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Viewtiful Joe

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    Strange that is what I was doing Saur, but I could swear it took more than one hit to kill... more like 2 or 3. Ah well, it does the business quick at least
    Lie with passion and be forever damned...


      Originally posted by Saurian
      Red Hot Kick is vital!

      You use it to cover more ground during Slow combos, it can be cancelled into Dragon Kick using a quick Zoom. Infact a right Red Hot Kick can be cancelled into a left Dragon kick and vice versa.

      If you want to reach targetted enemies that have been knocked away during Slow combos, Red Hot Kick does the business. After the kick connects toggle Zoom in and out quickly to keep the kick going (Red Hot Kick bounces off enemies and Dragon Kick melts through)
      Thanks for the tips - I'll start factoring in the RHK next time I play


        Originally posted by Mayhem
        Strange that is what I was doing Saur, but I could swear it took more than one hit to kill... more like 2 or 3. Ah well, it does the business quick at least
        If you hit the Pussybots at the helicopter using Kick (diagonal) the enemy passes straght through it and usually connects as 2 attacks (smacks the front then smacks again through the blades or tail)
        If the helicopter is on the floor use punch to send a Pussybot straight through it.


          Originally posted by Saurian
          I took adult mode as normal and didnt have any problems finishing it at all - (no continues either)
          The worst thing is we know you're not joking


          I'm finding Adult a slog, but I'm still enjoying it. Right now I'm up to

          Originally posted by spoiler
          The copy of Joe
          and you're right that its all about attack patterns and tactics


            Originally posted by Saurian
            I dont understand how people can think this game is hard.
            I tend to agree with that. I'm not finding it too tough, although i do think it is more difficult than the average game released in this day and age.

            Just finished Normal last night after playing solidly for a couple of days.


              I just finished V-Rated!

              Originally posted by spoiler
              I've unlocked Alastor. He plays in a totally weird manner, and to be honest I don't think he'll prove to be much fun since you can't keep him charged up all that long. As for unlocking Captain Blue? I have absolutely no desire to play through Ultra V mode anyway, after the cable-chewing and pad-slinging that I had to go through to beat V-rated. I found the train to be the hardest part of the game on V-Rated mode, just because you get so little room to move and so many bloody ninjas all over you, whilst simultaneously getting shot to pieces by the bazooka guys and rock-slinging yellow gorilla guys. I didn't find Leo to be much harder on V-Rated than he was on Adult (I was **** scared about that encounter), but I'm told that on Ultra V mode you don't even get a warning as to where they're going to hit you.

              Leo without any indicator of where he'll hit besides his roar? **** that.


                I'm amazed that Capcom didn't decide to put this out in the arcades as well.

                It reminds me so much of those old-style 2d beat-em-ups, where you'll be tearing your hair out trying to beat that boss.

                But, here I sit, playing it on a whopping great big tv screen, so perhaps I shouldn't worry too much.

                Best game on the GC by a mile, in my opinion, and certainly the best game I've played this year (Halo doesn't count any more!).

                Capcom, you've got something rather special here.

                EDIT: Oh wait, Capcom have stopped doing arcades haven't they?
                That'll explain it then!


                  Originally posted by JoeK
                  Best game on the GC by a mile, in my opinion, and certainly the best game I've played this year (Halo doesn't count any more!).

                  Capcom, you've got something rather special here.
                  Spot on. Whenever I get around to playing some videogames, there's only one title on top of the list that I want to play at the moment, and that's Viewtiful. I started adult at the weekend, but I've not finished it yet. Hopefully sometime soon though. Considering all the extra secret characters and difficulty modes, I think it's safe to say this game has depth in terms of longevity.

                  Then there's the freeform fighting dynamic, the mind blowing presentation, the mechanical depth, the style, the pace, the addiction...


                    Originally posted by Concept

                    Spot on. Whenever I get around to playing some videogames, there's only one title on top of the list that I want to play at the moment, and that's Viewtiful. I started adult at the weekend, but I've not finished it yet. Hopefully sometime soon though. Considering all the extra secret characters and difficulty modes, I think it's safe to say this game has depth in terms of longevity.

                    Then there's the freeform fighting dynamic, the mind blowing presentation, the mechanical depth, the style, the pace, the addiction...
                    And, in what must be a first for Capcom, the voice-acting is half-way decent! Infact, I'd go so far as to say spot on!

                    It can't get much better really.


                      I was playing Joe but then neglected it for a bit, when the shark frustrated me. Now I'm on the sub. I have to confess the shark gave me a hard time on kids of all modes and then I continued and beat him. I wonder if the game took pitty on me and let me beat him or if I suddenly had no fear.

                      Anyway my continue stares at me from the loading screen like a badge of shame. Why does Capcom hate for people to continue if they put them in there? Why not have a save spot right before? I can reload an older save and replay it, I have them all in order, its just I want to get a feel for it like I did with PN3, another continue hating game. I just don't understand why at the end they'll be like "Continues Used" and shame me for it. Curse you capcom and your continue hating, but bless you for Viewtiful Joe. The sub torpedo bit is a clever bit of puzzling goodness.


                        I must apologise for what I am about to say, as it will be very boring. After all there are now 34 pages of the same thing. But having just played Joe for the first time I truly understand what you guys have been saying. It really is a masterpiece. I sat down to give it a quick shot and before I knew it 3 hours had gone Although I love playing games, I rarely find myself playing a single game for any real length of time. Joe, however just sucks the <STARTREK> temporal particles </STARTREK> right out of you

                        Anyway, I suck at anything resembling writing and it's all been said before much more eloquently. Just thought I would, umm, agree.

                        Great game.


                        PS:- PN.03 is pretty good too, I can see why people would get annoyed with the controls, but it just requires time/practice.


                          I've been playing Joe for about 4 nights now (be very careful of that ebayer who was selling these cheap - he's got many negs and loads of his positives are 'games arrived very late' - mine took an 'early' two weeks from paypal payment).

                          I was playing it through on kids having read as little as possible just to see how much I could get to grips with it myself. It's a fantastic ride.

                          Then getting through these pages I jumped onto hard trying the rinse method. I love seeing a game's depth, it's a wondrous thing when it rewards you. Thanks Capcom.

                          Having trouble with the multiplier though. I can do three and occassionally four x but I can't seem to get past this. Left at the beginning of level two there's a good spot for a load of baddies but even if I send four to sleep I seem to be just knocking people around without racking the multiplier past four. Any tips? I'm managing to hit some of the rainbow 'V's when it sums the level section up but massive multiplication is escaping me - I figure I need it to buy the powerups I want. I'm hitting the blue bottles but on Adult they're not giving me enough to get along.

                          It's such a good game.


                            I dont understand how people can think this game is hard.
                            I am finding it really quite hard, and I am not one to usually be put off by hard games - for example I have completed Ikaruga on 1 credit.

                            I have died numerous times on this game and had to continue numerous times, and I still havent managed to beat Leo on Kids mode yet...


                              It's 'cos we ain't had a decent side-scroller/beat 'em up for ages so we're all well rusty


                                The only problem with Leo is getting to learn his pattern and when to hit him. There are a few helpful tips earlier on in this topic, if you get stuck.

                                Oh, and
                                Originally posted by spoiler
                                the last two bosses are a piece of piss compared to Leo. Both Robot Blue and Captain Blue drop like a $10 whore after a couple of light slaps.

