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Viewtiful Joe

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    Yeah man it's easy

    Just go right to where the (now stationary) torpedos are and jump up the platforms on the top right of the screen.


      So who's finished it then?

      I haven't - currently having my arse kicked by
      Originally posted by spoiler
      the Joe clone on level 4(?)
      No hints needed though - I'll mash that bast tonight


        Originally posted by charlie angel
        So who's finished it then?

        I haven't - currently having my arse kicked by
        Originally posted by spoiler
        the Joe clone on level 4(?)
        No hints needed though - I'll mash that bast tonight
        yeh, i had trouble with him at first, the little devil... but then i left it for the evening and came back the following morning and showed him who was boss first go! Ur probably be surprised and beat him on ur 1st or 2nd attempt tonight. Good luck!

        Oh, btw, what did u think of the stage before that boss? Personally i loved it. Probably not the most enjoyable, but still so much fun. I love how you had to
        Originally posted by spoiler
        turn the submarine upside down then back to normal again a little later
        also those
        Originally posted by spoiler
        giant missiles
        reminded me of the classic forest levels from Super Mario World Oh how i smiled.
        ----Member since April 2002


          am I missing something on the Sub level because I can't remember turning the sub upside down at all.


            Originally posted by Adam Stone
            Oh, btw, what did u think of the stage before that boss? Personally i loved it. Probably not the most enjoyable, but still so much fun. I love how you had to
            Originally posted by spoiler
            turn the submarine upside down then back to normal again a little later
            also those
            Originally posted by spoiler
            giant missiles
            reminded me of the classic forest levels from Super Mario World Oh how i smiled.
            Great level - very inventive & entertaining; particularly when you meet the little black ninja guys. I hadn't thought about the Mario World comparison, but I totally see it now you mention it

            MikeF - it is possible to get straight to the boss without flipping the sub (I did by accident, first time), but you miss out on quite a lot of the level.


              Heh, if you have done the level, then u probably did it without actually realizing.

              I put the below in a spoiler quote as there may be some people who haven't done this part yet

              Originally posted by spoiler
              You turn it for the first time after you get the wheel (to steer the submarine) and put it in its rightful place. After you have done a few things (like stopping the missiles) you then have to go back and turn it again by kicking the wheel. Then? after some sot of explosion, the entire submarine turns again but vertically.
              Great level - very inventive & entertaining; particularly when you meet the little black ninja guys. I hadn't thought about the Mario World comparison, but I totally see it now you mention it

              MikeF - it is possible to get straight to the boss without flipping the sub (I did by accident, first time), but you miss out on quite a lot of the level.
              wow. Really? I never knew you could actually do the level without I am gonna have to try that now
              ----Member since April 2002



                Likewise... I got by without doing that bit at all... went from section 1 to section 3 bypassing section 2... doing Mach speed over the missiles prevents you from being hurt by them
                Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                  I'm on the sub now. That shark boss was piss easy, I just kept doing slow 360 kicks until my VFX bar nearly ran out, then dodged his killer mouth attack, then 360-ed him again till he bit it.

                  I'm a bit stuck on the sub now. I've got the wheel and put it in the sub, and now I'm supposed to head towards the engine room, right? In the direction where the rockets come from? Well, I've got to the huge spinning gears, and I've figured out I need to use Mach Speed to run over them, but I keep dying as I try to do it. Joe just keeps running on the end of the gear, nearly at the end, but then he get's thrown off. But my VFX bar doesn't run out, so it's a bit wierd. Any tips?


                    Originally posted by srgbilco
                    I'm a bit stuck on the sub now. I've got the wheel and put it in the sub, and now I'm supposed to head towards the engine room, right? In the direction where the rockets come from? Well, I've got to the huge spinning gears, and I've figured out I need to use Mach Speed to run over them, but I keep dying as I try to do it. Joe just keeps running on the end of the gear, nearly at the end, but then he get's thrown off. But my VFX bar doesn't run out, so it's a bit wierd. Any tips?
                    Use slow & you'll be able to target a yellow bit on each gear - punch or kick the yellow bit & the gear will stop moving

                    Then, just saunter over.


                      Originally posted by charlie angel
                      Originally posted by Adam Stone
                      Oh, btw, what did u think of the stage before that boss? Personally i loved it. Probably not the most enjoyable, but still so much fun. I love how you had to
                      Originally posted by spoiler
                      turn the submarine upside down then back to normal again a little later
                      also those
                      Originally posted by spoiler
                      giant missiles
                      reminded me of the classic forest levels from Super Mario World Oh how i smiled.
                      MikeF - it is possible to get straight to the boss without flipping the sub (I did by accident, first time), but you miss out on quite a lot of the level.
                      Good Job I have a save at the begining of the level then


                        Originally posted by charlie angel
                        So who's finished it then?

                        I haven't - currently having my arse kicked by
                        Originally posted by spoiler
                        the Joe clone on level 4(?)
                        No hints needed though - I'll mash that bast tonight
                        Well, I finished it on kids when I got frustrated with the underwater level on adult. Now on last stage on Adult, and should finish it tonight unless there are a couple of surprises waiting for me.

                        On a side note, thanks to Saurian for that move list, would never have tried the zoom uppercut otherwise


                          Just done the train bit and the boss, that was fun . Whats the best method of beating the big yellow and black guys ?


                            Here is a little thati has been put about the yellow dudes previously...

                            Quote: charlie angel

                            The yellow dudes can be beaten easily - wait for them to attack, jump behind them then use a slow/zoom/one hundred hand - takes them down in a couple of hits
                            Quote: Me
                            Also you can wait for them to attack and simply just dodge them... and attack when dizzy, or wait until they get confused and put their back towards you. It seems their weak point is their back
                            I tend to use the bombs against them most of the time. One perfect hit will sort them out.

                            The Black dudes? Quite a bit has been mentioned about them on the past 2 pages Too much to quote... look on page 22, there ur find some stuff
                            ----Member since April 2002



                              Well I just managed level 2
                              Davidson is a real pain, didn't really enjoy fighting him at all.

                              Got a little way through level 3 and well passed the first checkpoint - finding it a bit on the tough side though. I'm almost tempted to start again on Kids...but that will be too easy


                                Go for it Pete. At first i was put off Kids mode as I thought it was being too easy, but I kept going. I am glad I did. It does get harder and it does have its benefits. It gets you used to stringing together combos, using the different moves, and especially how to mix and match all the moves (slow, zoom, max speed etc) without a second thought.

                                Personally... I would advice going through Kids, perfect it, and then go back to adult. I think ur be surprised by how much you would have improved and how much u are finding adult less hard and more enjoyable.
                                ----Member since April 2002


