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Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires (Xbox 360)

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    The range of options available to you vary depending on which campaign you're playing. So you can't go up to Max officers just yet.

    You'll have to starts with a new army in a new campaign, but it doesn't reset the count for your achievments. Once you'vce got an officier, it stays got for the purposes of the achievment.

    Depending on what options you pick, you can start with everyone back down at their starting experience level, or you can have them carry over experience already earned.


      Cheers! It was the Officer count I was wondering about..

      There is a new option called ANNEX, where it lets you take control of capitals by taking the base, or taking the base and completley isolating it. Or you can make switch it so you can't take the capital (pointless, surely?).

      I presume its the first option you want? "Taking a forces capital gains all areas that force control"


        Thats the one that the first campaign has it set to, yes.

        The other options lead to longer games, which can be fun too.


          I seem to be hammering through the 2nd campaign much, much quicker than the first one. I discovered tonight that if you beat the main d00d in a region of areas, you get all the areas in one battle instead of having to do them all - Doh! That would of saved some serious time last time. Ah well!!

          My main man from the first campaign is now on a different side. I beat him in a battle but he refused to join. I presume that is because as far as the main game save goes, he's already on there? He was quite well specced up from the last campaign too which might be the reason. Well I definetly have him anyway from the last campaign as he was who I used throughout it.


            Still playing through this and I am liking it a lot. I have managed to get some of the secret battles too which are quite cool. They randomly appear at certain points during each campaign and you get a 360 achievement award for them too.

            My main dude is now maxed out, so I am going to try and get a few more officers specced up nicely too. When you get the forces for your officers around the 10,000 mark the battles are superb and absolute carnage can be had on screen.

            I'll definetly see this through to the end..


              Who is the main dude in each area then? I don't know how to identify him! Would be a lot more useful, hehe.

              It seems to be alright so far too.


                When you've got a region hightlighted, it should have the name and face of the commanding dude there on the screen. You then just have to scan his regions to see which one he's in.

                Of course, you can't always get at it, but it means you can plan your attacks to win in the minimum number of fights.

                The bonus missions aren't random though, there are set triggers that start each one. Of course, knowing the original Dynasty Warriors 5 makes it easier to work out...


                  I have all the secret stages unlocked now, yay! Battle of Yi Ling was a bitch to find and it seems there are a couple of different methods of unlocking it, depending which character/region you start with.

                  Anyway, on with the show! I have one final campaign to play through after completing my current one, so nearly done now..


                    Ploughing through the last campaign now. I have about 15 officers left and aren't really picking any new ones up at the moment - hopefullly that will change soon. I was thinking of quitting when I complete it and get all 250 officers, but I might play again with my maxed up officers; they are pretty **** hot now.


                      100% completed now with all officers. I enjoyed that, after the completley unfriendly and frustrating start.

