round to him. Keep him for the simpler tasks.

          Fran - ranged with either bows or cross bows. A sub but capable. Tried to make her a magicer but not as good as ashe.

          Penelo - similar to fran tbh. Again a sub with more magic than power.

          3 magic-users and 3 pain givers!
          Similar to C, I try to impair the boss early on - silence often comes from balthier's bullets. I cast slow and blind where possible too. I like to have my magic user hasted so that they can pull out the cures quickly.

          Quickenings wise, i try to use a load of low level ones to chain more - get 15 or so most of the time but not always useful. A little tip though is to use the big attacks before they are HP critical cos they usually go hardcore after that. Usually bosses are weaker at the start so hit them hard then. As they close up to the end, then put the mists on them as hopefully you will miss out their critical phase. *sometimes* works anyway.
          I use Espers purely as a respite - are they not utter gash??


            Originally posted by saif View Post
            I'm pretty near C and 112, just beat a guy with droids


              lol, well i spent a couple of hours on this last night and i made it to a boss with wings Bloody hell i got my ass handed to me again, must admit though my peeps leveled up a hell of a lot on my way to him. Im on the level

              where you walk on green circles and have to hit switches to get through them, bloody hell i hate it when i get hit with a lot of ailments! I dont have many remedies and to use ensuna and then a handkerchief etc is a pain an a half, especially when all yah peeps fall victim to it. It can really throw you off in a battle!

              My main man Vaan is at lv 50s and everyone else is in their 40s. I wanna be hitting 60s ish with them all jus to be sure. Vaan is ALWAYS present in all battles hence why he has such a leap above everyone else lol!



                67 hours clocked so far, still loving it. Just about the go to


                , but I'm trying to catch up on the hunts I've been neglecting, most are pretty easy now!
                Average lvl 58 for main party.

                Also beat the Esper boss in the

                Zertinian Caverns

                and in the

                Wyrm's Nest in the Dalmasca Westersand


                I also seem to be finding Espers and Quickenings a bit useless, finding melee w/ green/time magicks most effective.


                  All my guys are level 40 , with the exception of Vann , 42. Just defreated

                  Deadalus in Girvegan , finishing him off with Luminesance.^^

                  I've been trying to keep them all level , and do as many sub quests/hunts are possible.


                    So is this a good FF to start on then? I was encouraged by what I read in the Edge review about the stuff borrowed from MMO's and the Gambit stuff for automating party members. Would I be horribly lost in a long running story, or are they seperate? Appreciate any advice.


                      All of the main FF games are completely separate when it comes to story. They've started to keep using the world of Ivalice (it's been in FFXII, FF Tactics, FF Tactics Advance, and Vagrant Story so far) but no crossovers yet, beyond things like Cid.

                      It's a good one to start with, though. It breaks so much from the other games that it's like starting over for even series veterans. Definitely worth going back to some of the classics as well, though.


                        Cool, appreciate your thoughts. Will give it a go.


                          Bit stuck on finding DeathGaze =/

                          I gather I'm supposed to talk to the traveler kid with the parents to get the hunt, then ride an airship to any aerodrome, talk to him again and he'll give more and more hints everytime I do this until I get to fight DeathGaze right?

                          With me he just says the same thing every time, never giving further hints. Any ideas? A bug?

                          EDIT - Just as I post this, I find it!

                          The ****ty kid still didn't give any more clues though.

                          Last edited by sj33; 07-02-2007, 13:10.


                            Just completed this. Really enjoyed it. I had no problem with the recent FF's like some people did, but the change of style and pace was refreshing none-the-less.

                            Story went a bit silly towards the end, especially considering it starts so serious and political, and they could have done a bit more with the characters.... the characters themselves were great, but the end left me killing for more expansion on them. Characterisation was definately downplayed compared to the previous games (which gave the previous games the unfair 'teen angst' reputation), and I came away wanting more.

                            But that just leaves me gagging for the DS game.

                            Regardless, a brilliant, risky game that everyone, even those who dislike FF and JRPG's, may enjoy.

                            81 hours here too, and I missed some Hunts and Espers =P


                              Been sinking a huge amount of time into this game recently, in fact, it's the only game I've been playing this last couple of weeks having now clocked just under 65 hours of play time.

                              Still not really liking the combat compared to the turn based stuff, though it's grown on me a bit. I find that the gambits never really work how you intend them too, like setting up a "weak to ice" gambit Vaan uses blizzard spells exclusively even when they're not weak to ice :/

                              It's turned mostly into melee combat all the time because spell casting is such a pain through the menus, especially for non-leader characters, area effect spells being particularly crap because you're never guaranteed to hit every thing as they wonder about. In other FF games, I'd use magic and summons far more often as they were there to use without all the faffing about.

                              That said I've still managed to lose a lot of time to the game, so it's doing something right. At the moment I'm concentrating on the hunts. Doing the level 5 creatures atm, which seem to fluctuate wildly in difficulty. Elementals have been driving me mad at times too, as they're the same; still struggling to kill some of them, even at an average of level 56 for the party, with a filled license board across the top for all characters ( gotta love those Golden Amulets ).

                              I'm up to

                              Ridorana Cataract

                              in the story now, so I think I'm getting pretty close to the end.

                              Definitely worth a look if you were put off FF games by the combat before, because it's very different here, but there is still the grind if you want to make short work of the bosses.


                                I found I never used the Espers as they just never seemed much good other than giving you another magic bar, and only used Magic where the game forced me to (physical immume enemies or flying enemies). It was really all about melee combined w/ Green and Time Magic for me.
                                Even Quickenings were never very useful for me.

                                Maybe there's a trick to them, never needed any of it though.
                                Last edited by sj33; 12-02-2007, 10:24.

